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Only a few percent of cool, old white dwarfs (WDs) have infrared excesses interpreted as originating in small hot disks due to the infall and destruction of single asteroids that come within the stars Roche limit. Infrared excesses at 24 micron were also found to derive from the immediate vicinity of younger, hot WDs, most of which are still central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPN). The incidence of CSPN with this excess is 18%. The Helix CSPN, with a 24 micron excess, has been suggested to have a disk formed from collisions of Kuiper belt-like objects (KBOs). In this paper, we have analyzed an additional sample of CSPN to look for similar infrared excesses. These CSPN are all members of the PG 1159 class and were chosen because their immediate progenitors are known to often have dusty environments consistent with large dusty disks. We find that, overall, PG 1159 stars do not present such disks more often than other CSPN, although the statistics (5 objects) are poor. We then consider the entire sample of CSPN with infrared excesses, and compare it to the infrared properties of old WDs, as well as cooler post-AGB stars. We conclude with the suggestion that the infrared properties of CSPN more plausibly derive from AGB-formed disks rather than disks formed via the collision of KBOs, although the latter scenario cannot be ruled out. We finally remark that there seems to be an association between CSPN with a 24 micron excess and confirmed or possible binarity of the central star.
New imaging of V605 Aql, was obtained in 2009 with HST/WFPC2, which had a nova-like outburst in 1919, and is located at the center of the planetary nebula (PN), Abell 58. This event has long been ascribed to a final helium shell flash, but it has bee n suggested recently that it may instead have been an ONe nova. The new images provide an 18 year baseline for the expansion of the ejecta from the 1919 event. In addition, the central star has been directly detected in the visible for the first time since 1923, when it faded from sight due to obscuration by dust. The expansion of the ejecta has a velocity of ~200 km/s, and an angular expansion rate of ~10 mas/yr, consistent with a 1919 ejection. This implies a geometric distance of 4.6 kpc for V605 Aql, consistent with previous estimates. The gas mass in the central knot of ejecta was previously estimated to be 5 x 10^-5 M(Sun). It is estimated that warm dust associated with this gas has a mass of ~10^-5 M(Sun). There is also evidence for a significant amount, 10^-3 M(Sun), of cold (75 K) dust, which may be associated with its PN. The knot ejected in 1919 is asymmetrical and is approximately aligned with the asymmetry of the surrounding PN. Polarimetric imaging was obtained to investigate whether the 2001 spectrum of V605 Aql was obtained primarily in scattered light from dust in the central knot, but the signal-to-noise in the data was insufficient to measure the level of polarization.
We have observed P-Cygni and asymmetric, blue-shifted absorption profiles in the He I 10830 lines of twelve R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars over short (1 month) and long (3 year) timescales to look for variations linked to their dust-formation episode s. In almost all cases, the strengths and terminal velocities of the line vary significantly and are correlated with dust formation events. Strong absorption features with blue-shifted velocities ~400 km/s appear during declines in visible brightness and persist for about 100 days after recovery to maximum brightness. Small residual winds of somewhat lower velocity are present outside of the decline and recovery periods. The correlations support models in which recently formed dust near the star is propelled outward at high speed by radiation pressure and drags the gas along with it.
A leading formation scenario for R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars invokes the merger of degenerate He and CO white dwarfs (WD) in a binary. The observed ratio of 16O/18O for RCB stars is in the range of 0.3-20 much smaller than the solar value of ~500. In this paper, we investigate whether such a low ratio can be obtained in simulations of the merger of a CO and a He white dwarf. We present the results of five 3-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of the merger of a double white dwarf system where the total mass is 0.9 Mdot and the initial mass ratio (q) varies between 0.5 and 0.99. We identify in simulations with $qlesssim0.7$ a feature around the merged stars where the temperatures and densities are suitable for forming 18O. However, more 16O is being dredged-up from the C- and O-rich accretor during the merger than the amount of 18O that is produced. Therefore, on a dynamical time scale over which our hydrodynamics simulation runs, a 16O/18O ratio of ~2000 in the best case is found. If the conditions found in the hydrodynamic simulations persist for 10^6 seconds the oxygen ratio drops to 16 in one case studied, while in a hundred years it drops to ~4 in another case studied, consistent with the observed values in RCB stars. Therefore, the merger of two white dwarfs remains a strong candidate for the formation of these enigmatic stars.
115 - Geoffrey C. Clayton 2012
The R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars are rare hydrogen-deficient, carbon-rich, supergiants, best known for their spectacular declines in brightness at irregular intervals. Efforts to discover more RCB stars have more than doubled the number known in th e last few years and they appear to be members of an old, bulge population. Two evolutionary scenarios have been suggested for producing an RCB star, a double degenerate merger of two white dwarfs, or a final helium shell flash in a planetary nebula central star. The evidence pointing toward one or the other is somewhat contradictory, but the discovery that RCB stars have large amounts of 18O has tilted the scales towards the merger scenario. If the RCB stars are the product of white dwarf mergers, this would be a very exciting result since RCB stars would then be low-mass analogs of type Ia supernovae. The predicted number of RCB stars in the Galaxy is consistent with the predicted number of He/CO WD mergers. But, so far, only about 65 of the predicted 5000 RCB stars in the Galaxy have been discovered. The mystery has yet to be solved.
