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105 - Xiaoni Li , Yu Zhou , Yifei Zhang 2021
Self-supervised representation learning for visual pre-training has achieved remarkable success with sample (instance or pixel) discrimination and semantics discovery of instance, whereas there still exists a non-negligible gap between pre-trained mo del and downstream dense prediction tasks. Concretely, these downstream tasks require more accurate representation, in other words, the pixels from the same object must belong to a shared semantic category, which is lacking in the previous methods. In this work, we present Dense Semantic Contrast (DSC) for modeling semantic category decision boundaries at a dense level to meet the requirement of these tasks. Furthermore, we propose a dense cross-image semantic contrastive learning framework for multi-granularity representation learning. Specially, we explicitly explore the semantic structure of the dataset by mining relations among pixels from different perspectives. For intra-image relation modeling, we discover pixel neighbors from multiple views. And for inter-image relations, we enforce pixel representation from the same semantic class to be more similar than the representation from different classes in one mini-batch. Experimental results show that our DSC model outperforms state-of-the-art methods when transferring to downstream dense prediction tasks, including object detection, semantic segmentation, and instance segmentation. Code will be made available.
It is ubiquitously accepted that during the autonomous navigation of the quadrotors, one of the most widely adopted unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), safety always has the highest priority. However, it is observed that the ego airflow disturbance can be a significant adverse factor during flights, causing potential safety issues, especially in narrow and confined indoor environments. Therefore, we propose a novel method to estimate and adapt indoor ego airflow disturbance of quadrotors, meanwhile applying it to trajectory planning. Firstly, the hover experiments for different quadrotors are conducted against the proximity effects. Then with the collected acceleration variance, the disturbances are modeled for the quadrotors according to the proposed formulation. The disturbance model is also verified under hover conditions in different reconstructed complex environments. Furthermore, the approximation of Hamilton-Jacobi reachability analysis is performed according to the estimated disturbances to facilitate the safe trajectory planning, which consists of kinodynamic path search as well as B-spline trajectory optimization. The whole planning framework is validated on multiple quadrotor platforms in different indoor environments.
Preserving maximal information is one of principles of designing self-supervised learning methodologies. To reach this goal, contrastive learning adopts an implicit way which is contrasting image pairs. However, we believe it is not fully optimal to simply use the contrastive estimation for preservation. Moreover, it is necessary and complemental to introduce an explicit solution to preserve more information. From this perspective, we introduce Preservational Learning to reconstruct diverse image contexts in order to preserve more information in learned representations. Together with the contrastive loss, we present Preservational Contrastive Representation Learning (PCRL) for learning self-supervised medical representations. PCRL provides very competitive results under the pretraining-finetuning protocol, outperforming both self-supervised and supervised counterparts in 5 classification/segmentation tasks substantially.
89 - Zhi Qiao , Yu Zhou , Jin Wei 2021
Nowadays, scene text recognition has attracted more and more attention due to its various applications. Most state-of-the-art methods adopt an encoder-decoder framework with attention mechanism, which generates text autoregressively from left to righ t. Despite the convincing performance, the speed is limited because of the one-by-one decoding strategy. As opposed to autoregressive models, non-autoregressive models predict the results in parallel with a much shorter inference time, but the accuracy falls behind the autoregressive counterpart considerably. In this paper, we propose a Parallel, Iterative and Mimicking Network (PIMNet) to balance accuracy and efficiency. Specifically, PIMNet adopts a parallel attention mechanism to predict the text faster and an iterative generation mechanism to make the predictions more accurate. In each iteration, the context information is fully explored. To improve learning of the hidden layer, we exploit the mimicking learning in the training phase, where an additional autoregressive decoder is adopted and the parallel decoder mimics the autoregressive decoder with fitting outputs of the hidden layer. With the shared backbone between the two decoders, the proposed PIMNet can be trained end-to-end without pre-training. During inference, the branch of the autoregressive decoder is removed for a faster speed. Extensive experiments on public benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of PIMNet. Our code will be available at https://github.com/Pay20Y/PIMNet.
266 - Youhui Guo , Yu Zhou , Xugong Qin 2021
Scene text detection has drawn the close attention of researchers. Though many methods have been proposed for horizontal and oriented texts, previous methods may not perform well when dealing with arbitrary-shaped texts such as curved texts. In parti cular, confusion problem arises in the case of nearby text instances. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method for accurate arbitrary-shaped nearby scene text detection. Firstly, a One-to-Many Training Scheme (OMTS) is designed to eliminate confusion and enable the proposals to learn more appropriate groundtruths in the case of nearby text instances. Secondly, we propose a Proposal Feature Attention Module (PFAM) to exploit more effective features for each proposal, which can better adapt to arbitrary-shaped text instances. Finally, we propose a baseline that is based on Faster R-CNN and outputs the curve representation directly. Equipped with PFAM and OMTS, the detector can achieve state-of-the-art or competitive performance on several challenging benchmarks.
