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We consider entanglement distillation under the assumption that the input states are allowed to be correlated among each other. We hence replace the usually considered independent and identically-distributed hypothesis by the weaker assumption of mer ely having identical reductions. We find that whether a state is then distillable or not is only a property of these reductions, and not of the correlations that are present in the input state. This is shown by establishing an appealing relation between the set of copy-correlated undistillable states and the standard set of undistillable states: The former turns out to be the convex hull of the latter. As an example of the usefulness of our approach to the study of entanglement distillation, we prove a new activation result, which generalizes earlier findings: it is shown that for every entangled state and every positive integer k, there exists a copy-correlated k-undistillable state such that their tensor product is single-copy distillable. Finally, the relation of our results to the conjecture about the existence of bound entangled states with a non-positive partial transpose is discussed.
We present a quasipolynomial-time algorithm for solving the weak membership problem for the convex set of separable, i.e. non-entangled, bipartite density matrices. The algorithm decides whether a density matrix is separable or whether it is eps-away from the set of the separable states in time exp(O(eps^-2 log |A| log |B|)), where |A| and |B| are the local dimensions, and the distance is measured with either the Euclidean norm, or with the so-called LOCC norm. The latter is an operationally motivated norm giving the optimal probability of distinguishing two bipartite quantum states, each shared by two parties, using any protocol formed by quantum local operations and classical communication (LOCC) between the parties. We also obtain improved algorithms for optimizing over the set of separable states and for computing the ground-state energy of mean-field Hamiltonians. The techniques we develop are also applied to quantum Merlin-Arthur games, where we show that multiple provers are not more powerful than a single prover when the verifier is restricted to LOCC protocols, or when the verification procedure is formed by a measurement of small Euclidean norm. This answers a question posed by Aaronson et al (Theory of Computing 5, 1, 2009) and provides two new characterizations of the complexity class QMA, a quantum analog of NP. Our algorithm uses semidefinite programming to search for a symmetric extension, as first proposed by Doherty, Parrilo and Spedialieri (Phys. Rev. A, 69, 022308, 2004). The bound on the runtime follows from an improved de Finetti-type bound quantifying the monogamy of quantum entanglement, proved in (arXiv:1010.1750). This result, in turn, follows from a new lower bound on the quantum conditional mutual information and the entanglement measure squashed entanglement.
We consider the manipulation of multipartite entangled states in the limit of many copies under quantum operations that asymptotically cannot generate entanglement. As announced in [Brandao and Plenio, Nature Physics 4, 8 (2008)], and in stark contra st to the manipulation of entanglement under local operations and classical communication, the entanglement shared by two or more parties can be reversibly interconverted in this setting. The unique entanglement measure is identified as the regularized relative entropy of entanglement, which is shown to be equal to a regularized and smoothed version of the logarithmic robustness of entanglement. Here we give a rigorous proof of this result, which is fundamentally based on a certain recent extension of quantum Steins Lemma proved in [Brandao and Plenio, Commun. Math. 295, 791 (2010)], giving the best measurement strategy for discriminating several copies of an entangled state from an arbitrary sequence of non-entangled states, with an optimal distinguishability rate equal to the regularized relative entropy of entanglement. We moreover analyse the connection of our approach to axiomatic formulations of the second law of thermodynamics.
In this thesis we present new results relevant to two important problems in quantum information science: the development of a theory of entanglement and the exploration of the use of controlled quantum systems to the simulation of quantum many-body p henomena. In the first part we introduce a new approach to the study of entanglement by considering its manipulation under operations not capable of generating entanglement and show there is a total order for multipartite quantum states in this framework. We also present new results on hypothesis testing of correlated sources and give further evidence on the existence of NPPT bound entanglement. In the second part, we study the potential as well as the limitations of a quantum computer for calculating properties of many-body systems. First we analyse the usefulness of quantum computation to calculate additive approximations to partition functions and spectral densities of local Hamiltonians. We then show that the determination of ground state energies of local Hamiltonians with an inverse polynomial spectral gap is QCMA-hard. In the third and last part, we approach the problem of quantum simulating many-body systems from a more pragmatic point of view. We analyze the realization of paradigmatic condensed matter Hamiltonians in arrays of coupled microcavities, such as the Bose-Hubbard and the anisotropic Heisenberg models, and discuss the feasibility of an experimental realization with state-of-the-art current technology.
We propose a new method to produce self- and cross-Kerr photonic nonlinearities, using light-induced Stark shifts due to the interaction of a cavity mode with atoms. The proposed experimental set-up is considerably simpler than in previous approaches , while the strength of the nonlinearity obtained with a single atom is the same as in the setting based on electromagnetically induced transparency. Furthermore our scheme can be applied to engineer effective photonic nonlinear interactions whose strength increases with the number of atoms coupled to the cavity mode, leading to photon-photon interactions several orders of magnitude larger than previously considered possible.

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