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Software model checking is a verification technique which is widely used for checking temporal properties of software systems. Even though it is a property verification technique, its common usage in practice is in bug finding, that is, finding viola tions of temporal properties. Motivated by this observation and leveraging the recent progress in fuzzing, we build a greybox fuzzing framework to find violations of Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL) properties. Our framework takes as input a sequential program written in C/C++, and an LTL property. It finds violations, or counterexample traces, of the LTL property in stateful software systems; however, it does not achieve verification. Our work substantially extends directed greybox fuzzing to witness arbitrarily complex event orderings. We note that existing directed greybox fuzzing approaches are limited to witnessing reaching a location or witnessing simple event orderings like use-after-free. At the same time, compared to model checkers, our approach finds the counterexamples faster, thereby finding more counterexamples within a given time budget. Our LTL-Fuzzer tool, built on top of the AFL fuzzer, is shown to be effective in detecting bugs in well-known protocol implementations, such as OpenSSL and Telnet. We use LTL-Fuzzer to reproduce known vulnerabilities (CVEs), to find 15 zero-day bugs by checking properties extracted from RFCs (for which 10 CVEs have been assigned), and to find violations of both safety as well as liveness properties in real-world protocol implementations. Our work represents a practical advance over software model checkers -- while simultaneously representing a conceptual advance over existing greybox fuzzers. Our work thus provides a starting point for understanding the unexplored synergies between software model checking and greybox fuzzing.
In this paper, we propose a novel local descriptor-based framework, called You Only Hypothesize Once (YOHO), for the registration of two unaligned point clouds. In contrast to most existing local descriptors which rely on a fragile local reference fr ame to gain rotation invariance, the proposed descriptor achieves the rotation invariance by recent technologies of group equivariant feature learning, which brings more robustness to point density and noise. Meanwhile, the descriptor in YOHO also has a rotation equivariant part, which enables us to estimate the registration from just one correspondence hypothesis. Such property reduces the searching space for feasible transformations, thus greatly improves both the accuracy and the efficiency of YOHO. Extensive experiments show that YOHO achieves superior performances with much fewer needed RANSAC iterations on four widely-used datasets, the 3DMatch/3DLoMatch datasets, the ETH dataset and the WHU-TLS dataset. More details are shown in our project page: https://hpwang-whu.github.io/YOHO/.
Automatic algorithm-hardware co-design for DNN has shown great success in improving the performance of DNNs on FPGAs. However, this process remains challenging due to the intractable search space of neural network architectures and hardware accelerat or implementation. Differing from existing hardware-aware neural architecture search (NAS) algorithms that rely solely on the expensive learning-based approaches, our work incorporates integer programming into the search algorithm to prune the design space. Given a set of hardware resource constraints, our integer programming formulation directly outputs the optimal accelerator configuration for mapping a DNN subgraph that minimizes latency. We use an accuracy predictor for different DNN subgraphs with different quantization schemes and generate accuracy-latency pareto frontiers. With low computational cost, our algorithm can generate quantized networks that achieve state-of-the-art accuracy and hardware performance on Xilinx Zynq (ZU3EG) FPGA for image classification on ImageNet dataset. The solution searched by our algorithm achieves 72.5% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet at framerate 50, which is 60% faster than MnasNet and 135% faster than FBNet with comparable accuracy.
As soon as abstract mathematical computations were adapted to computation on digital computers, the problem of efficient representation, manipulation, and communication of the numerical values in those computations arose. Strongly related to the prob lem of numerical representation is the problem of quantization: in what manner should a set of continuous real-valued numbers be distributed over a fixed discrete set of numbers to minimize the number of bits required and also to maximize the accuracy of the attendant computations? This perennial problem of quantization is particularly relevant whenever memory and/or computational resources are severely restricted, and it has come to the forefront in recent years due to the remarkable performance of Neural Network models in computer vision, natural language processing, and related areas. Moving from floating-point representations to low-precision fixed integer values represented in four bits or less holds the potential to reduce the memory footprint and latency by a factor of 16x; and, in fact, reductions of 4x to 8x are often realized in practice in these applications. Thus, it is not surprising that quantization has emerged recently as an important and very active sub-area of research in the efficient implementation of computations associated with Neural Networks. In this article, we survey approaches to the problem of quantizing the numerical values in deep Neural Network computations, covering the advantages/disadvantages of current methods. With this survey and its organization, we hope to have presented a useful snapshot of the current research in quantization for Neural Networks and to have given an intelligent organization to ease the evaluation of future research in this area.
Current low-precision quantization algorithms often have the hidden cost of conversion back and forth from floating point to quantized integer values. This hidden cost limits the latency improvement realized by quantizing Neural Networks. To address this, we present HAWQV3, a novel mixed-precision integer-only quantization framework. The contributions of HAWQV3 are the following: (i) An integer-only inference where the entire computational graph is performed only with integer multiplication, addition, and bit shifting, without any floating point operations or even integer division; (ii) A novel hardware-aware mixed-precision quantization method where the bit-precision is calculated by solving an integer linear programming problem that balances the trade-off between model perturbation and other constraints, e.g., memory footprint and latency; (iii) Direct hardware deployment and open source contribution for 4-bit uniform/mixed-precision quantization in TVM, achieving an average speed up of $1.45times$ for uniform 4-bit, as compared to uniform 8-bit for ResNet50 on T4 GPUs; and (iv) extensive evaluation of the proposed methods on ResNet18/50 and InceptionV3, for various model compression levels with/without mixed precision. For ResNet50, our INT8 quantization achieves an accuracy of $77.58%$, which is $2.68%$ higher than prior integer-only work, and our mixed-precision INT4/8 quantization can reduce INT8 latency by $23%$ and still achieve $76.73%$ accuracy. Our framework and the TVM implementation have been open sourced.
