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196 - Liao Wang , Ziyu Wang , Pei Lin 2021
Generating ``bullet-time effects of human free-viewpoint videos is critical for immersive visual effects and VR/AR experience. Recent neural advances still lack the controllable and interactive bullet-time design ability for human free-viewpoint rend ering, especially under the real-time, dynamic and general setting for our trajectory-aware task. To fill this gap, in this paper we propose a neural interactive bullet-time generator (iButter) for photo-realistic human free-viewpoint rendering from dense RGB streams, which enables flexible and interactive design for human bullet-time visual effects. Our iButter approach consists of a real-time preview and design stage as well as a trajectory-aware refinement stage. During preview, we propose an interactive bullet-time design approach by extending the NeRF rendering to a real-time and dynamic setting and getting rid of the tedious per-scene training. To this end, our bullet-time design stage utilizes a hybrid training set, light-weight network design and an efficient silhouette-based sampling strategy. During refinement, we introduce an efficient trajectory-aware scheme within 20 minutes, which jointly encodes the spatial, temporal consistency and semantic cues along the designed trajectory, achieving photo-realistic bullet-time viewing experience of human activities. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for convenient interactive bullet-time design and photo-realistic human free-viewpoint video generation.
Recent years have witnessed an upsurge of interest in employing flexible machine learning models for instrumental variable (IV) regression, but the development of uncertainty quantification methodology is still lacking. In this work we present a scal able quasi-Bayesian procedure for IV regression, building upon the recently developed kernelized IV models. Contrary to Bayesian modeling for IV, our approach does not require additional assumptions on the data generating process, and leads to a scalable approximate inference algorithm with time cost comparable to the corresponding point estimation methods. Our algorithm can be further extended to work with neural network models. We analyze the theoretical properties of the proposed quasi-posterior, and demonstrate through empirical evaluation the competitive performance of our method.
Accurate prediction of epileptic seizures allows patients to take preventive measures in advance to avoid possible injuries. In this work, a novel convolutional neural network (CNN) is proposed to analyze time, frequency, and channel information of e lectroencephalography (EEG) signals. The model uses three-dimensional (3D) kernels to facilitate the feature extraction over the three dimensions. The application of multiscale dilated convolution enables the 3D kernel to have more flexible receptive fields. The proposed CNN model is evaluated with the CHB-MIT EEG database, the experimental results indicate that our model outperforms the existing state-of-the-art, achieves 80.5% accuracy, 85.8% sensitivity and 75.1% specificity.
Photo-realistic neural reconstruction and rendering of the human portrait are critical for numerous VR/AR applications. Still, existing solutions inherently rely on multi-view capture settings, and the one-shot solution to get rid of the tedious mult i-view synchronization and calibration remains extremely challenging. In this paper, we propose MirrorNeRF - a one-shot neural portrait free-viewpoint rendering approach using a catadioptric imaging system with multiple sphere mirrors and a single high-resolution digital camera, which is the first to combine neural radiance field with catadioptric imaging so as to enable one-shot photo-realistic human portrait reconstruction and rendering, in a low-cost and casual capture setting. More specifically, we propose a light-weight catadioptric system design with a sphere mirror array to enable diverse ray sampling in the continuous 3D space as well as an effective online calibration for the camera and the mirror array. Our catadioptric imaging system can be easily deployed with a low budget and the casual capture ability for convenient daily usages. We introduce a novel neural warping radiance field representation to learn a continuous displacement field that implicitly compensates for the misalignment due to our flexible system setting. We further propose a density regularization scheme to leverage the inherent geometry information from the catadioptric data in a self-supervision manner, which not only improves the training efficiency but also provides more effective density supervision for higher rendering quality. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our scheme to achieve one-shot photo-realistic and high-quality appearance free-viewpoint rendering for human portrait scenes.
Offline reinforcement learning restricts the learning process to rely only on logged-data without access to an environment. While this enables real-world applications, it also poses unique challenges. One important challenge is dealing with errors ca used by the overestimation of values for state-action pairs not well-covered by the training data. Due to bootstrapping, these errors get amplified during training and can lead to divergence, thereby crippling learning. To overcome this challenge, we introduce Regularized Behavior Value Estimation (R-BVE). Unlike most approaches, which use policy improvement during training, R-BVE estimates the value of the behavior policy during training and only performs policy improvement at deployment time. Further, R-BVE uses a ranking regularisation term that favours actions in the dataset that lead to successful outcomes. We provide ample empirical evidence of R-BVEs effectiveness, including state-of-the-art performance on the RL Unplugged ATARI dataset. We also test R-BVE on new datasets, from bsuite and a challenging DeepMind Lab task, and show that R-BVE outperforms other state-of-the-art discrete control offline RL methods.
