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45 - Dietrich Stauffer 2012
Various aspects of recent sociophysics research are shortly reviewed: Schelling model as an example for lack of interdisciplinary cooperation, opinion dynamics, combat, and citation statistics as an example for strong interdisciplinarity.
61 - M.A. Sumour , M.A. Radwan 2012
In usual scale-free networks of Barabasi-Albert type, a newly added node selects randomly m neighbors from the already existing network nodes, proportionally to the number of links these had before. Then the number N(k) of nodes with k links each dec ays as 1/k^gamma where gamma=3 is universal, i.e. independent of m. Now we use a limited directedness in the construction of the network, as a result of which the exponent gamma decreases from 3 to 2 for increasing m.
327 - Dietrich Stauffer 2011
The image of physics is connected with simple mechanical deterministic events: that an apple always falls down, that force equals mass times acceleleration. Indeed, applications of such concept to social or historical problems go back two centuries ( population growth and stabilisation, by Malthus and by Verhulst) and use differential equations, as recently revierwed by Vitanov and Ausloos [2011]. However, since even todays computers cannot follow the motion of all air molecules within one cubic centimeter, the probabilistic approach has become fashionable since Ludwig Boltzmann invented Statistical Physics in the 19th century. Computer simulations in Statistical Physics deal with single particles, a method called agent-based modelling in fields which adopted it later. Particularly simple are binary models where each particle has only two choices, called spin up and spin down by physicists, bit zero and bit one by computer scientists, and voters for the Republicans or for the Democrats in American politics (where one human is simulated as one particle). Neighbouring particles may influence each other, and the Ising model of 1925 is the best-studied example of such models. This text will explain to the reader how to program the Ising model on a square lattice (in Fortran language); starting from there the readers can build their own computer programs. Some applications of Statistical Physics outside the natural sciences will be listed.
202 - F.W.S. Lima , D. Stauffer 2010
The computer simulations of Shennan (2001) are complemented by assuming the environment to change randomly. For moderate change rates, fitness optimisation through evolution is still possible.
The standard Penna ageing model with sexual reproduction is enlarged by adding additional bit-strings for love: Marriage happens only if the male love strings are sufficiently different from the female ones. We simulate at what level of required difference the population dies out.
127 - S. Cebrat , D. Stauffer 2009
Computer simulations of the Penna ageing model suggest that already a small fraction of births with enhanced number of new mutations can negatively influence the whole population.
An agent-based computer simulation of death by inheritable mutations in a changing environment shows a maximal population, or avoids extinction, at so intermediate mutation rate of the individuals. Thus death seems needed to al for evolution of the fittest, as required by a changing environment.

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