Automatic patch generation can significantly reduce the window of exposure after a vulnerability is disclosed. Towards this goal, a long-standing problem has been that of patch localization: to find a program point at which a patch can be synthesized . We present PatchLoc, one of the first systems which automatically identifies such a location in a vulnerable binary, given just one exploit, with high accuracy. PatchLoc does not make any assumptions about the availability of source code, test suites, or specialized knowledge of the vulnerability. PatchLoc pinpoints valid patch locations in large real-world applications with high accuracy for about 88% of 43 CVEs we study. These results stem from a novel approach to automatically synthesizing a test-suite which enables probabilistically ranking and effectively differentiating between candidate program patch locations.
Deploying deep learning models on embedded systems has been challenging due to limited computing resources. The majority of existing work focuses on accelerating image classification, while other fundamental vision problems, such as object detection, have not been adequately addressed. Compared with image classification, detection problems are more sensitive to the spatial variance of objects, and therefore, require specialized convolutions to aggregate spatial information. To address this need, recent work introduces dynamic deformable convolution to augment regular convolutions. However, this will lead to inefficient memory accesses of inputs with existing hardware. In this work, we harness the flexibility of FPGAs to develop a novel object detection pipeline with deformable convolutions. We show the speed-accuracy tradeoffs for a set of algorithm modifications including irregular-access versus limited-range and fixed-shape. We then Co-Design a Network CoDeNet with the modified deformable convolution and quantize it to 4-bit weights and 8-bit activations. With our high-efficiency implementation, our solution reaches 26.9 frames per second with a tiny model size of 0.76 MB while achieving 61.7 AP50 on the standard object detection dataset, Pascal VOC. With our higher accuracy implementation, our model gets to 67.1 AP50 on Pascal VOC with only 2.9 MB of parameters-20.9x smaller but 10% more accurate than Tiny-YOLO.
Validation of Android apps via testing is difficult owing to the presence of flaky tests. Due to non-deterministic execution environments, a sequence of events (a test) may lead to success or failure in unpredictable ways. In this work, we present an approach and tool FlakeShovel for detecting flaky tests through systematic exploration of event orders. Our key observation is that for a test in a mobile app, there is a testing framework thread which creates the test events, a main User-Interface (UI) thread processing these events, and there may be several other background threads running asynchronously. For any event e whose execution involves potential non-determinism, we localize the earliest (latest) event after (before) which e must happen.We then efficiently explore the schedules between the upper/lower bound events while grouping events within a single statement, to find whether the test outcome is flaky. We also create a suite of subject programs called DroidFlaker to study flaky tests in Android apps. Our experiments on subject-suite DroidFlaker demonstrate the efficacy of our flaky test detection. Our work is complementary to existing flaky test detection tools like Deflaker which check only failing tests. FlakeShovel can detect flaky tests among passing tests, as shown by our approach and experiments.
Deep neural networks (DNN) are increasingly applied in safety-critical systems, e.g., for face recognition, autonomous car control and malware detection. It is also shown that DNNs are subject to attacks such as adversarial perturbation and thus must be properly tested. Many coverage criteria for DNN since have been proposed, inspired by the success of code coverage criteria for software programs. The expectation is that if a DNN is a well tested (and retrained) according to such coverage criteria, it is more likely to be robust. In this work, we conduct an empirical study to evaluate the relationship between coverage, robustness and attack/defense metrics for DNN. Our study is the largest to date and systematically done based on 100 DNN models and 25 metrics. One of our findings is that there is limited correlation between coverage and robustness, i.e., improving coverage does not help improve the robustness. Our dataset and implementation have been made available to serve as a benchmark for future studies on testing DNN.
Quantization is an effective method for reducing memory footprint and inference time of Neural Networks, e.g., for efficient inference in the cloud, especially at the edge. However, ultra low precision quantization could lead to significant degradati on in model generalization. A promising method to address this is to perform mixed-precision quantization, where more sensitive layers are kept at higher precision. However, the search space for a mixed-precision quantization is exponential in the number of layers. Recent work has proposed HAWQ, a novel Hessian based framework, with the aim of reducing this exponential search space by using second-order information. While promising, this prior work has three major limitations: (i) HAWQV1 only uses the top Hessian eigenvalue as a measure of sensitivity and do not consider the rest of the Hessian spectrum; (ii) HAWQV1 approach only provides relative sensitivity of different layers and therefore requires a manual selection of the mixed-precision setting; and (iii) HAWQV1 does not consider mixed-precision activation quantization. Here, we present HAWQV2 which addresses these shortcomings. For (i), we perform a theoretical analysis showing that a better sensitivity metric is to compute the average of all of the Hessian eigenvalues. For (ii), we develop a Pareto frontier based method for selecting the exact bit precision of different layers without any manual selection. For (iii), we extend the Hessian analysis to mixed-precision activation quantization. We have found this to be very beneficial for object detection. We show that HAWQV2 achieves new state-of-the-art results for a wide range of tasks.

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