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In magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG), the moire superlattice potential gives rise to narrow electronic bands1 which support a multitude of many-body quantum phases. Further richness arises in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field, where the interplay between moire and magnetic length scales leads to fractal Hofstadter subbands. In this strongly correlated Hofstadter platform, multiple experiments have identified gapped topological and correlated states, but little is known about the phase transitions between them in the intervening compressible regimes. Here, using a scanning single-electron transistor microscope to measure local electronic compressibility, we simultaneously unveil novel sequences of broken-symmetry Chern insulators (CIs) and resolve sharp phase transitions between competing states with different topological quantum numbers and spin/valley flavor occupations. Our measurements provide a complete experimental mapping of the energy spectrum and thermodynamic phase diagram of interacting Hofstadter subbands in MATBG. In addition, we observe full lifting of the degeneracy of the zeroth Landau levels (zLLs) together with level crossings, indicating moire valley splitting. We propose a unified flavor polarization mechanism to understand the intricate interplay of topology, interactions, and symmetry breaking as a function of density and applied magnetic field in this system.
111 - Zhaoyu Han , Jing-Yuan Chen 2021
We construct a class of lattice Hamiltonians that exhibit fractional Hall conductivity. These Hamiltonians, while not being exactly solvable, can be controllably solved in their low energy sectors, through a combination of perturbative and exact tech niques. Our construction demonstrates a systematic way to circumvent the Kapustin-Fidkowski no-go theorem and is generalizable.
A pair-density-wave (PDW) is a novel superconducting state with an oscillating order parameter. A microscopic mechanism that can give rise to it has been long sought but has not yet been established by any controlled calculation. Here we report a den sity-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) study of an effective $t$-$J$-$V$ model, which is equivalent to the Holstein-Hubbard model in a strong-coupling limit, on long two-, four- and six-leg triangular cylinders. While a state with long-range PDW order is precluded in one dimension, we find strong quasi-long-range PDW order with a divergent PDW susceptibility as well as spontaneous breaking of time-reversal and inversion symmetries. Despite the strong interactions, the underlying Fermi surfaces and electron pockets around the $K$ and $K^prime$ points in the Brillouin zone can be identified. We conclude that the state is valley-polarized and that the PDW arises from intra-pocket pairing with an incommensurate center of mass momentum. In the two-leg case, the exponential decay of spin correlations and the measured central charge $capprox 1$ are consistent with an unusual realization of a Luther-Emery liquid.
We analyze the quantum phase diagram of the Holstein-Hubbard model using an asymptotically exact strong-coupling expansion. We find all sorts of interesting phases including a pair-density wave (PDW), a charge 4e (and even a charge 6e) superconductor , regimes of phase separation, and a variety of distinct charge-density-wave (CDW), spin-density-wave (SDW) and superconducting regimes. We chart the crossovers that occur as a function of the degree of retardation, i.e. the ratio of characteristic phonon frequency to the strength of interactions.
We analyze the instability of an unpolarized uniform quantum plasma consisting of two oppositely charged fermionic components with varying mass ratios, against charge and spin density waves (CDWs and SDWs). Using density functional theory, we treat e ach component with the local spin density approximation and a rescaled exchange-correlation functional. Interactions between different components are treated with a mean-field approximation. In both two- and three-dimensions, we find leading unstable CDW modes in the second-order expansion of the energy functional, which would induce the transition to quantum liquid crystals. The transition point and the length of the wave-vector are computed numerically. Discontinuous ranges of the wave-vector are found for different mass ratios between the two components, indicating exotic quantum phase transitions. Phase diagrams are obtained and a scaling relation is proposed to generalize the results to two-component fermionic plasmas with any mass scale. We discuss the implications of our results and directions for further improvement in treating quantum plasmas.

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