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117 - B. Hoare , A.A. Tseytlin 2015
We consider two integrable deformations of 2d sigma models on supercosets associated with AdS_n x S^n. The first, the eta-deformation (based on the Yang-Baxter sigma model), is a one-parameter generalization of the standard superstring action on AdS_ n x S^n, while the second, the lambda-deformation (based on the deformed gauged WZW model), is a generalization of the non-abelian T-dual of the AdS_n x S^n superstring. We show that the eta-deformed model may be obtained from the lambda-deformed one by a special scaling limit and analytic continuation in coordinates combined with a particular identification of the parameters of the two models. The relation between the couplings and deformation parameters is consistent with the interpretation of the first model as a real quantum deformation and the second as a root of unity quantum deformation. For the AdS_2 x S^2 case we then explore the effect of this limit on the supergravity background associated to the lambda-deformed model. We also suggest that the two models may form a dual Poisson-Lie pair and provide direct evidence for this in the case of the integrable deformations of the coset associated with S^2.
102 - Ben Hoare 2014
We construct a two-parameter deformation of the Metsaev-Tseytlin action for supercosets with isometry group of the form G x G. The resulting action is classically integrable and is Poisson-Lie symmetric suggesting that the symmetry of the model is q- deformed, U_q_L(G) x U_q_R(G). Focusing on the cases relevant for strings moving in AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 and AdS_3 x S^3 x S^3 x S^1, we analyze the corresponding deformations of the AdS_3 and S^3 metrics. We also construct a two-parameter $q$-deformation of the u(1) + psu(1|1)^2 x u(1) x R^3-invariant R-matrix and closure condition, which underlie the light-cone gauge S-matrix and dispersion relation of the aforementioned string theories. With the appropriate identification of parameters, the near-BMN limit of the dispersion relation is shown to agree with that found from the deformed supercoset sigma model.
We derive the exact S-matrix for the scattering of particular representations of the centrally-extended psu(1|1)^2 Lie superalgebra, conjectured to be related to the massive modes of the light-cone gauge string theory on AdS_2 x S^2 x T^6. The S-matr ix consists of two copies of a centrally-extended psu(1|1) invariant S-matrix and is in agreement with the tree-level result following from perturbation theory. Although the overall factor is left unfixed, the constraints following from crossing symmetry and unitarity are given. The scattering involves long representations of the symmetry algebra, and the relevant representation theory is studied in detail. We also discuss Yangian symmetry and find it has a standard form for a particular limit of the aforementioned representations. This has a natural interpretation as the massless limit, and we investigate the corresponding limits of the massive S-matrix. Under the assumption that the massless modes of the light-cone gauge string theory transform in these limiting representations, the resulting S-matrices would provide the building blocks for the full S-matrix. Finally, some brief comments are given on the Bethe ansatz.
We study the deformed AdS_5 x S^5 supercoset model of arXiv:1309.5850 which depends on one parameter kappa and has classical quantum group symmetry. We confirm the conjecture that in the maximal deformation limit kappa -> infinity this model is T-dua l to flipped double Wick rotation of the target space AdS_5 x S^5, i.e. dS_5 x H^5 space supported by an imaginary 5-form flux. In the imaginary deformation limit, kappa -> i, the corresponding target space metric is of a pp-wave type and thus the resulting light-cone gauge S-matrix becomes relativistically invariant. Omitting non-unitary contributions of imaginary WZ terms, we find that this tree-level S-matrix is equivalent to that of the generalized sine-Gordon model representing the Pohlmeyer reduction of the undeformed AdS_5 x S^5 superstring model. We also study in some detail similar deformations of the AdS_3 x S^3 and AdS_2 x S^2 supercosets. The bosonic part of the deformed AdS_3 x S^3 model happens to be equivalent to the symmetric case of the sum of the Fateev integrable deformation of the SL(2) and SU(2) principal chiral models, while in the AdS_2 x S^2 case the role of the Fateev model is played by the 2d sausage model. The kappa = i limits are again directly related to the Pohlmeyer reductions of the corresponding AdS_n x S^n supercosets: (2,2) super sine-Gordon model and its complex sine-Gordon analog. We also discuss possible deformations of AdS_3 x S^3 with more than one parameter.
