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395 - Shuqi Dai , Zeyu Jin , Celso Gomes 2021
Recent advances in deep learning have expanded possibilities to generate music, but generating a customizable full piece of music with consistent long-term structure remains a challenge. This paper introduces MusicFrameworks, a hierarchical music str ucture representation and a multi-step generative process to create a full-length melody guided by long-term repetitive structure, chord, melodic contour, and rhythm constraints. We first organize the full melody with section and phrase-level structure. To generate melody in each phrase, we generate rhythm and basic melody using two separate transformer-based networks, and then generate the melody conditioned on the basic melody, rhythm and chords in an auto-regressive manner. By factoring music generation into sub-problems, our approach allows simpler models and requires less data. To customize or add variety, one can alter chords, basic melody, and rhythm structure in the music frameworks, letting our networks generate the melody accordingly. Additionally, we introduce new features to encode musical positional information, rhythm patterns, and melodic contours based on musical domain knowledge. A listening test reveals that melodies generated by our method are rated as good as or better than human-composed music in the POP909 dataset about half the time.
Text-based speech editors expedite the process of editing speech recordings by permitting editing via intuitive cut, copy, and paste operations on a speech transcript. A major drawback of current systems, however, is that edited recordings often soun d unnatural because of prosody mismatches around edited regions. In our work, we propose a new context-aware method for more natural sounding text-based editing of speech. To do so, we 1) use a series of neural networks to generate salient prosody features that are dependent on the prosody of speech surrounding the edit and amenable to fine-grained user control 2) use the generated features to control a standard pitch-shift and time-stretch method and 3) apply a denoising neural network to remove artifacts induced by the signal manipulation to yield a high-fidelity result. We evaluate our approach using a subjective listening test, provide a detailed comparative analysis, and conclude several interesting insights.
Many speech processing methods based on deep learning require an automatic and differentiable audio metric for the loss function. The DPAM approach of Manocha et al. learns a full-reference metric trained directly on human judgments, and thus correla tes well with human perception. However, it requires a large number of human annotations and does not generalize well outside the range of perturbations on which it was trained. This paper introduces CDPAM, a metric that builds on and advances DPAM. The primary improvement is to combine contrastive learning and multi-dimensional representations to build robust models from limited data. In addition, we collect human judgments on triplet comparisons to improve generalization to a broader range of audio perturbations. CDPAM correlates well with human responses across nine varied datasets. We also show that adding this metric to existing speech synthesis and enhancement methods yields significant improvement, as measured by objective and subjective tests.
104 - Zeyu Jin , Ruo Li 2021
We propose a high order numerical homogenization method for dissipative ordinary differential equations (ODEs) containing two time scales. Essentially, only first order homogenized model globally in time can be derived. To achieve a high order method , we have to adopt a numerical approach in the framework of the heterogeneous multiscale method (HMM). By a successively refined microscopic solver, the accuracy improvement up to arbitrary order is attained providing input data smooth enough. Based on the formulation of the high order microscopic solver we derived, an iterative formula to calculate the microscopic solver is then proposed. Using the iterative formula, we develop an implementation to the method in an efficient way for practical applications. Several numerical examples are presented to validate the new models and numerical methods.
Speech synthesis has recently seen significant improvements in fidelity, driven by the advent of neural vocoders and neural prosody generators. However, these systems lack intuitive user controls over prosody, making them unable to rectify prosody er rors (e.g., misplaced emphases and contextually inappropriate emotions) or generate prosodies with diverse speaker excitement levels and emotions. We address these limitations with a user-controllable, context-aware neural prosody generator. Given a real or synthesized speech recording, our model allows a user to input prosody constraints for certain time frames and generates the remaining time frames from input text and contextual prosody. We also propose a pitch-shifting neural vocoder to modify input speech to match the synthesized prosody. Through objective and subjective evaluations we show that we can successfully incorporate user control into our prosody generation model without sacrificing the overall naturalness of the synthesized speech.
Many reinforcement learning methods achieve great success in practice but lack theoretical foundation. In this paper, we study the convergence analysis on the problem of the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR). The global linear convergence properties a nd sample complexities are established for several popular algorithms such as the policy gradient algorithm, TD-learning and the actor-critic (AC) algorithm. Our results show that the actor-critic algorithm can reduce the sample complexity compared with the policy gradient algorithm. Although our analysis is still preliminary, it explains the benefit of AC algorithm in a certain sense.
Real-world audio recordings are often degraded by factors such as noise, reverberation, and equalization distortion. This paper introduces HiFi-GAN, a deep learning method to transform recorded speech to sound as though it had been recorded in a stud io. We use an end-to-end feed-forward WaveNet architecture, trained with multi-scale adversarial discriminators in both the time domain and the time-frequency domain. It relies on the deep feature matching losses of the discriminators to improve the perceptual quality of enhanced speech. The proposed model generalizes well to new speakers, new speech content, and new environments. It significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baseline methods in both objective and subjective experiments.
Non-parallel many-to-many voice conversion remains an interesting but challenging speech processing task. Many style-transfer-inspired methods such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variational autoencoders (VAEs) have been proposed. Rece ntly, AutoVC, a conditional autoencoders (CAEs) based method achieved state-of-the-art results by disentangling the speaker identity and speech content using information-constraining bottlenecks, and it achieves zero-shot conversion by swapping in a different speakers identity embedding to synthesize a new voice. However, we found that while speaker identity is disentangled from speech content, a significant amount of prosodic information, such as source F0, leaks through the bottleneck, causing target F0 to fluctuate unnaturally. Furthermore, AutoVC has no control of the converted F0 and thus unsuitable for many applications. In the paper, we modified and improved autoencoder-based voice conversion to disentangle content, F0, and speaker identity at the same time. Therefore, we can control the F0 contour, generate speech with F0 consistent with the target speaker, and significantly improve quality and similarity. We support our improvement through quantitative and qualitative analysis.

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