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Given a discrete subgroup $Gamma$ of $PU(1,n)$ it acts by isometries on the unit complex ball $Bbb{H}^n_{Bbb{C}}$, in this setting a lot of work has been done in order to understand the action of the group. However when we look at the action of $Gamm a$ on all of $ Bbb{P}^n_{Bbb{C}}$ little or nothing is known, in this paper study the action in the whole projective space and we are able to show that its equicontinuity agree with its Kulkarni discontuity set. Morever, in the non-elementary case, this set turns out to be the largest open set on which the group acts properly and discontinuously and can be described as the complement of the union of all complex projective hyperplanes in $ Bbb{P}^n_{Bbb{C}}$ which are tangent to $partial Bbb{H}^n_{Bbb{C}}$ at points in the Chen-Greenberg limit set $Lambda_{CG}(Gamma)$.
125 - Angel Cano , Jose Seade 2012
We study the geometry and dynamics of discrete subgroups $Gamma$ of $PSL(3,mathbb{C})$ with an open invariant set $Omega subset PC^2$ where the action is properly discontinuous and the quotient $Omega/Gamma$ contains a connected component whicis comp act. We call such groups {it quasi-cocompact}. In this case $Omega/Gamma$ is a compact complex projective orbifold and $Omega$ is a {it divisible set}. Our first theorem refines classical work by Kobayashi-Ochiai and others about complex surfaces with a projective structure: We prove that every such group is either virtually affine or complex hyperbolic. We then classify the divisible sets that appear in this way, the corresponding quasi-cocompact groups and the orbifolds $Omega/Gamma$. We also prove that excluding a few exceptional cases, the Kulkarni region of discontinuity coincides with the equicontinuity region and is the largest open invariant set where the action is properly discontinuous.
In this article we provide a classification of the projective transformations in $PSL(n+1,Bbb{C})$ considered as automorphisms of the complex projective space $Bbb{P}^n$. Our classification is an interplay between algebra and dynamics, which just as in the case of isometries of CAT(0)-spaces, can be given by means of tree three types, namely: elliptic, parabolic and loxodromic. We carefully describe the dynamic in each case, more precisely we determine the corresponding Kulkarnis limit set, the equicontinuity region, the discontinuity region and in some cases we provide families of maximal regions where the respective cyclic group acts properly discontinuously. Also we provide, in each case, some equivalents ways to classify the projective transformations.
If $Gamma$ is a discrete subgroup of $PSL(3,Bbb{C})$, it is determined the equicontinuity region $Eq(Gamma)$ of the natural action of $Gamma$ on $Bbb{P}^2_Bbb{C}$. It is also proved that the action restricted to $Eq(Gamma)$ is discontinuous, and $Eq( Gamma)$ agrees with the discontinuity set in the sense of Kulkarni whenever the limit set of $Gamma$ in the sense of Kulkarni, $Lambda(Gamma)$, contains at least three lines in general position. Under some additional hypothesis, it turns out to be the largest open set on which $Gamma$ acts discontinuously. Moreover, if $Lambda(Gamma)$ contains at least four complex lines and $Gamma$ acts on $Bbb{P}^2_Bbb{C}$ without fixed points nor invariant lines, then each connected component of $Eq(Gamma)$ is a holomorphy domain and a complete Kobayashi hyperbolic space.
In this article we provide an algebraic characterization of those groups of $PSL(3,Bbb{C})$ whose limit set in the Kulkarni sense has, exactly, four lines in general position. Also we show that, for this class of groups, the equicontinuity set of the group is the largest open set where the group acts discontinuously and agrees with the discontinuity set of the group.
136 - Jose Seade , Angel Cano 2008
Let $ G $ be a discrete subgroup of PU(1,n). Then $ G $ acts on $mathbb {P}^n_mathbb C$ preserving the unit ball $mathbb {H}^n_mathbb {C}$, where it acts by isometries with respect to the Bergman metric. In this work we determine the equicontinuty re gion $Eq(G)$ of $G$ in $mathbb P^n_{mathbb C}$: It is the complement of the union of all complex projective hyperplanes in $mathbb {P}^n_{mathbb C}$ which are tangent to $partial mathbb {H}^n_mathbb {C}$ at points in the Chen-Greenberg limit set $Lambda_{CG}(G )$, a closed $G$-invariant subset of $partial mathbb {H}^n_mathbb {C}$, which is minimal for non-elementary groups. We also prove that the action on $Eq(G)$ is discontinuous.

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