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The combination of the linear size from reverberation mapping (RM) and the angular distance of the broad line region (BLR) from spectroastrometry (SA) in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) can be used to measure the Hubble constant $H_0$. Recently, Wang e t al. (2020) successfully employed this approach and estimated $H_0$ from 3C 273. However, there may be a systematic deviation between the response-weighted radius (RM measurement) and luminosity-weighted radius (SA measurement), especially when different broad lines are adopted for size indicators (e.g., hb for RM and pa for SA). Here we evaluate the size deviations measured by six pairs of hydrogen lines (e.g., hb, ha and pa) via the locally optimally emitting cloud (LOC) models of BLR. We find that the radius ratios $K$(=$R_{rm SA}$/$R_{rm RM}$) of the same line deviated systematically from 1 (0.85-0.88) with dispersions between 0.063-0.083. Surprisingly, the $K$ values from the pa(SA)/hb(RM) and ha(SA)/hb(RM) pairs not only are closest to 1 but also have considerably smaller uncertainty. Considering the current infrared interferometry technology, the pa(SA)/hb(RM) pair is the ideal choice for the low redshift objects in the SARM project. In the future, the ha(SA)/hb(RM) pair could be used for the high redshift luminous quasars. These theoretical estimations of the SA/RM radius pave the way for the future SARM measurements to further constrain the standard cosmological model.
We present an analysis of the variability of broad absorption lines (BALs) in a quasar SDSS J141955.26+522741.1 at $z=2.145$ with 72 observations from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 16 (SDSS DR16). The strong correlation between the equiva lent widths of BAL and the continuum luminosity, reveals that the variation of BAL trough is dominated by the photoionization. The photoionization model predicts that when the time interval $Delta T$ between two observations is longer than the recombination timescale $t_{rm rec}$, the BAL variations can be detected. This can be characterized as a sharp rise in the detection rate of BAL variation at $Delta T=t_{rm rec}$. For the first time, we detect such a sharp rise signature in the detection rate of BAL variations. As a result, we propose that the $t_{rm rec}$ can be obtained from the sharp rise of the detection rate of BAL variation. It is worth mentioning that the BAL variations are detected at the time-intervals less than the $t_{rm rec}$ for half an order of magnitude in two individual troughs. This result indicates that there may be multiple components with different $t_{rm rec}$ but the same velocity in an individual trough.
Understanding the origin of feii emission is important because it is crucial to construct the main sequence of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). Despite several decades of observational and theoretical effort, the location of the optical iron emitting r egion and the mechanism responsible for the positive correlation between the feii strength and the black hole accretion rate remain open questions as yet. In this letter, we report the optical feii response to the central outburst in PS1-10adi, a candidate tidal disruption event (TDE) taking place in an AGN at $z = 0.203$ that has aroused extensive attention. For the first time, we observe that the feii response in the rising phase of its central luminosity is significantly more prominent than that in the decline phase, showing a hysteresis effect. We interpret this hysteresis effect as a consequence of the gradual sublimation of the dust grains situating at the inner surface of the torus into gas when the luminosity of the central engine increases. It is the iron element released from the sublimated dust that contributes evidently to the observed feii emission. This interpretation, together with the weak response of the hb emission as we observe, naturally explains the applicability of relative feii strength as a tracer of the Eddington ratio. In addition, optical iron emission of this origin renders the feii time lag a potential standard candle with cosmological implications.
Quasar outflows carry mass, momentum and energy into the surrounding environment, and have long been considered a potential key factor in regulating the growth of supermassive black holes and the evolution of their host galaxies. A crucial parameter for understanding the origin of these outflows and measuring their influence on their host galaxies is the distance (R) between the outflow gas and the galaxy center. While R has been measured in a number of individual galaxies, its distribution remains unknown. Here we report the distributions of R and the kinetic luminosities of quasars outflows, using the statistical properties of broad absorption line variability in a sample of 915 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys. The mean and standard deviation of the distribution of R are 10^{1.4+/-0.5} parsecs. The typical outflow distance in this sample is tens of parsec, which is beyond the theoretically predicted location (0.01 ~ 0.1 parsecs) where the accretion disc line-driven wind is launched, but is smaller than the scales of most outflows that are derived using the excited state absorption lines. The typical value of the mass-flow rate is of tens to a hundred solar masses per year, or several times the accretion rate. The typical kinetic-to-bolometric luminosity ratio is a few per cent, indicating that outflows are energetic enough to influence the evolution of their host galaxies.

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