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Dark matter is one of the deepest mystery of the universe. So far there is no natural explanation why the dark matter should exist and even dominate the universe. In this paper, we begin with a 3+1D topological gravity theory which is super renormali zable with vanishing beta functions, then we argue that Einstein gravity can emerge by condensing loop-like excitation from the underlying topological gravity theory. In the meanwhile, the uncondensed loop-like excitations serves as a natural candidate of dark matter and a generalized Einstein equation can be derived in the presence of loop-source(dark matter) background. Surprisingly, we find that such kind of dark matter will not contribute to scalar curvature, however, it will become a source of torsion. Finally, we derive the generalized Einstein equation in the presence of Dirac field. Very different from the usual Einstein-Carton theory, our theory further predicts that any type of normal matter, including Dirac field will not produce torsion. All these unique predictions can be tested by future experiments. Our framework suggests that topological invariant principle might play a more profound role than the well-known general covariance principle, especially towards understanding the nature of dark matter and quantum gravity in 3+1D.
We accurately simulate the phase diagram and critical behavior of the $q$-state clock model on the square lattice by using the state-of-the-art loop optimization for tensor network renormalzation(loop-TNR) algorithm. The two phase transition points f or $q geq 5$ are determined with very high accuracy. Furthermore, by computing the conformal scaling dimensions, we are able to accurately determine the compactification radius $R$ of the compactified boson theories at both phase transition points. In particular, the compactification radius $R$ at high-temperature critical point is precisely the same as the predicted $R$ for Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition. Moreover, we find that the fixed point tensors at high-temperature critical point also converge(up to numerical errors) to the same one for large enough $q$ and the corresponding operator product expansion(OPE) coefficient of the compactified boson theory can also be read out directly from the fixed point tensor.
The computation of certain obstruction functions is a central task in classifying interacting fermionic symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases. Using techniques in group-cohomology theory, we develop an algorithm to accelerate this computation. Mathematically, cochains in the cohomology of the symmetry group, which are used to enumerate the SPT phases, can be expressed equivalently in different linear basis, known as the resolutions of the group. By expressing the cochains in a reduced resolution containing much fewer basis than the choice commonly used in previous studies, the computational cost is drastically reduced. In particular, it reduces the computational cost for infinite discrete symmetry groups, like the wallpaper groups and space groups, from infinite to finite. As examples, we compute the classification of two-dimensional interacting fermionic SPT phases, for all 17 wallpaper symmetry groups.
The classification and lattice model construction of symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases in interacting fermion systems are very interesting but challenging. In this paper, we give a systematic fixed point wave function construction of fermio nic SPT (FSPT) states for generic fermionic symmetry group $G_f=mathbb{Z}_2^f times_{omega_2} G_b$ which is a central extension of bosonic symmetry group $G_b$ (may contain time reversal symmetry) by the fermion parity symmetry group $mathbb{Z}_2^f = {1,P_f}$. Our construction is based on the concept of equivalence class of finite depth fermionic symmetric local unitary (FSLU) transformations and decorating symmetry domain wall picture, subjected to certain obstructions. We will also discuss the systematical construction and classification of boundary anomalous SPT (ASPT) states which leads to a trivialization of the corresponding bulk FSPT states. Thus, we conjecture that the obstruction-free and trivialization-free constructions naturally lead to a classification of FSPT phases. Each fixed-point wave function admits an exactly solvable commuting-projector Hamiltonian. We believe that our classification scheme can be generalized to point/space group symmetry as well as continuum Lie group symmetry.
The classification and construction of symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases have been intensively studied in interacting systems recently. To our surprise, in interacting fermion systems, there exists a new class of the so-called anomalous SPT (ASPT) states which are only well defined on the boundary of a trivial fermionic bulk system. We first demonstrate the essential idea by considering an anomalous topological superconductor with time reversal symmetry $T^2=1$ in 2D. The physical reason is that the fermion parity might be changed locally by certain symmetry action, but is conserved if we introduce a bulk. Then we discuss the layer structure and systematical construction of ASPT states in interacting fermion systems in 2D with a total symmetry $G_f=G_btimesmathbb{Z}_2^f$. Finally, potential experimental realizations of ASPT states are also addressed.
We construct fixed-point wave functions and exactly solvable commuting-projector Hamiltonians for a large class of bosonic symmetry-enriched topological (SET) phases, based on the concept of equivalent classes of symmetric local unitary transformatio ns. We argue that for onsite unitary symmetries, our construction realizes all SETs free of anomaly, as long as the underlying topological order itself can be realized with a commuting-projector Hamiltonian. We further extend the construction to anti-unitary symmetries (e.g. time-reversal symmetry), mirror-reflection symmetries, and to anomalous SETs on the surface of three-dimensional symmetry-protected topological phases. Mathematically, our construction naturally leads to a generalization of group extensions of unitary fusion categories to anti-unitary symmetries.
Motivated by the recent experimental observation of a Mott insulating state for the layered Iridate Na2IrO3, we discuss possible ordering states of the effective Iridium moments in the presence of strong spin-orbit coupling and a magnetic field. For a field pointing in the [111] direction - perpendicular to the hexagonal lattice formed by the Iridium moments - we find that a combination of Heisenberg and Kitaev exchange interactions gives rise to a rich phase diagram with both symmetry breaking magnetically ordered phases as well as a topologically ordered phase that is stable over a small range of coupling parameters. Our numerical simulations further indicate two exotic multicritical points at the boundaries between these ordered phases.

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