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92 - B. Eynard 2014
This review is an extended version of the Seoul ICM 2014 proceedings.It is a short overview of the topological recursion, a relation appearing in the asymptotic expansion of many integrable systems and in enumerative problems. We recall how computing large size asymptotics in random matrices, has allowed to discover some fascinating and ubiquitous geometric invariants. Specializations of this method recover many classical invariants, like Gromov--Witten invariants, or knot polynomials (Jones, HOMFLY,...). In this short review, we give some examples, give definitions, and review some properties and applications of the formalism.
432 - Bertrand Eynard 2012
The BKMP conjecture (2006-2008), proposed a new method to compute closed and open Gromov-Witten invariants for every toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds, through a topological recursion based on mirror symmetry. So far, this conjecture had been verified to low genus for several toric CY3folds, and proved to all genus only for C^3. In this article we prove the general case. Our proof is based on the fact that both sides of the conjecture can be naturally written in terms of combinatorial sums of weighted graphs: on the A-model side this is the localization formula, and on the B-model side the graphs encode the recursive algorithm of the topological recursion. One can slightly reorganize the set of graphs obtained in the B-side, so that it coincides with the one obtained by localization in the A-model.Then it suffices to compare the weights of vertices and edges of graphs on each side, which is done in 2 steps: the weights coincide in the large radius limit, due to the fact that the toric graph is the tropical limit of the mirror curve. Then the derivatives with respect to Kahler radius coincide due to special geometry property implied by the topological recursion.
44 - Michel Bergere 2009
We show that near a point where the equilibrium density of eigenvalues of a matrix model behaves like y ~ x^{p/q}, the correlation functions of a random matrix, are, to leading order in the appropriate scaling, given by determinants of the universal (p,q)-minimal models kernels. Those (p,q) kernels are written in terms of functions solutions of a linear equation of order q, with polynomial coefficients of degree at most p. For example, near a regular edge y ~ x^{1/2}, the (1,2) kernel is the Airy kernel and we recover the Airy law. Those kernels are associated to the (p,q) minimal model, i.e. the (p,q) reduction of the KP hierarchy solution of the string equation. Here we consider only the 1-matrix model, for which q=2.
90 - Bertrand Eynard 2009
We solve the loop equations to all orders in $1/N^2$, for the Chain of Matrices matrix model (with possibly an external field coupled to the last matrix of the chain). We show that the topological expansion of the free energy, is, like for the 1 and 2-matrix model, given by the symplectic invariants of the associated spectral curve. As a consequence, we find the double scaling limit explicitly, and we discuss modular properties, large $N$ asymptotics. We also briefly discuss the limit of an infinite chain of matrices (matrix quantum mechanics).

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