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Self-Supervised Human Depth Estimation from Monocular Videos

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 نشر من قبل Feitong Tan
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Previous methods on estimating detailed human depth often require supervised training with `ground truth depth data. This paper presents a self-supervised method that can be trained on YouTube videos without known depth, which makes training data collection simple and improves the generalization of the learned network. The self-supervised learning is achieved by minimizing a photo-consistency loss, which is evaluated between a video frame and its neighboring frames warped according to the estimated depth and the 3D non-rigid motion of the human body. To solve this non-rigid motion, we first estimate a rough SMPL model at each video frame and compute the non-rigid body motion accordingly, which enables self-supervised learning on estimating the shape details. Experiments demonstrate that our method enjoys better generalization and performs much better on data in the wild.

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In the recent years, many methods demonstrated the ability of neural networks tolearn depth and pose changes in a sequence of images, using only self-supervision as thetraining signal. Whilst the networks achieve good performance, the often over-look eddetail is that due to the inherent ambiguity of monocular vision they predict depth up to aunknown scaling factor. The scaling factor is then typically obtained from the LiDARground truth at test time, which severely limits practical applications of these methods.In this paper, we show that incorporating prior information about the camera configu-ration and the environment, we can remove the scale ambiguity and predict depth directly,still using the self-supervised formulation and not relying on any additional sensors.
Recent advances in self-supervised learning havedemonstrated that it is possible to learn accurate monoculardepth reconstruction from raw video data, without using any 3Dground truth for supervision. However, in robotics applications,multiple views o f a scene may or may not be available, depend-ing on the actions of the robot, switching between monocularand multi-view reconstruction. To address this mixed setting,we proposed a new approach that extends any off-the-shelfself-supervised monocular depth reconstruction system to usemore than one image at test time. Our method builds on astandard prior learned to perform monocular reconstruction,but uses self-supervision at test time to further improve thereconstruction accuracy when multiple images are available.When used to update the correct components of the model, thisapproach is highly-effective. On the standard KITTI bench-mark, our self-supervised method consistently outperformsall the previous methods with an average 25% reduction inabsolute error for the three common setups (monocular, stereoand monocular+stereo), and comes very close in accuracy whencompared to the fully-supervised state-of-the-art methods.
We present a generalised self-supervised learning approach for monocular estimation of the real depth across scenes with diverse depth ranges from 1--100s of meters. Existing supervised methods for monocular depth estimation require accurate depth me asurements for training. This limitation has led to the introduction of self-supervised methods that are trained on stereo image pairs with a fixed camera baseline to estimate disparity which is transformed to depth given known calibration. Self-supervised approaches have demonstrated impressive results but do not generalise to scenes with different depth ranges or camera baselines. In this paper, we introduce RealMonoDepth a self-supervised monocular depth estimation approach which learns to estimate the real scene depth for a diverse range of indoor and outdoor scenes. A novel loss function with respect to the true scene depth based on relative depth scaling and warping is proposed. This allows self-supervised training of a single network with multiple data sets for scenes with diverse depth ranges from both stereo pair and in the wild moving camera data sets. A comprehensive performance evaluation across five benchmark data sets demonstrates that RealMonoDepth provides a single trained network which generalises depth estimation across indoor and outdoor scenes, consistently outperforming previous self-supervised approaches.
112 - Rongrong Ji , Ke Li , Yan Wang 2019
In this paper, we address the problem of monocular depth estimation when only a limited number of training image-depth pairs are available. To achieve a high regression accuracy, the state-of-the-art estimation methods rely on CNNs trained with a lar ge number of image-depth pairs, which are prohibitively costly or even infeasible to acquire. Aiming to break the curse of such expensive data collections, we propose a semi-supervised adversarial learning framework that only utilizes a small number of image-depth pairs in conjunction with a large number of easily-available monocular images to achieve high performance. In particular, we use one generator to regress the depth and two discriminators to evaluate the predicted depth , i.e., one inspects the image-depth pair while the other inspects the depth channel alone. These two discriminators provide their feedbacks to the generator as the loss to generate more realistic and accurate depth predictions. Experiments show that the proposed approach can (1) improve most state-of-the-art models on the NYUD v2 dataset by effectively leveraging additional unlabeled data sources; (2) reach state-of-the-art accuracy when the training set is small, e.g., on the Make3D dataset; (3) adapt well to an unseen new dataset (Make3D in our case) after training on an annotated dataset (KITTI in our case).
In the last decade, numerous supervised deep learning approaches requiring large amounts of labeled data have been proposed for visual-inertial odometry (VIO) and depth map estimation. To overcome the data limitation, self-supervised learning has eme rged as a promising alternative, exploiting constraints such as geometric and photometric consistency in the scene. In this study, we introduce a novel self-supervised deep learning-based VIO and depth map recovery approach (SelfVIO) using adversarial training and self-adaptive visual-inertial sensor fusion. SelfVIO learns to jointly estimate 6 degrees-of-freedom (6-DoF) ego-motion and a depth map of the scene from unlabeled monocular RGB image sequences and inertial measurement unit (IMU) readings. The proposed approach is able to perform VIO without the need for IMU intrinsic parameters and/or the extrinsic calibration between the IMU and the camera. estimation and single-view depth recovery network. We provide comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the proposed framework comparing its performance with state-of-the-art VIO, VO, and visual simultaneous localization and mapping (VSLAM) approaches on the KITTI, EuRoC and Cityscapes datasets. Detailed comparisons prove that SelfVIO outperforms state-of-the-art VIO approaches in terms of pose estimation and depth recovery, making it a promising approach among existing methods in the literature.
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