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Merging galaxy clusters leave long-lasting signatures on the baryonic and non-baryonic cluster constituents, including shock fronts, cold fronts, X-ray substructure, radio halos, and offsets between the dark matter and the gas components. Using obser vations from Chandra, the Jansky Very Large Array, the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, and the Hubble Space Telescope, we present a multiwavelength analysis of the merging Frontier Fields cluster MACS J0416.1-2403 (z=0.396), which consists of a NE and a SW subclusters whose cores are separated on the sky by ~250 kpc. We find that the NE subcluster has a compact core and hosts an X-ray cavity, yet it is not a cool core. Approximately 450 kpc south-south west of the SW subcluster, we detect a density discontinuity that corresponds to a compression factor of ~1.5. The discontinuity was most likely caused by the interaction of the SW subcluster with a less massive structure detected in the lensing maps SW of the subclusters center. For both the NE and the SW subclusters, the dark matter and the gas components are well-aligned, suggesting that MACS J0416.1-2403 is a pre-merging system. The cluster also hosts a radio halo, which is unusual for a pre-merging system. The halo has a 1.4 GHz power of (1.06 +/- 0.09) x 10^{24} W Hz^{-1}, which is somewhat lower than expected based on the X-ray luminosity of the cluster. We suggest that we are either witnessing the birth of a radio halo, or have discovered a rare ultra-steep spectrum halo.
The galaxy cluster ZwCl 2341.1+0000 is a merging system at z=0.27, which hosts two radio relics and a central, faint, filamentary radio structure. The two radio relics have unusually flat integrated spectral indices of -0.49 +/- 0.18 and -0.76 +/- 0. 17, values that cannot be easily reconciled with the theory of standard diffusive shock acceleration of thermal particles at weak merger shocks. We present imaging results from XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of the cluster, aimed to detect and characterise density discontinuities in the ICM. As expected, we detect a density discontinuity near each of the radio relics. However, if these discontinuities are the shock fronts that fuelled the radio emission, then their Mach numbers are surprisingly low, both <=2. We studied the aperture of the density discontinuities, and found that while the NW discontinuity spans the whole length of the NW radio relic, the arc spanned by the SE discontinuity is shorter than the arc spanned by the SE relic. This startling result is in apparent contradiction with our current understanding of the origin of radio relics. Deeper X-ray data are required to confirm our results and to determine the nature of the density discontinuities.
CIZA J2242.8+5301, a merging galaxy cluster at z=0.19, hosts a double-relic system and a faint radio halo. Radio observations at frequencies ranging from a few MHz to several GHz have shown that the radio spectral index at the outer edge of the N rel ic corresponds to a shock of Mach number 4.6+/-1.1, under the assumptions of diffusive shock acceleration of thermal particles in the test particle regime. Here, we present results from new Chandra observations of the cluster. The Chandra surface brightness profile across the N relic only hints to a surface brightness discontinuity (<2-sigma detection). Nevertheless, our reanalysis of archival Suzaku data indicates a temperature discontinuity across the relic that is consistent with a Mach number of 2.5+/-0.5, in agreement with previously published results. This confirms that the Mach number at the shock traced by the N relic is much weaker than predicted from the radio. Puzzlingly, in the Chandra data we also identify additional inner small density discontinuities both on and off the merger axis. Temperature measurements on both sides of the discontinuities do not allow us to undoubtedly determine their nature, although a shock front interpretation seems more likely. We speculate that if the inner density discontinuities are indeed shock fronts, then they are the consequence of violent relaxation of the dark matter cores of the clusters involved in the merger.
The cluster 1RXS J0603.3+4214 is a merging galaxy cluster that hosts three radio relics and a giant radio halo. The northern relic, the Toothbrush, is 1.9-Mpc long and has an unusual linear morphology. According to simple diffusive shock acceleration theory, its radio spectral index indicates a Mach number of 3.3-4.6. Here, we present results from a deep XMM-Newton observation of the cluster. We observe two distinct cluster cores that have survived the merger. The presence of three shocks at or near the locations of the radio relics is confirmed by density and temperature discontinuities. However, the observation poses several puzzles that challenge our understanding of radio relics: (i) at the Toothbrush, the shock Mach number is not larger than 2, in apparent conflict with the shock strength predicted from the radio spectrum; (ii) at the Toothbrush, the shock front is, in part, spatially offset from the radio emission; (iii) at the eastern relic, we detect a temperature jump corresponding to a Mach number of approximately 2.5, but there is no associated surface brightness discontinuity. We discuss possible explanations for these findings.
