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Panorama images have a much larger field-of-view thus naturally encode enriched scene context information compared to standard perspective images, which however is not well exploited in the previous scene understanding methods. In this paper, we prop ose a novel method for panoramic 3D scene understanding which recovers the 3D room layout and the shape, pose, position, and semantic category for each object from a single full-view panorama image. In order to fully utilize the rich context information, we design a novel graph neural network based context model to predict the relationship among objects and room layout, and a differentiable relationship-based optimization module to optimize object arrangement with well-designed objective functions on-the-fly. Realizing the existing data are either with incomplete ground truth or overly-simplified scene, we present a new synthetic dataset with good diversity in room layout and furniture placement, and realistic image quality for total panoramic 3D scene understanding. Experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms existing methods on panoramic scene understanding in terms of both geometry accuracy and object arrangement. Code is available at https://chengzhag.github.io/publication/dpc.
We present a novel framework for mesh reconstruction from unstructured point clouds by taking advantage of the learned visibility of the 3D points in the virtual views and traditional graph-cut based mesh generation. Specifically, we first propose a three-step network that explicitly employs depth completion for visibility prediction. Then the visibility information of multiple views is aggregated to generate a 3D mesh model by solving an optimization problem considering visibility in which a novel adaptive visibility weighting in surface determination is also introduced to suppress line of sight with a large incident angle. Compared to other learning-based approaches, our pipeline only exercises the learning on a 2D binary classification task, ie, points visible or not in a view, which is much more generalizable and practically more efficient and capable to deal with a large number of points. Experiments demonstrate that our method with favorable transferability and robustness, and achieve competing performances wrt state-of-the-art learning-based approaches on small complex objects and outperforms on large indoor and outdoor scenes. Code is available at https://github.com/GDAOSU/vis2mesh.
87 - Yawei Li , He Chen , Zhaopeng Cui 2021
In this paper, we aim at improving the computational efficiency of graph convolutional networks (GCNs) for learning on point clouds. The basic graph convolution that is typically composed of a $K$-nearest neighbor (KNN) search and a multilayer percep tron (MLP) is examined. By mathematically analyzing the operations there, two findings to improve the efficiency of GCNs are obtained. (1) The local geometric structure information of 3D representations propagates smoothly across the GCN that relies on KNN search to gather neighborhood features. This motivates the simplification of multiple KNN searches in GCNs. (2) Shuffling the order of graph feature gathering and an MLP leads to equivalent or similar composite operations. Based on those findings, we optimize the computational procedure in GCNs. A series of experiments show that the optimized networks have reduced computational complexity, decreased memory consumption, and accelerated inference speed while maintaining comparable accuracy for learning on point clouds. Code will be available at url{https://github.com/ofsoundof/EfficientGCN.git}.
This paper presents a method for riggable 3D face reconstruction from monocular images, which jointly estimates a personalized face rig and per-image parameters including expressions, poses, and illuminations. To achieve this goal, we design an end-t o-end trainable network embedded with a differentiable in-network optimization. The network first parameterizes the face rig as a compact latent code with a neural decoder, and then estimates the latent code as well as per-image parameters via a learnable optimization. By estimating a personalized face rig, our method goes beyond static reconstructions and enables downstream applications such as video retargeting. In-network optimization explicitly enforces constraints derived from the first principles, thus introduces additional priors than regression-based methods. Finally, data-driven priors from deep learning are utilized to constrain the ill-posed monocular setting and ease the optimization difficulty. Experiments demonstrate that our method achieves SOTA reconstruction accuracy, reasonable robustness and generalization ability, and supports standard face rig applications.
We present a new pipeline for holistic 3D scene understanding from a single image, which could predict object shapes, object poses, and scene layout. As it is a highly ill-posed problem, existing methods usually suffer from inaccurate estimation of b oth shapes and layout especially for the cluttered scene due to the heavy occlusion between objects. We propose to utilize the latest deep implicit representation to solve this challenge. We not only propose an image-based local structured implicit network to improve the object shape estimation, but also refine the 3D object pose and scene layout via a novel implicit scene graph neural network that exploits the implicit local object features. A novel physical violation loss is also proposed to avoid incorrect context between objects. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of object shape, scene layout estimation, and 3D object detection.