78 - B. Hoare , A. A. Tseytlin 2013
The type IIB supergravity AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 background with mixed RR and NSNS 3-form fluxes is a near-horizon limit of a non-threshold bound state of D5-D1 and NS5-NS1 branes. The corresponding superstring world-sheet theory is expected to be integra ble, opening the possibility of computing its exact spectrum for any values of the coefficient q of the NSNS flux and the string tension. In arXiv:1303.1447 we have found the tree-level S-matrix for the massive BMN excitations in this theory, which turned out to have a simple dependence on q. Here, by analyzing the constraints of symmetry and integrability, we propose an exact massive-sector dispersion relation and the exact S-matrix for this world-sheet theory. The S-matrix generalizes its recent construction in the q=0 case in arXiv:1303.5995.
48 - B. Hoare , A. A. Tseytlin 2012
The Pohlmeyer reduced equations for strings moving only in the AdS subspace of AdS_5 x S^5 have been used recently in the study of classical Euclidean minimal surfaces for Wilson loops and some semiclassical three-point correlation functions. We find an action that leads to these reduced superstring equations. For example, for a bosonic string in AdS_n such an action contains a Liouville scalar part plus a K/K gauged WZW model for the group K=SO(n-2) coupled to another term depending on two additional fields transforming as vectors under K. Solving for the latter fields gives a non-abelian Toda model coupled to the Liouville theory. For n=5 we generalize this bosonic action to include the S^5 contribution and fermionic terms. The corresponding reduced model for the AdS_2 x S^2 truncation of the full AdS_5 x S^5 superstring turns out to be equivalent to N=2 super Liouville theory. Our construction is based on taking a limit of the previously found reduced theory actions for bosonic strings in AdS_n x S^1 and superstrings in AdS_5 x S^5. This new action may be useful as a starting point for possible quantum generalizations or deformations of the classical Pohlmeyer-reduced theory. We give examples of simple extrema of this reduced superstring action which represent strings moving in the AdS_5 part of the space. Expanding near these backgrounds we compute the corresponding fluctuation spectra and show that they match the spectra found in the original superstring theory.
63 - B. Hoare , A. A. Tseytlin 2011
We investigate the structure of the quantum S-matrix for perturbative excitations of the Pohlmeyer reduced version of the AdS_5 x S^5 superstring following arXiv:0912.2958. The reduced theory is a fermionic extension of a gauged WZW model with an int egrable potential. We use as an input the result of the one-loop perturbative scattering amplitude computation and an analogy with simpler reduced AdS_n x S^n theories with n=2,3. The n=2 theory is equivalent to the N=2 2-d supersymmetric sine-Gordon model for which the exact quantum S-matrix is known. In the n=3 case the one-loop perturbative S-matrix, improved by a contribution of a local counterterm, satisfies the group factorization property and the Yang-Baxter equation, and reveals the existence of a novel quantum-deformed 2-d supersymmetry which is not manifest in the action. The one-loop perturbative S-matrix of the reduced AdS_5 x S^5 theory has the group factorisation property but does not satisfy the Yang-Baxter equation suggesting some subtlety with the realisation of quantum integrability. As a possible resolution, we propose that the S-matrix of this theory may be identified with the quantum-deformed [psu(2|2)]^2 x R^2 symmetric R-matrix constructed in arXiv:1002.1097. We conjecture the exact all-order form of this S-matrix and discuss its possible relation to the perturbative S-matrix defined by the path integral. As in the AdS_3 x S^3 case the symmetry of the S-matrix may be interpreted as an extended quantum-deformed 2-d supersymmetry.

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