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We study collections of self-propelled rods (SPR) moving in two dimensions for packing fractions less than or equal to 0.3. We find that in the thermodynamical limit the SPR undergo a phase transition between a disordered gas and a novel phase-separa ted system state. Interestingly, (global) orientational order patterns -- contrary to what has been suggested -- vanish in this limit. In the found novel state, the SPR self-organize into a highly dynamical, high-density, compact region - which we call aggregate - which is surrounded by a disordered gas. Active stresses build inside aggregates as result of the combined effect of local orientational order and active forces. This leads to the most distinctive feature of these aggregates: constant ejection of polar clusters of SPR. This novel phase-separated state represents a novel state of matter characterized by large fluctuations in volume and shape, related to mass ejection, and exhibits positional as well as orientational local order. SPR systems display new physics unseen in other active matter systems due to the coupling between density, active stresses, and orientational order (such coupling cannot be reduced simply to a coupling between speed and density).
Systems of self-propelled particles (SPP) interacting by a velocity alignment mechanism in the presence of noise exhibit a rich clustering dynamics. It can be argued that clusters are responsible for the distribution of (local) information in these s ystems. Here, we investigate the statistical properties of single clusters in SPP systems, like the asymmetric spreading of clusters with respect to their moving direction. In addition, we formulate a Smoluchowski-type kinetic model to describe the evolution of the cluster size distribution (CSD). This model predicts the emergence of steady-state CSDs in SPP systems. We test our theoretical predictions in simulations of SPP with nematic interactions and find that our simple kinetic model reproduces qualitatively the transition to aggregation observed in simulations.
Self-propelled particle (SPP) systems are intrinsically out of equilibrium systems, where each individual particle converts energy into work to move in a dissipative medium. When interacting through a velocity alignment mechanism, and the medium acts as a momentum sink, even momentum is not conserved. In this scenario, a mapping into an equilibrium system seems unlikely. Here, we show that an entropy functional can be derived for SPPs with velocity alignment and density-dependent speed, at least in the (orientationally) disordered phase. This non-trivial result has important physical consequences. The study of the entropy functional reveals that the system can undergo phase separation before the orientational-order phase transition known to occur in SPP systems with velocity alignment.Moreover, we indicate that the spinodal line is a function of the alignment sensitivity and show that density fluctuations as well as the critical spatial diffusion, that leads to phase separation, dramatically increase as the orientational-order transition is approached.
We demonstrate that the clustering statistics and the corresponding phase transition to non-equilibrium clustering found in many experiments and simulation studies with self-propelled particles (SPPs) with alignment can be obtained from a simple kine tic model. The key elements of this approach are the scaling of the cluster cross-section with the cluster mass -- characterized by an exponent $alpha$ -- and the scaling of the cluster perimeter with the cluster mass -- described by an exponent $beta$. The analysis of the kinetic approach reveals that the SPPs exhibit two phases: i) an individual phase, where the cluster size distribution (CSD) is dominated by an exponential tail that defines a characteristic cluster size, and ii) a collective phase characterized by the presence of non-monotonic CSD with a local maximum at large cluster sizes. At the transition between these two phases the CSD is well described by a power-law with a critical exponent $gamma$, which is a function of $alpha$ and $beta$ only. The critical exponent is found to be in the range $0.8 < gamma < 1.5$ in line with observations in experiments and simulations.
We study a simple swarming model on a two-dimensional lattice where the self-propelled particles exhibit a tendency to align ferromagnetically. Volume exclusion effects are present: particles can only hop to a neighboring node if the node is empty. H ere we show that such effects lead to a surprisingly rich variety of self-organized spatial patterns. As particles exhibit an increasingly higher tendency to align to neighbors, they first self-segregate into disordered particle aggregates. Aggregates turn into traffic jams. Traffic jams evolve toward gliders, triangular high density regions that migrate in a well-defined direction. Maximum order is achieved by the formation of elongated high density regions - bands - that transverse the entire system. Numerical evidence suggests that below the percolation density the phase transition associated to orientational order is of first-order, while at full occupancy it is of second-order. The model highlights the (pattern formation) importance of a coupling between local density, orientation, and local speed.
We characterize cell motion in experiments and show that the transition to collective motion in colonies of gliding bacterial cells confined to a monolayer appears through the organization of cells into larger moving clusters. Collective motion by no n-equilibrium cluster formation is detected for a critical cell packing fraction around 17%. This transition is characterized by a scale-free power-law cluster size distribution, with an exponent $0.88pm0.07$, and the appearance of giant number fluctuations. Our findings are in quantitative agreement with simulations of self-propelled rods. This suggests that the interplay of self-propulsion of bacteria and the rod-shape of bacteria is sufficient to induce collective motion.
The symmetry of the alignment mechanism in systems of polar self-propelled particles determines the possible macroscopic large-scale patterns that can emerge. Here we compare polar and apolar alignment. These systems share some common features like g iant number fluctuations in the ordered phase and self-segregation in the form of bands near the onset of orientational order. Despite these similarities, there are essential differences like the symmetry of the ordered phase and the stability of the bands.
We study synchronization of locally coupled noisy phase oscillators which move diffusively in a one-dimensional ring. Together with the disordered and the globally synchronized states, the system also exhibits several wave-like states which display l ocal order. We use a statistical description valid for a large number of oscillators to show that for any finite system there is a critical spatial diffusion above which all wave-like solutions become unstable. Through Langevin simulations, we show that the transition to global synchronization is mediated by the relative size of attractor basins associated to wave-like states. Spatial diffusion disrupts these states and paves the way for the system to attain global synchronization.
Life and language are discrete combinatorial systems (DCSs) in which the basic building blocks are finite sets of elementary units: nucleotides or codons in a DNA sequence and letters or words in a language. Different combinations of these finite uni ts give rise to potentially infinite numbers of genes or sentences. This type of DCS can be represented as an Alphabetic Bipartite Network ($alpha$-BiN) where there are two kinds of nodes, one type represents the elementary units while the other type represents their combinations. There is an edge between a node corresponding to an elementary unit $u$ and a node corresponding to a particular combination $v$ if $u$ is present in $v$. Naturally, the partition consisting of the nodes representing elementary units is fixed, while the other partition is allowed to grow unboundedly. Here, we extend recently analytical findings for $alpha$-BiNs derived in [Peruani et al., Europhys. Lett. 79, 28001 (2007)] and empirically investigate two real world systems: the codon-gene network and the phoneme-language network. The evolution equations for $alpha$-BiNs under different growth rules are derived, and the corresponding degree distributions computed. It is shown that asymptotically the degree distribution of $alpha$-BiNs can be described as a family of beta distributions. The one-mode projections of the theoretical as well as the real world $alpha$-BiNs are also studied. We propose a comparison of the real world degree distributions and our theoretical predictions as a means for inferring the mechanisms underlying the growth of real world systems.
A mean-field approach (MFA) is proposed for the analysis of orientational order in a two-dimensional system of stochastic self-propelled particles interacting by local velocity alignment mechanism. The treatment is applied to the cases of ferromagnet ic (F) and liquid-crystal (LC) alignment. In both cases, MFA yields a second order phase transition for a critical noise strength and a scaling exponent of 1/2 for the respective order parameters. We find that the critical noise amplitude $eta_c$ at which orientational order emerges in the LC case is smaller than in the F-alignment case, i.e. $eta^{LC}_{C}<eta^{F}_{C}$. A comparison with simulations of individual-based models with F- resp. LC-alignment shows that the predictions about the critical behavior and the qualitative relation between the respective critical noise amplitudes are correct.

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