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Pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) are the synchrotron bubbles inflated by the rotational energy of a neutron star. Observing variability within them has previously been limited to cases of significant brightening, or the few instances where transient featur es are interpreted in terms of intrinsic motion or associated with variability from the pulsar. Jet and torus morphology are also only visible in cases of differing brightness with respect to the surrounding nebula and favourable alignment with our line of sight. Spectral map analysis involves binning observations with an adaptive algorithm to meet a signal limit and colouring the results based on the desired model parameter fits. Minute changes in spectral index become therefore apparent even in cases where brightness images alone do not suggest any underlying changes. We present a Chandra X-ray study of the PWNe in G21.5-0.9, Kes 75, G54.1+0.3, G11.2-0.3, and 3C 58, using archival observations accumulated over the ~20-year lifetime of the mission. With the spectral map analysis technique, we discover evidence for previously unknown variability opening a new window into viewing PWNe.
CTB 87 (G74.9+1.2) is an evolved supernova remnant (SNR) which hosts a peculiar pulsar wind nebula (PWN). The X-ray peak is offset from that observed in radio and lies towards the edge of the radio nebula. The putative pulsar, CXOU~J201609.2+371110, was first resolved with textit{Chandra} and is surrounded by a compact and a more extended X-ray nebula. Here we use a deep {textit{XMM-Newton}} observation to examine the morphology and evolutionary stage of the PWN and to search for thermal emission expected from a supernova shell or reverse shock interaction with supernova ejecta. We do not find evidence of thermal X-ray emission from the SNR and place an upper limit on the electron density of 0.05~cm$^{-3}$ for a plasma temperature $kTsim 0.8$ keV. The morphology and spectral properties are consistent with a $sim$20~kyr-old relic PWN expanding into a stellar wind-blown bubble. We also present the first X-ray spectral index map from the PWN and show that we can reproduce its morphology by means of 2D axisymmetric relativistic hydrodynamical simulations.
G21.5-0.9 is a plerionic supernova remnant (SNR) used as a calibration target for the Chandra X-ray telescope. The first observations found an extended halo surrounding the bright central pulsar wind nebula (PWN). A 2005 study discovered that this ha lo is limb-brightened and suggested the halo to be the missing SNR shell. In 2010 the spectrum of the limb-brightened shell was found to be dominated by non-thermal X-rays. In this study, we combine 15 years of Chandra observations comprising over 1~Msec of exposure time (796.1~ks with the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) and 306.1~ks with the High Resolution Camera (HRC)) to provide the deepest-to-date imaging and spectroscopic study. The emission from the limb is primarily non-thermal and is described by a power-law model with a photon index $Gamma = 2.22 , (2.04-2.34)$, plus a weak thermal component characterized by a temperature $kT = 0.37, (0.20-0.64)$ keV and a low ionization timescale of $n_{e}t < 2.95 times 10^{10}$ cm$^{-3}$s. The northern knot located in the halo is best fitted with a two-component power-law + non-equilibrium ionization thermal model characterized by a temperature of 0.14 keV and an enhanced abundance of silicon, confirming its nature as ejecta. We revisit the spatially resolved spectral study of the PWN and find that its radial spectral profile can be explained by diffusion models. The best fit diffusion coefficient is $D sim 2.1times 10^{27}rm cm^2/s$ assuming a magnetic field $B =130 mu G$, which is consistent with recent 3D MHD simulation results.

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