Accurately describing and detecting 2D and 3D keypoints is crucial to establishing correspondences across images and point clouds. Despite a plethora of learning-based 2D or 3D local feature descriptors and detectors having been proposed, the derivat ion of a shared descriptor and joint keypoint detector that directly matches pixels and points remains under-explored by the community. This work takes the initiative to establish fine-grained correspondences between 2D images and 3D point clouds. In order to directly match pixels and points, a dual fully convolutional framework is presented that maps 2D and 3D inputs into a shared latent representation space to simultaneously describe and detect keypoints. Furthermore, an ultra-wide reception mechanism in combination with a novel loss function are designed to mitigate the intrinsic information variations between pixel and point local regions. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our framework shows competitive performance in fine-grained matching between images and point clouds and achieves state-of-the-art results for the task of indoor visual localization. Our source code will be available at [no-name-for-blind-review].
We present a novel method for synthesizing both temporally and geometrically consistent street-view panoramic video from a single satellite image and camera trajectory. Existing cross-view synthesis approaches focus on images, while video synthesis i n such a case has not yet received enough attention. For geometrical and temporal consistency, our approach explicitly creates a 3D point cloud representation of the scene and maintains dense 3D-2D correspondences across frames that reflect the geometric scene configuration inferred from the satellite view. As for synthesis in the 3D space, we implement a cascaded network architecture with two hourglass modules to generate point-wise coarse and fine features from semantics and per-class latent vectors, followed by projection to frames and an upsampling module to obtain the final realistic video. By leveraging computed correspondences, the produced street-view video frames adhere to the 3D geometric scene structure and maintain temporal consistency. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate superior results compared to other state-of-the-art synthesis approaches that either lack temporal consistency or realistic appearance. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first one to synthesize cross-view images to video.
Previous methods on estimating detailed human depth often require supervised training with `ground truth depth data. This paper presents a self-supervised method that can be trained on YouTube videos without known depth, which makes training data col lection simple and improves the generalization of the learned network. The self-supervised learning is achieved by minimizing a photo-consistency loss, which is evaluated between a video frame and its neighboring frames warped according to the estimated depth and the 3D non-rigid motion of the human body. To solve this non-rigid motion, we first estimate a rough SMPL model at each video frame and compute the non-rigid body motion accordingly, which enables self-supervised learning on estimating the shape details. Experiments demonstrate that our method enjoys better generalization and performs much better on data in the wild.
Visual localization, i.e., determining the position and orientation of a vehicle with respect to a map, is a key problem in autonomous driving. We present a multicamera visual inertial localization algorithm for large scale environments. To efficient ly and effectively match features against a pre-built global 3D map, we propose a prioritized feature matching scheme for multi-camera systems. In contrast to existing works, designed for monocular cameras, we (1) tailor the prioritization function to the multi-camera setup and (2) run feature matching and pose estimation in parallel. This significantly accelerates the matching and pose estimation stages and allows us to dynamically adapt the matching efforts based on the surrounding environment. In addition, we show how pose priors can be integrated into the localization system to increase efficiency and robustness. Finally, we extend our algorithm by fusing the absolute pose estimates with motion estimates from a multi-camera visual inertial odometry pipeline (VIO). This results in a system that provides reliable and drift-less pose estimation. Extensive experiments show that our localization runs fast and robust under varying conditions, and that our extended algorithm enables reliable real-time pose estimation.
Project AutoVision aims to develop localization and 3D scene perception capabilities for a self-driving vehicle. Such capabilities will enable autonomous navigation in urban and rural environments, in day and night, and with cameras as the only exter oceptive sensors. The sensor suite employs many cameras for both 360-degree coverage and accurate multi-view stereo; the use of low-cost cameras keeps the cost of this sensor suite to a minimum. In addition, the project seeks to extend the operating envelope to include GNSS-less conditions which are typical for environments with tall buildings, foliage, and tunnels. Emphasis is placed on leveraging multi-view geometry and deep learning to enable the vehicle to localize and perceive in 3D space. This paper presents an overview of the project, and describes the sensor suite and current progress in the areas of calibration, localization, and perception.

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