In 2007, R Coronae Borealis (R CrB) went into an historically deep and long decline. In this state, the dust acts like a natural coronagraph at visible wavelengths, allowing faint nebulosity around the star to be seen. Imaging has been obtained from 0.5 to 500 micron with Gemini/GMOS, HST/WFPC2, Spitzer/MIPS, and Herschel/SPIRE. Several of the structures around R CrB are cometary globules caused by wind from the star streaming past dense blobs. The estimated dust mass of the knots is consistent with their being responsible for the R CrB declines if they form along the line of sight to the star. In addition, there is a large diffuse shell extending up to 4 pc away from the star containing cool 25 K dust that is detected all the way out to 500 micron. The SED of R CrB can be well fit by a 150 AU disk surrounded by a very large diffuse envelope which corresponds to the size of the observed nebulosity. The total masses of the disk and envelope are 10^-4 and 2 M(Sun), respectively, assuming a gas-to-dust ratio of 100. The evidence pointing toward a white-dwarf merger or a final-helium-shell flash origin for R CrB is contradictory. The shell and the cometary knots are consistent with a fossil planetary nebula. Along with the fact that R CrB shows significant Lithium in its atmosphere, this supports the final-helium-shell flash. However, the relatively high inferred mass of R CrB and its high fluorine abundance support a white-dwarf merger.
NSV 11154 has been confirmed as a new member of the rare hydrogen deficient R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars based on new photometric and spectroscopic data. Using new photometry, as well as archival plates from the Harvard archive, we have constructed the historical lightcurve of NSV 11154 from 1896 to the present. The lightcurve shows the sudden, deep, irregularly spaced declines characteristic of RCB stars. The visible spectrum is typical of a cool (Teff < 5000 K) RCB star showing no hydrogen lines, strong C2 Swan bands, and no evidence of 13C. In addition, the star shows small pulsations typical of an RCB star, and an infrared excess due to circumstellar dust with a temperature of ~800 K. The distance to NSV 11154 is estimated to be ~14.5 kpc. RCB stars are very rare in the Galaxy so each additional star is important to population studies leading to a better understanding the origins of these mysterious stars. Among the known sample of RCB stars, NSV 11154 is unusual in that it lies well above the Galactic plane (5 kpc) and away from the Galactic Center which suggests that its parent population is neither thick disk nor bulge.
We present new Spitzer/IRS spectra of two hot R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars, one in the Galaxy,V348 Sgr, and one lying in the LMC, HV 2671. These two objects may constitute a link between the RCB stars and the late Wolf-Rayet ([WCL]) class of centra l stars of planetary nebula (CSPNe) such as CPD -56 8032 that has little or no hydrogen in their atmospheres. HV 2671 and V348 Sgr are members of a rare subclass that has significantly higher effective temperatures than most RCB stars, but sharing the traits of hydrogen deficiency and dust formation that define the cooler RCB stars. The [WC] CSPNe star, CPD -56 8032, displays evidence for dual-dust chemistry showing both PAHs and crystalline silicates in its mid-IR spectrum. HV 2671 shows strong PAH emission but shows no sign of having crystalline silicates. The spectrum of V348 Sgr is very different from those of CPD -56 8032 and HV 2671. The PAH emission seen strongly in the other two stars is not present. Instead, the spectrum is dominated by a broad emission centered at about 8.2 micron. The mid-IR spectrum of CPD -56 8032 shows emission features that may be associated with C60. The other two stars do not show evidence for C60. HV 2671 has also been detected by Herschel/PACS and SPIRE. V348 Sgr and CPD -56 8032 have been detected by AKARI/FIS. These data were combined with Spitzer, IRAS, 2MASS and other photometry to produce their spectral energy distributions from the visible to the far-IR. Monte Carlo radiative transfer modeling was used to study the circumstellar dust around these stars. HV 2671 and CPD -56 8032 require both a flared inner disk with warm dust and an extended diffuse envelope with cold dust to to fit their SEDs. The SED of V348 Sgr can be fit with a much smaller disk and envelope.
The LMC star, SSTISAGE1C J050756.44-703453.9, was first noticed during a survey of EROS-2 lightcurves for stars with large irregular brightness variations typical of the R Coronae Borealis (RCB) class. However, the visible spectrum showing emission l ines including the Balmer and Paschen series as well as many Fe II lines is emphatically not that of an RCB star. This star has all of the characteristics of a typical UX Ori star. It has a spectral type of approximately A2 and has excited an H II region in its vicinity. However, if it is an LMC member, then it is very luminous for a Herbig Ae/Be star. It shows irregular drops in brightness of up to 2 mag, and displays the reddening and blueing typical of this class of stars. Its spectrum, showing a combination of emission and absorption lines, is typical of a UX Ori star that is in a decline caused by obscuration from the circumstellar dust. SSTISAGE1C J050756.44-703453.9 has a strong IR excess and significant emission is present out to 500 micron. Monte Carlo radiative transfer modeling of the SED requires that SSTISAGE1C J050756.44-703453.9 has both a dusty disk as well as a large extended diffuse envelope to fit both the mid- and far-IR dust emission. This star is a new member of the UX Ori subclass of the Herbig Ae/Be stars and only the second such star to be discovered in the LMC.

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