Cycle-consistent training is widely used for jointly learning a forward and inverse mapping between two domains of interest without the cumbersome requirement of collecting matched pairs within each domain. In this regard, the implicit assumption is that there exists (at least approximately) a ground-truth bijection such that a given input from either domain can be accurately reconstructed from successive application of the respective mappings. But in many applications no such bijection can be expected to exist and large reconstruction errors can compromise the success of cycle-consistent training. As one important instance of this limitation, we consider practically-relevant situations where there exists a many-to-one or surjective mapping between domains. To address this regime, we develop a conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE) approach that can be viewed as converting surjective mappings to implicit bijections whereby reconstruction errors in both directions can be minimized, and as a natural byproduct, realistic output diversity can be obtained in the one-to-many direction. As theoretical motivation, we analyze a simplified scenario whereby minima of the proposed CVAE-based energy function align with the recovery of ground-truth surjective mappings. On the empirical side, we consider a synthetic image dataset with known ground-truth, as well as a real-world application involving natural language generation from knowledge graphs and vice versa, a prototypical surjective case. For the latter, our CVAE pipeline can capture such many-to-one mappings during cycle training while promoting textural diversity for graph-to-text tasks. Our code is available at github.com/QipengGuo/CycleGT *A condensed version of this paper has been accepted to AISTATS 2021. This version contains additional content and updates.
The dominant approach for music representation learning involves the deep unsupervised model family variational autoencoder (VAE). However, most, if not all, viable attempts on this problem have largely been limited to monophonic music. Normally comp osed of richer modality and more complex musical structures, the polyphonic counterpart has yet to be addressed in the context of music representation learning. In this work, we propose the PianoTree VAE, a novel tree-structure extension upon VAE aiming to fit the polyphonic music learning. The experiments prove the validity of the PianoTree VAE via (i)-semantically meaningful latent code for polyphonic segments; (ii)-more satisfiable reconstruction aside of decent geometry learned in the latent space; (iii)-this models benefits to the variety of the downstream music generation.
Offline reinforcement learning (RL), also known as batch RL, offers the prospect of policy optimization from large pre-recorded datasets without online environment interaction. It addresses challenges with regard to the cost of data collection and sa fety, both of which are particularly pertinent to real-world applications of RL. Unfortunately, most off-policy algorithms perform poorly when learning from a fixed dataset. In this paper, we propose a novel offline RL algorithm to learn policies from data using a form of critic-regularized regression (CRR). We find that CRR performs surprisingly well and scales to tasks with high-dimensional state and action spaces -- outperforming several state-of-the-art offline RL algorithms by a significant margin on a wide range of benchmark tasks.
Offline methods for reinforcement learning have a potential to help bridge the gap between reinforcement learning research and real-world applications. They make it possible to learn policies from offline datasets, thus overcoming concerns associated with online data collection in the real-world, including cost, safety, or ethical concerns. In this paper, we propose a benchmark called RL Unplugged to evaluate and compare offline RL methods. RL Unplugged includes data from a diverse range of domains including games (e.g., Atari benchmark) and simulated motor control problems (e.g., DM Control Suite). The datasets include domains that are partially or fully observable, use continuous or discrete actions, and have stochastic vs. deterministic dynamics. We propose detailed evaluation protocols for each domain in RL Unplugged and provide an extensive analysis of supervised learning and offline RL methods using these protocols. We will release data for all our tasks and open-source all algorithms presented in this paper. We hope that our suite of benchmarks will increase the reproducibility of experiments and make it possible to study challenging tasks with a limited computational budget, thus making RL research both more systematic and more accessible across the community. Moving forward, we view RL Unplugged as a living benchmark suite that will evolve and grow with datasets contributed by the research community and ourselves. Our project page is available on https://git.io/JJUhd.
Analogy-making is a key method for computer algorithms to generate both natural and creative music pieces. In general, an analogy is made by partially transferring the music abstractions, i.e., high-level representations and their relationships, from one piece to another; however, this procedure requires disentangling music representations, which usually takes little effort for musicians but is non-trivial for computers. Three sub-problems arise: extracting latent representations from the observation, disentangling the representations so that each part has a unique semantic interpretation, and mapping the latent representations back to actual music. In this paper, we contribute an explicitly-constrained variational autoencoder (EC$^2$-VAE) as a unified solution to all three sub-problems. We focus on disentangling the pitch and rhythm representations of 8-beat music clips conditioned on chords. In producing music analogies, this model helps us to realize the imaginary situation of what if a piece is composed using a different pitch contour, rhythm pattern, or chord progression by borrowing the representations from other pieces. Finally, we validate the proposed disentanglement method using objective measurements and evaluate the analogy examples by a subjective study.

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