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We develop an efficient method based on the linear regression algorithm to probe the cosmological CPT violation using the CMB polarisation data. We validate this method using simulated CMB data and apply it to recent CMB observations. We find that a combined data sample of BICEP1 and BOOMERanG 2003 favours a nonzero isotropic rotation angle at $2.3sigma$ confidence level, ie, $Deltaalpha=-3.3 pm1.4$ deg (68% CL) with systematics included.
Employing a nonparametric approach of the principal component analysis (PCA), we forecast the future constraint on the equation of state $w(z)$ of dark energy, and on the effective Newton constant $mu(k,z)$, which parameterise the effect of modified gravity, using the planned SKA HI galaxy survey. Combining with the simulated data of Planck and Dark Energy Survey (DES), we find that SKA Phase 1 (SKA1) and SKA Phase 2 (SKA2) can well constrain $3$ and $5$ eigenmodes of $w(z)$ respectively. The errors of the best measured modes can be reduced to 0.04 and 0.023 for SKA1 and SKA2 respectively, making it possible to probe dark energy dynamics. On the other hand, SKA1 and SKA2 can constrain $7$ and $20$ eigenmodes of $mu(k,z)$ respectively within 10% sensitivity level. Furthermore, 2 and 7 modes can be constrained within sub percent level using SKA1 and SKA2 respectively. This is a significant improvement compared to the combined datasets without SKA.
We measure the sum of the neutrino particle masses using the three-dimensional galaxy power spectrum of the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) Data Release 9 (DR9) CMASS galaxy sample. Combined with the cosmic microwave backgroun d (CMB), supernova (SN) and additional baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO) data, we find upper 95 percent confidence limits of the neutrino mass $Sigma m_{ u}<0.340$ eV within a flat $Lambda$CDM background, and $Sigma m_{ u}<0.821$ eV, assuming a more general background cosmological model. The number of neutrino species is measured to be $N_{rm eff}=4.308pm0.794$ and $N_{rm eff}=4.032^{+0.870}_{-0.894}$ for these two cases respectively. We study and quantify the effect of several factors on the neutrino measurements, including the galaxy power spectrum bias model, the effect of redshift-space distortion, the cutoff scale of the power spectrum, and the choice of additional data. The impact of neutrinos with unknown masses on other cosmological parameter measurements is investigated. The fractional matter density and the Hubble parameter are measured to be $Omega_M=0.2796pm0.0097$, $H_0=69.72^{+0.90}_{-0.91}$ km/s/Mpc (flat $Lambda$CDM) and $Omega_M=0.2798^{+0.0132}_{-0.0136}$, $H_0=73.78^{+3.16}_{-3.17}$ km/s/Mpc (more general background model). Based on a Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL) parametrisation of the equation-of-state $w$ of dark energy, we find that $w=-1$ is consistent with observations, even allowing for neutrinos. Similarly, the curvature Omega_K and the running of the spectral index $alpha_s$ are both consistent with zero. The tensor-to-scaler ratio is constrained down to $r<0.198$ (95 percent CL, flat $Lambda$ CDM) and $r<0.440$ (95 percent CL, more general background model).
We develop an efficient, non-parametric Bayesian method for reconstructing the time evolution of the dark energy equation of state w(z) from observational data. Of particular importance is the choice of prior, which must be chosen carefully to minimi se variance and bias in the reconstruction. Using a principal component analysis, we show how a correlated prior can be used to create a smooth reconstruction and also avoid bias in the mean behaviour of w(z). We test our method using Wiener reconstructions based on Fisher matrix projections, and also against more realistic MCMC analyses of simulated data sets for Planck and a future space-based dark energy mission. While the accuracy of our reconstruction depends on the smoothness of the assumed w(z), the relative error for typical dark energy models is <10% out to redshift z=1.5.
We test Einstein gravity using cosmological observations of both expansion and structure growth, including the latest data from supernovae (Union2.1), CMB (WMAP7), weak lensing (CFHTLS) and peculiar velocity of galaxies (WiggleZ). We fit modified gra vity parameters of the generalized Poisson equations simultaneously with the effective equation of state for the background evolution, exploring the covariances and model dependence. The results show that general relativity is a good fit to the combined data. Using a Pad{e} approximant form for the gravity deviations accurately captures the time and scale dependence for theories like $f(R)$ and DGP gravity, and weights high and low redshift probes fairly. For current observations, cosmic growth and expansion can be fit simultaneously with little degradation in accuracy, while removing the possibility of bias from holding one aspect fixed.

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