101 - G. A. Ogrean , M. Bruggen 2012
The Coma cluster is one of the nearest galaxy clusters, and the first one in which a radio halo and a peripheral relic were discovered. While its halo and the central parts of the intracluster medium have been studied extensively, X-ray observations of the plasma near its relic have been scarce. Here, we present results from a re-analysis of a 22-ks archival XMM-Newton observation. Across the relic, we detect a shock of Mach number about 2. This excludes the previously suggested hypothesis that the relic was formed by turbulence. Furthermore, multiwavelenth observations and numerical models do not support the scenario in which the shock at the Coma relic is an outgoing cluster-merger shock. Instead, our results lend support to the idea that the relic coincides with an infall shock front formed just as the NGC 4839 group falls onto the cluster along a cosmic filament.
Multiwavelength studies of radio relics at merger shocks set powerful constraints on the relics origin and formation mechanism. However, for X-ray observations, a main difficulty is represented by the low X-ray surface brightness far out in the clust er outskirts, where relics are typically found. Here, we present XMM-Newton results from a 130-ks observation of CIZA J2242.8+5301, a cluster at z=0.19 that hosts a double radio relic. We focus on the well-defined northern relic. There is a difference of ~55% between the temperature we measure behind the relic, and the temperature measured with Suzaku. We analyse the reasons for this large discrepancy, and discuss the possibility of reliably measuring the temperature beyond the northern relic.
We studied the intracluster medium of the galaxy cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301 using deep XMM-Newton observations. The cluster hosts a remarkable 2-Mpc long, ~50-kpc wide radio relic that has been nicknamed the Sausage. A smaller, more irregular counter- relic is also present, along with a faint giant radio halo. We analysed the distribution of the ICM physical properties, and searched for shocks by trying to identify density and temperature discontinuities. East of the southern relic, we find evidence of shock compression corresponding to a Mach number of 1.3, and speculate that the shock extends beyond the length of the radio structure. The ICM temperature increases at the northern relic. More puzzling, we find a wall of hot gas east of the cluster centre. A partial elliptical ring of hot plasma appears to be present around the merger. While radio observations and numerical simulations predict a simple merger geometry, the X-ray results point towards a more complex merger scenario.
We use XMM-Newton observations of the galaxy cluster MaxBCG J217.95869+13.53470 to analyze its physical properties and dynamical state. MaxBCG J217.95869+13.53470 is found at a redshift of 0.16, has a mass of ~1x10^14 Msun, and a luminosity of 7.9x10 ^43 erg/s. The temperature map shows the presence of hot regions towards the north and west of the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG). From the entropy distribution, regions of high entropy match the location of the hot regions; more high entropy regions are found to the west, and ~165 kpc to the southwest of the central AGN. A second X-ray bright galaxy is visible ~90 kpc to the northeast of the BCG, at a redshift of 0.162. This galaxy is likely to be the BCG of a smaller, infalling galaxy cluster. The mass of the smaller cluster is ~10 percent the mass of MaxBCG J217.95869+13.53470, yielding an impact parameter of ~30-100 kpc. We compare the results of our X-ray observations with GMRT observations of the radio source VLSS J1431.8+1331, located at the center of the cluster. Two sources are visible in the radio: a central elongated source that bends at its northern and southern ends, and a southwestern source that coincides with a region of high entropy. The radio sources are connected by a bridge of faint radio emission. We speculate that the southwestern radio source is a radio relic produced by compression of old radio plasma by a merger shock.
We present multi-wavelength observations of the centre of RXCJ1504.1-0248 - the galaxy cluster with the most luminous and relatively nearby cool core at z~0.2. Although there are several galaxies within 100 kpc of the cluster core, only the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), which lies at the peak of the X-ray emission, has blue colours and strong line-emission. Approximately 80 Msun/yr of intracluster gas is cooling below X-ray emitting temperatures, similar to the observed UV star formation rate of ~140 Msun/yr. Most star formation occurs in the core of the BCG and in a 42 kpc long filament of blue continuum, line emission, and X-ray emission, that extends southwest of the galaxy. The surrounding filamentary nebula is the most luminous around any observed BCG. The number of ionizing stars in the BCG is barely sufficient to ionize and heat the nebula, and the line ratios indicate an additional heat source is needed. This heat source can contribute to the Halpha-deduced star formation rates (SFRs) in BCGs and therefore the derived SFRs should only be considered upper limits. AGN feedback can slow down the cooling flow to the observed mass deposition rate if the black hole accretion rate is of the order of 0.5 Msun/yr at 10% energy output efficiency. The average turbulent velocity of the nebula is vturb ~325 km/s which, if shared by the hot gas, limits the ratio of turbulent to thermal energy of the intracluster medium to less than 6%.

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