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Deep learning has made significant impacts on multi-view stereo systems. State-of-the-art approaches typically involve building a cost volume, followed by multiple 3D convolution operations to recover the input images pixel-wise depth. While such end -to-end learning of plane-sweeping stereo advances public benchmarks accuracy, they are typically very slow to compute. We present MVS2D, a highly efficient multi-view stereo algorithm that seamlessly integrates multi-view constraints into single-view networks via an attention mechanism. Since MVS2D only builds on 2D convolutions, it is at least 4x faster than all the notable counterparts. Moreover, our algorithm produces precise depth estimations, achieving state-of-the-art results on challenging benchmarks ScanNet, SUN3D, and RGBD. Even under inexact camera poses, our algorithm still out-performs all other algorithms. Supplementary materials and code will be available at the project page: https://zhenpeiyang.github.io/MVS2D
We study the task of semantic mapping - specifically, an embodied agent (a robot or an egocentric AI assistant) is given a tour of a new environment and asked to build an allocentric top-down semantic map (what is where?) from egocentric observations of an RGB-D camera with known pose (via localization sensors). Towards this goal, we present SemanticMapNet (SMNet), which consists of: (1) an Egocentric Visual Encoder that encodes each egocentric RGB-D frame, (2) a Feature Projector that projects egocentric features to appropriate locations on a floor-plan, (3) a Spatial Memory Tensor of size floor-plan length x width x feature-dims that learns to accumulate projected egocentric features, and (4) a Map Decoder that uses the memory tensor to produce semantic top-down maps. SMNet combines the strengths of (known) projective camera geometry and neural representation learning. On the task of semantic mapping in the Matterport3D dataset, SMNet significantly outperforms competitive baselines by 4.01-16.81% (absolute) on mean-IoU and 3.81-19.69% (absolute) on Boundary-F1 metrics. Moreover, we show how to use the neural episodic memories and spatio-semantic allocentric representations build by SMNet for subsequent tasks in the same space - navigating to objects seen during the tour(Find chair) or answering questions about the space (How many chairs did you see in the house?). Project page: https://vincentcartillier.github.io/smnet.html.
We develop new representations and algorithms for three-dimensional (3D) object detection and spatial layout prediction in cluttered indoor scenes. We first propose a clouds of oriented gradient (COG) descriptor that links the 2D appearance and 3D po se of object categories, and thus accurately models how perspective projection affects perceived image gradients. To better represent the 3D visual styles of large objects and provide contextual cues to improve the detection of small objects, we introduce latent support surfaces. We then propose a Manhattan voxel representation which better captures the 3D room layout geometry of common indoor environments. Effective classification rules are learned via a latent structured prediction framework. Contextual relationships among categories and layout are captured via a cascade of classifiers, leading to holistic scene hypotheses that exceed the state-of-the-art on the SUN RGB-D database.
Passive visual systems typically fail to recognize objects in the amodal setting where they are heavily occluded. In contrast, humans and other embodied agents have the ability to move in the environment, and actively control the viewing angle to bet ter understand object shapes and semantics. In this work, we introduce the task of Embodied Visual Recognition (EVR): An agent is instantiated in a 3D environment close to an occluded target object, and is free to move in the environment to perform object classification, amodal object localization, and amodal object segmentation. To address this, we develop a new model called Embodied Mask R-CNN, for agents to learn to move strategically to improve their visual recognition abilities. We conduct experiments using the House3D environment. Experimental results show that: 1) agents with embodiment (movement) achieve better visual recognition performance than passive ones; 2) in order to improve visual recognition abilities, agents can learn strategical moving paths that are different from shortest paths.
We tackle the problem of automatically reconstructing a complete 3D model of a scene from a single RGB image. This challenging task requires inferring the shape of both visible and occluded surfaces. Our approach utilizes viewer-centered, multi-layer representation of scene geometry adapted from recent methods for single object shape completion. To improve the accuracy of view-centered representations for complex scenes, we introduce a novel Epipolar Feature Transformer that transfers convolutional network features from an input view to other virtual camera viewpoints, and thus better covers the 3D scene geometry. Unlike existing approaches that first detect and localize objects in 3D, and then infer object shape using category-specific models, our approach is fully convolutional, end-to-end differentiable, and avoids the resolution and memory limitations of voxel representations. We demonstrate the advantages of multi-layer depth representations and epipolar feature transformers on the reconstruction of a large database of indoor scenes.
To date, top-performing optical flow estimation methods only take pairs of consecutive frames into account. While elegant and appealing, the idea of using more than two frames has not yet produced state-of-the-art results. We present a simple, yet ef fective fusion approach for multi-frame optical flow that benefits from longer-term temporal cues. Our method first warps the optical flow from previous frames to the current, thereby yielding multiple plausible estimates. It then fuses the complementary information carried by these estimates into a new optical flow field. At the time of writing, our method ranks first among published results in the MPI Sintel and KITTI 2015 benchmarks. Our models will be available on https://github.com/NVlabs/PWC-Net.
106 - Zhile Ren , Deqing Sun , Jan Kautz 2017
Given two consecutive frames from a pair of stereo cameras, 3D scene flow methods simultaneously estimate the 3D geometry and motion of the observed scene. Many existing approaches use superpixels for regularization, but may predict inconsistent shap es and motions inside rigidly moving objects. We instead assume that scenes consist of foreground objects rigidly moving in front of a static background, and use semantic cues to produce pixel-accurate scene flow estimates. Our cascaded classification framework accurately models 3D scenes by iteratively refining semantic segmentation masks, stereo correspondences, 3D rigid motion estimates, and optical flow fields. We evaluate our method on the challenging KITTI autonomous driving benchmark, and show that accounting for the motion of segmented vehicles leads to state-of-the-art performance.

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