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Deep equilibrium networks (DEQs) are a new class of models that eschews traditional depth in favor of finding the fixed point of a single nonlinear layer. These models have been shown to achieve performance competitive with the state-of-the-art deep networks while using significantly less memory. Yet they are also slower, brittle to architectural choices, and introduce potential instability to the model. In this paper, we propose a regularization scheme for DEQ models that explicitly regularizes the Jacobian of the fixed-point update equations to stabilize the learning of equilibrium models. We show that this regularization adds only minimal computational cost, significantly stabilizes the fixed-point convergence in both forward and backward passes, and scales well to high-dimensional, realistic domains (e.g., WikiText-103 language modeling and ImageNet classification). Using this method, we demonstrate, for the first time, an implicit-depth model that runs with approximately the same speed and level of performance as popular conventional deep networks such as ResNet-101, while still maintaining the constant memory footprint and architectural simplicity of DEQs. Code is available at https://github.com/locuslab/deq .
Analyzing the worst-case performance of deep neural networks against input perturbations amounts to solving a large-scale non-convex optimization problem, for which several past works have proposed convex relaxations as a promising alternative. Howev er, even for reasonably-sized neural networks, these relaxations are not tractable, and so must be replaced by even weaker relaxations in practice. In this work, we propose a novel operator splitting method that can directly solve a convex relaxation of the problem to high accuracy, by splitting it into smaller sub-problems that often have analytical solutions. The method is modular and scales to problem instances that were previously impossible to solve exactly due to their size. Furthermore, the solver operations are amenable to fast parallelization with GPU acceleration. We demonstrate our method in obtaining tighter bounds on the worst-case performance of large convolutional networks in image classification and reinforcement learning settings.
Many machine learning tasks involve subpopulation shift where the testing data distribution is a subpopulation of the training distribution. For such settings, a line of recent work has proposed the use of a variant of empirical risk minimization(ERM ) known as distributionally robust optimization (DRO). In this work, we apply DRO to real, large-scale tasks with subpopulation shift, and observe that DRO performs relatively poorly, and moreover has severe instability. We identify one direct cause of this phenomenon: sensitivity of DRO to outliers in the datasets. To resolve this issue, we propose the framework of DORO, for Distributional and Outlier Robust Optimization. At the core of this approach is a refined risk function which prevents DRO from overfitting to potential outliers. We instantiate DORO for the Cressie-Read family of Renyi divergence, and delve into two specific instances of this family: CVaR and $chi^2$-DRO. We theoretically prove the effectiveness of the proposed method, and empirically show that DORO improves the performance and stability of DRO with experiments on large modern datasets, thereby positively addressing the open question raised by Hashimoto et al., 2018.
To assess generalization, machine learning scientists typically either (i) bound the generalization gap and then (after training) plug in the empirical risk to obtain a bound on the true risk; or (ii) validate empirically on holdout data. However, (i ) typically yields vacuous guarantees for overparameterized models. Furthermore, (ii) shrinks the training set and its guarantee erodes with each re-use of the holdout set. In this paper, we introduce a method that leverages unlabeled data to produce generalization bounds. After augmenting our (labeled) training set with randomly labeled fresh examples, we train in the standard fashion. Whenever classifiers achieve low error on clean data and high error on noisy data, our bound provides a tight upper bound on the true risk. We prove that our bound is valid for 0-1 empirical risk minimization and with linear classifiers trained by gradient descent. Our approach is especially useful in conjunction with deep learning due to the early learning phenomenon whereby networks fit true labels before noisy labels but requires one intuitive assumption. Empirically, on canonical computer vision and NLP tasks, our bound provides non-vacuous generalization guarantees that track actual performance closely. This work provides practitioners with an option for certifying the generalization of deep nets even when unseen labeled data is unavailable and provides theoretical insights into the relationship between random label noise and generalization.
Large optimization problems with hard constraints arise in many settings, yet classical solvers are often prohibitively slow, motivating the use of deep networks as cheap approximate solvers. Unfortunately, naive deep learning approaches typically ca nnot enforce the hard constraints of such problems, leading to infeasible solutions. In this work, we present Deep Constraint Completion and Correction (DC3), an algorithm to address this challenge. Specifically, this method enforces feasibility via a differentiable procedure, which implicitly completes partial solutions to satisfy equality constraints and unrolls gradient-based corrections to satisfy inequality constraints. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DC3 in both synthetic optimization tasks and the real-world setting of AC optimal power flow, where hard constraints encode the physics of the electrical grid. In both cases, DC3 achieves near-optimal objective values while preserving feasibility.
