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116 - Ziquan Liu , Yufei Cui , Jia Wan 2021
Deep neural networks with batch normalization (BN-DNNs) are invariant to weight rescaling due to their normalization operations. However, using weight decay (WD) benefits these weight-scale-invariant networks, which is often attributed to an increase of the effective learning rate when the weight norms are decreased. In this paper, we demonstrate the insufficiency of the previous explanation and investigate the implicit biases of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) on BN-DNNs to provide a theoretical explanation for the efficacy of weight decay. We identity two implicit biases of SGD on BN-DNNs: 1) the weight norms in SGD training remain constant in the continuous-time domain and keep increasing in the discrete-time domain; 2) SGD optimizes weight vectors in fully-connected networks or convolution kernels in convolution neural networks by updating components lying in the input feature span, while leaving those components orthogonal to the input feature span unchanged. Thus, SGD without WD accumulates weight noise orthogonal to the input feature span, and cannot eliminate such noise. Our empirical studies corroborate the hypothesis that weight decay suppresses weight noise that is left untouched by SGD. Furthermore, we propose to use weight rescaling (WRS) instead of weight decay to achieve the same regularization effect, while avoiding performance degradation of WD on some momentum-based optimizers. Our empirical results on image recognition show that regardless of optimization methods and network architectures, training BN-DNNs using WRS achieves similar or better performance compared with using WD. We also show that training with WRS generalizes better compared to WD, on other computer vision tasks.
77 - Yufei Cui , Ziquan Liu , Qiao Li 2021
Nested networks or slimmable networks are neural networks whose architectures can be adjusted instantly during testing time, e.g., based on computational constraints. Recent studies have focused on a nested dropout layer, which is able to order the n odes of a layer by importance during training, thus generating a nested set of sub-networks that are optimal for different configurations of resources. However, the dropout rate is fixed as a hyper-parameter over different layers during the whole training process. Therefore, when nodes are removed, the performance decays in a human-specified trajectory rather than in a trajectory learned from data. Another drawback is the generated sub-networks are deterministic networks without well-calibrated uncertainty. To address these two problems, we develop a Bayesian approach to nested neural networks. We propose a variational ordering unit that draws samples for nested dropout at a low cost, from a proposed Downhill distribution, which provides useful gradients to the parameters of nested dropout. Based on this approach, we design a Bayesian nested neural network that learns the order knowledge of the node distributions. In experiments, we show that the proposed approach outperforms the nested network in terms of accuracy, calibration, and out-of-domain detection in classification tasks. It also outperforms the related approach on uncertainty-critical tasks in computer vision.
Using weight decay to penalize the L2 norms of weights in neural networks has been a standard training practice to regularize the complexity of networks. In this paper, we show that a family of regularizers, including weight decay, is ineffective at penalizing the intrinsic norms of weights for networks with positively homogeneous activation functions, such as linear, ReLU and max-pooling functions. As a result of homogeneity, functions specified by the networks are invariant to the shifting of weight scales between layers. The ineffective regularizers are sensitive to such shifting and thus poorly regularize the model capacity, leading to overfitting. To address this shortcoming, we propose an improved regularizer that is invariant to weight scale shifting and thus effectively constrains the intrinsic norm of a neural network. The derived regularizer is an upper bound for the input gradient of the network so minimizing the improved regularizer also benefits the adversarial robustness. Residual connections are also considered and we show that our regularizer also forms an upper bound to input gradients of such a residual network. We demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed regularizer on various datasets and neural network architectures at improving generalization and adversarial robustness.

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