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Random flux is commonly believed to be incapable of driving metal-insulator transitions. Surprisingly, we show that random flux can after all induce a metal-insulator transition in the two-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, thus reporting the fi rst example of such a transition. Remarkably, we find that the resulting insulating phase can even be a higher-order topological insulator with zero-energy corner modes and fractional corner charges, rather than a conventional Anderson insulator. Employing both level statistics and finite-size scaling analysis, we characterize the metal-insulator transition and numerically extract its critical exponent as $ u=2.48pm0.08$. To reveal the physical mechanism underlying the transition, we present an effective band structure picture based on the random flux averaged Greens function.
We propose an intrinsic 3D Fabry-Perot type interferometer, coined higher-order interferometer, that utilizes the chiral hinge states of second-order topological insulators and cannot be equivalently mapped to 2D space because of higher-order topolog y. Quantum interference patterns in the two-terminal conductance of this interferometer are controllable not only by tuning the strength but also, particularly, by rotating the direction of the magnetic field applied perpendicularly to the transport direction. Remarkably, the conductance exhibits a characteristic beating pattern with multiple frequencies with respect to field strength or direction. Our novel interferometer provides feasible and robust magneto-transport signatures to probe the particular hinge states of higher-order topological insulators.
110 - Chang-An Li , Bo Fu , Zi-Ang Hu 2020
We investigate disorder-driven topological phase transitions in quantized electric quadrupole insulators. We show that chiral symmetry can protect the quantization of the quadrupole moment $q_{xy}$, such that the higher-order topological invariant is well-defined even when disorder has broken all crystalline symmetries. Moreover, nonvanishing $q_{xy}$ and consequent corner modes can be induced from a trivial insulating phase by disorder that preserves chiral symmetry. The critical points of such topological phase transitions are marked by the occurrence of extended boundary states even in the presence of strong disorder. We provide a systematic characterization of these disorder-driven topological phase transitions from both bulk and boundary descriptions.
130 - Chang-An Li , Shu-Shan Wu 2019
The modern theory of electric polarization has recently been extended to higher multipole moments, such as quadrupole and octupole moments. The higher electric multipole insulators are essentially topological crystalline phases protected by underlyin g crystalline symmetries. Henceforth, it is natural to ask what are the consequences of symmetry breaking in these higher multipole insulators. In this work, we investigate topological phases and the consequences of symmetry breaking in generalized electric quadrupole insulators. Explicitly, we generalize the Benalcazar-Bernevig-Hughes model by adding specific terms in order to break the crystalline and non-spatial symmetries. Our results show that chiral symmetry breaking induces an indirect gap phase which hides corner modes in bulk bands, ruining the topological quadrupole phase. We also demonstrate that quadrupole moments can remain quantized even when mirror symmetries are absent in a generalized model. Furthermore, it is shown that topological quadrupole phase is robust against a unique type of disorder presented in the system.
137 - Chang-An Li 2019
As the three-dimensional analogs of graphene, Weyl semimetals display signatures of chiral anomaly which arises from charge pumping between the lowest chiral Landau levels of the Weyl nodes in the presence of parallel electric and magnetic fields. In this work, we study the pseudo chiral anomaly and its transport signatures in graphene ribbon with zigzag edges. Here pseudo refers to the case where the inverse of width of zigzag graphene ribbon plays the same role as magnetic field in three-dimensional Weyl semimetals. The valley chiral bands in zigzag graphene ribbons can be introduced by edge potentials, giving rise to the nonconservation of chiral current, i.e., pseudo chiral anomaly, in the presence of a longitudinal electric field. Further numerical results reveal that pseudo magnetoconductivity of zigzag graphene ribbons is positive and has a nearly quadratic dependence on the pseudofield, which is regarded as the transport signature of pseudo chiral anomaly.
We propose an interferometer for chiral Majorana modes where the interference effect is caused and controlled by a Josephson junction of proximity-induced topological superconductors, hence, a Majorana-Josephson interferometer. This interferometer is based on a two-terminal quantum anomalous Hall bar, and as such its transport observables exhibit interference patterns depending on both the Josephson phase and the junction length. Observing these interference patterns will establish quantum coherent Majorana transport and further provide a powerful characterization tool for the relevant system.

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