Recent work has highlighted several advantages of enforcing orthogonality in the weight layers of deep networks, such as maintaining the stability of activations, preserving gradient norms, and enhancing adversarial robustness by enforcing low Lipsch itz constants. Although numerous methods exist for enforcing the orthogonality of fully-connected layers, those for convolutional layers are more heuristic in nature, often focusing on penalty methods or limited classes of convolutions. In this work, we propose and evaluate an alternative approach to directly parameterize convolutional layers that are constrained to be orthogonal. Specifically, we propose to apply the Cayley transform to a skew-symmetric convolution in the Fourier domain, so that the inverse convolution needed by the Cayley transform can be computed efficiently. We compare our method to previous Lipschitz-constrained and orthogonal convolutional layers and show that it indeed preserves orthogonality to a high degree even for large convolutions. Applied to the problem of certified adversarial robustness, we show that networks incorporating the layer outperform existing deterministic methods for certified defense against $ell_2$-norm-bounded adversaries, while scaling to larger architectures than previously investigated. Code is available at https://github.com/locuslab/orthogonal-convolutions.
As machine learning and algorithmic decision making systems are increasingly being leveraged in high-stakes human-in-the-loop settings, there is a pressing need to understand the rationale of their predictions. Researchers have responded to this need with explainable AI (XAI), but often proclaim interpretability axiomatically without evaluation. When these systems are evaluated, they are often tested through offline simulations with proxy metrics of interpretability (such as model complexity). We empirically evaluate the veracity of three common interpretability assumptions through a large scale human-subjects experiment with a simple placebo explanation control. We find that feature attribution explanations provide marginal utility in our task for a human decision maker and in certain cases result in worse decisions due to cognitive and contextual confounders. This result challenges the assumed universal benefit of applying these methods and we hope this work will underscore the importance of human evaluation in XAI research. Supplemental materials -- including anonymized data from the experiment, code to replicate the study, an interactive demo of the experiment, and the models used in the analysis -- can be found at: https://doi.pizza/challenging-xai.
Under a commonly-studied backdoor poisoning attack against classification models, an attacker adds a small trigger to a subset of the training data, such that the presence of this trigger at test time causes the classifier to always predict some targ et class. It is often implicitly assumed that the poisoned classifier is vulnerable exclusively to the adversary who possesses the trigger. In this paper, we show empirically that this view of backdoored classifiers is fundamentally incorrect. We demonstrate that anyone with access to the classifier, even without access to any original training data or trigger, can construct several alternative triggers that are as effective or more so at eliciting the target class at test time. We construct these alternative triggers by first generating adversarial examples for a smoothed version of the classifier, created with a recent process called Denoised Smoothing, and then extracting colors or cropped portions of adversarial images. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our attack through extensive experiments on ImageNet and TrojAI datasets, including a user study which demonstrates that our method allows users to easily determine the existence of such backdoors in existing poisoned classifiers. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our alternative triggers can in fact look entirely different from the original trigger, highlighting that the backdoor actually learned by the classifier differs substantially from the trigger image itself. Thus, we argue that there is no such thing as a secret backdoor in poisoned classifiers: poisoning a classifier invites attacks not just by the party that possesses the trigger, but from anyone with access to the classifier. Code is available at https://github.com/locuslab/breaking-poisoned-classifier.
121 - Eric Wong , J. Zico Kolter 2020
Although much progress has been made towards robust deep learning, a significant gap in robustness remains between real-world perturbations and more narrowly defined sets typically studied in adversarial defenses. In this paper, we aim to bridge this gap by learning perturbation sets from data, in order to characterize real-world effects for robust training and evaluation. Specifically, we use a conditional generator that defines the perturbation set over a constrained region of the latent space. We formulate desirable properties that measure the quality of a learned perturbation set, and theoretically prove that a conditional variational autoencoder naturally satisfies these criteria. Using this framework, our approach can generate a variety of perturbations at different complexities and scales, ranging from baseline spatial transformations, through common image corruptions, to lighting variations. We measure the quality of our learned perturbation sets both quantitatively and qualitatively, finding that our models are capable of producing a diverse set of meaningful perturbations beyond the limited data seen during training. Finally, we leverage our learned perturbation sets to train models which are empirically and certifiably robust to adversarial image corruptions and adversarial lighting variations, while improving generalization on non-adversarial data. All code and configuration files for reproducing the experiments as well as pretrained model weights can be found at https://github.com/locuslab/perturbation_learning.
We propose a new class of implicit networks, the multiscale deep equilibrium model (MDEQ), suited to large-scale and highly hierarchical pattern recognition domains. An MDEQ directly solves for and backpropagates through the equilibrium points of mul tiple feature resolutions simultaneously, using implicit differentiation to avoid storing intermediate states (and thus requiring only $O(1)$ memory consumption). These simultaneously-learned multi-resolution features allow us to train a single model on a diverse set of tasks and loss functions, such as using a single MDEQ to perform both image classification and semantic segmentation. We illustrate the effectiveness of this approach on two large-scale vision tasks: ImageNet classification and semantic segmentation on high-resolution images from the Cityscapes dataset. In both settings, MDEQs are able to match or exceed the performance of recent competitive computer vision models: the first time such performance and scale have been achieved by an implicit deep learning approach. The code and pre-trained models are at https://github.com/locuslab/mdeq .

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