117 - Xugong Qin , Yu Zhou , Youhui Guo 2021
Due to the large success in object detection and instance segmentation, Mask R-CNN attracts great attention and is widely adopted as a strong baseline for arbitrary-shaped scene text detection and spotting. However, two issues remain to be settled. T he first is dense text case, which is easy to be neglected but quite practical. There may exist multiple instances in one proposal, which makes it difficult for the mask head to distinguish different instances and degrades the performance. In this work, we argue that the performance degradation results from the learning confusion issue in the mask head. We propose to use an MLP decoder instead of the deconv-conv decoder in the mask head, which alleviates the issue and promotes robustness significantly. And we propose instance-aware mask learning in which the mask head learns to predict the shape of the whole instance rather than classify each pixel to text or non-text. With instance-aware mask learning, the mask branch can learn separated and compact masks. The second is that due to large variations in scale and aspect ratio, RPN needs complicated anchor settings, making it hard to maintain and transfer across different datasets. To settle this issue, we propose an adaptive label assignment in which all instances especially those with extreme aspect ratios are guaranteed to be associated with enough anchors. Equipped with these components, the proposed method named MAYOR achieves state-of-the-art performance on five benchmarks including DAST1500, MSRA-TD500, ICDAR2015, CTW1500, and Total-Text.
Transformers, the default model of choices in natural language processing, have drawn scant attention from the medical imaging community. Given the ability to exploit long-term dependencies, transformers are promising to help atypical convolutional n eural networks (convnets) to overcome its inherent shortcomings of spatial inductive bias. However, most of recently proposed transformer-based segmentation approaches simply treated transformers as assisted modules to help encode global context into convolutional representations without investigating how to optimally combine self-attention (i.e., the core of transformers) with convolution. To address this issue, in this paper, we introduce nnFormer (i.e., Not-aNother transFormer), a powerful segmentation model with an interleaved architecture based on empirical combination of self-attention and convolution. In practice, nnFormer learns volumetric representations from 3D local volumes. Compared to the naive voxel-level self-attention implementation, such volume-based operations help to reduce the computational complexity by approximate 98% and 99.5% on Synapse and ACDC datasets, respectively. In comparison to prior-art network configurations, nnFormer achieves tremendous improvements over previous transformer-based methods on two commonly used datasets Synapse and ACDC. For instance, nnFormer outperforms Swin-UNet by over 7 percents on Synapse. Even when compared to nnUNet, currently the best performing fully-convolutional medical segmentation network, nnFormer still provides slightly better performance on Synapse and ACDC.
Adversarial attacks are feasible in the real world for object detection. However, most of the previous works have tried to learn patches applied to an object to fool detectors, which become less effective or even ineffective in squint view angles. To address this issue, we propose the Dense Proposals Attack (DPA) to learn robust, physical and targeted adversarial camouflages for detectors. The camouflages are robust because they remain adversarial when filmed under arbitrary viewpoint and different illumination conditions, physical because they function well both in the 3D virtual scene and the real world, and targeted because they can cause detectors to misidentify an object as a specific target class. In order to make the generated camouflages robust in the physical world, we introduce a combination of viewpoint shifts, lighting and other natural transformations to model the physical phenomena. In addition, to improve the attacks, DPA substantially attacks all the classifications in the fixed region proposals. Moreover, we build a virtual 3D scene using the Unity simulation engine to fairly and reproducibly evaluate different physical attacks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DPA outperforms the state-of-the-art methods significantly, and generalizes well to the real world, posing a potential threat to the security-critical computer vision systems.
In this paper, we study the problem of regret minimization in reinforcement learning (RL) under differential privacy constraints. This work is motivated by the wide range of RL applications for providing personalized service, where privacy concerns a re becoming paramount. In contrast to previous works, we take the first step towards non-tabular RL settings, while providing a rigorous privacy guarantee. In particular, we consider the adaptive control of differentially private linear quadratic (LQ) systems. We develop the first private RL algorithm, PRL, which is able to attain a sub-linear regret while guaranteeing privacy protection. More importantly, the additional cost due to privacy is only on the order of $frac{ln(1/delta)^{1/4}}{epsilon^{1/2}}$ given privacy parameters $epsilon, delta > 0$. Through this process, we also provide a general procedure for adaptive control of LQ systems under changing regularizers, which not only generalizes previous non-private controls, but also serves as the basis for general private controls.
85 - Haitao Lin , Lu Xiang , Yu Zhou 2021
Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) is one essential step in building a dialogue system. Due to the expensive cost of obtaining the labeled data, SLU suffers from the data scarcity problem. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on data augmentation for slot filling task in SLU. To achieve that, we aim at generating more diverse data based on existing data. Specifically, we try to exploit the latent language knowledge from pretrained language models by finetuning them. We propose two strategies for finetuning process: value-based and context-based augmentation. Experimental results on two public SLU datasets have shown that compared with existing data augmentation methods, our proposed method can generate more diverse sentences and significantly improve the performance on SLU.

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