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119 - Fan Wu , Yunhui Long , Ce Zhang 2021
Graph structured data have enabled several successful applications such as recommendation systems and traffic prediction, given the rich node features and edges information. However, these high-dimensional features and high-order adjacency informatio n are usually heterogeneous and held by different data holders in practice. Given such vertical data partition (e.g., one data holder will only own either the node features or edge information), different data holders have to develop efficient joint training protocols rather than directly transfer data to each other due to privacy concerns. In this paper, we focus on the edge privacy, and consider a training scenario where Bob with node features will first send training node features to Alice who owns the adjacency information. Alice will then train a graph neural network (GNN) with the joint information and release an inference API. During inference, Bob is able to provide test node features and query the API to obtain the predictions for test nodes. Under this setting, we first propose a privacy attack LinkTeller via influence analysis to infer the private edge information held by Alice via designing adversarial queries for Bob. We then empirically show that LinkTeller is able to recover a significant amount of private edges, outperforming existing baselines. To further evaluate the privacy leakage, we adapt an existing algorithm for differentially private graph convolutional network (DP GCN) training and propose a new DP GCN mechanism LapGraph. We show that these DP GCN mechanisms are not always resilient against LinkTeller empirically under mild privacy guarantees ($varepsilon>5$). Our studies will shed light on future research towards designing more resilient privacy-preserving GCN models; in the meantime, provide an in-depth understanding of the tradeoff between GCN model utility and robustness against potential privacy attacks.
378 - Boxin Wang , Fan Wu , Yunhui Long 2021
Recent success of deep neural networks (DNNs) hinges on the availability of large-scale dataset; however, training on such dataset often poses privacy risks for sensitive training information. In this paper, we aim to explore the power of generative models and gradient sparsity, and propose a scalable privacy-preserving generative model DATALENS. Comparing with the standard PATE privacy-preserving framework which allows teachers to vote on one-dimensional predictions, voting on the high dimensional gradient vectors is challenging in terms of privacy preservation. As dimension reduction techniques are required, we need to navigate a delicate tradeoff space between (1) the improvement of privacy preservation and (2) the slowdown of SGD convergence. To tackle this, we take advantage of communication efficient learning and propose a novel noise compression and aggregation approach TOPAGG by combining top-k compression for dimension reduction with a corresponding noise injection mechanism. We theoretically prove that the DATALENS framework guarantees differential privacy for its generated data, and provide analysis on its convergence. To demonstrate the practical usage of DATALENS, we conduct extensive experiments on diverse datasets including MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, and high dimensional CelebA, and we show that, DATALENS significantly outperforms other baseline DP generative models. In addition, we adapt the proposed TOPAGG approach, which is one of the key building blocks in DATALENS, to DP SGD training, and show that it is able to achieve higher utility than the state-of-the-art DP SGD approach in most cases. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/AI-secure/DataLens.
Recent rapid development of machine learning is largely due to algorithmic breakthroughs, computation resource development, and especially the access to a large amount of training data. However, though data sharing has the great potential of improvin g machine learning models and enabling new applications, there have been increasing concerns about the privacy implications of data collection. In this work, we present a novel approach for training differentially private data generator G-PATE. The generator can be used to produce synthetic datasets with strong privacy guarantee while preserving high data utility. Our approach leverages generative adversarial nets (GAN) to generate data and protect data privacy based on the Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles (PATE) framework. Our approach improves the use of privacy budget by only ensuring differential privacy for the generator, which is the part of the model that actually needs to be published for private data generation. To achieve this, we connect a student generator with an ensemble of teacher discriminators. We also propose a private gradient aggregation mechanism to ensure differential privacy on all the information that flows from the teacher discriminators to the student generator. We empirically show that the G-PATE significantly outperforms prior work on both image and non-image datasets.
In this work, we study how to securely evaluate the value of trading data without requiring a trusted third party. We focus on the important machine learning task of classification. This leads us to propose a provably secure four-round protocol that computes the value of the data to be traded without revealing the data to the potential acquirer. The theoretical results demonstrate a number of important properties of the proposed protocol. In particular, we prove the security of the proposed protocol in the honest-but-curious adversary model.
Privacy preserving multi-party computation has many applications in areas such as medicine and online advertisements. In this work, we propose a framework for distributed, secure machine learning among untrusted individuals. The framework consists of two parts: a two-step training protocol based on homomorphic addition and a zero knowledge proof for data validity. By combining these two techniques, our framework provides privacy of per-user data, prevents against a malicious user contributing corrupted data to the shared pool, enables each user to self-compute the results of the algorithm without relying on external trusted third parties, and requires no private channels between groups of users. We show how different ML algorithms such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees etc. fit our framework for distributed, secure computing.
Membership Inference Attack (MIA) determines the presence of a record in a machine learning models training data by querying the model. Prior work has shown that the attack is feasible when the model is overfitted to its training data or when the adv ersary controls the training algorithm. However, when the model is not overfitted and the adversary does not control the training algorithm, the threat is not well understood. In this paper, we report a study that discovers overfitting to be a sufficient but not a necessary condition for an MIA to succeed. More specifically, we demonstrate that even a well-generalized model contains vulnerable instances subject to a new generalized MIA (GMIA). In GMIA, we use novel techniques for selecting vulnerable instances and detecting their subtle influences ignored by overfitting metrics. Specifically, we successfully identify individual records with high precision in real-world datasets by querying black-box machine learning models. Further we show that a vulnerable record can even be indirectly attacked by querying other related records and existing generalization techniques are found to be less effective in protecting the vulnerable instances. Our findings sharpen the understanding of the fundamental cause of the problem: the unique influences the training instance may have on the model.
Machine learning models are increasingly made available to the masses through public query interfaces. Recent academic work has demonstrated that malicious users who can query such models are able to infer sensitive information about records within t he training data. Differential privacy can thwart such attacks, but not all models can be readily trained to achieve this guarantee or to achieve it with acceptable utility loss. As a result, if a model is trained without differential privacy guarantee, little is known or can be said about the privacy risk of releasing it. In this work, we investigate and analyze membership attacks to understand why and how they succeed. Based on this understanding, we propose Differential Training Privacy (DTP), an empirical metric to estimate the privacy risk of publishing a classier when methods such as differential privacy cannot be applied. DTP is a measure of a classier with respect to its training dataset, and we show that calculating DTP is efficient in many practical cases. We empirically validate DTP using state-of-the-art machine learning models such as neural networks trained on real-world datasets. Our results show that DTP is highly predictive of the success of membership attacks and therefore reducing DTP also reduces the privacy risk. We advocate for DTP to be used as part of the decision-making process when considering publishing a classifier. To this end, we also suggest adopting the DTP-1 hypothesis: if a classifier has a DTP value above 1, it should not be published.

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