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Previously, we presented a new interpretation of quantum mechanics that revealed it is indeed possible to have a local hidden variable that is consistent with Bells inequality experiments. In that article we suggested that the local hidden variable i s associated with vacuum fluctuations. In this article we expound upon that notion by introducing the Theory of Vacuum Texture (TVT). Here we show that replacing the highly restrictive assumptions of the quantization of energy levels in a system with the simpler, less restrictive postulate that there exists a threshold in order for energy to be released. With this new postulate, the models of blackbody radiation is shown to be consistent with the experiments. We also show, that the threshold condition contributes to a localized vacuum energy which leads us to conclude that the uncertainty principle is a statistical effect. These conditions also naturally leads to the prediction that massive particles transition to an ordered state at low temperatures. In addition, we show that thermodynamic laws must be modified to include two heat baths with temperatures: $T$ for dissipative energy levels and $T_{V}$ ($gg T$) for localized vacuum energy. In total, we show that our threshold postulate agrees with experimental observations of blackbody radiation, the uncertainty principle and quantum statistics without the need of the invoking quantum weirdness.
We introduce a new interpretation of quantum mechanics by examining the Einstein, Podolsky and Rosens (EPR) paradox and Bells inequality experiments under the assumption that the vacuum has an inhomogeneous texture for energy levels below the Heisenb erg time-energy uncertainty relation. In this article, selected results from the most reliable Bells inequality experiments will be quantitatively analyzed to show that our interpretation of quantum mechanics creates a new loophole in Bells inequality, and that the past experimental findings do not contradict our new interpretation. Under the vacuum texture interpretation of quantum mechanics in a Bells inequality experiment, the states of the pair of particles created at the source (e.g. during parametric down conversion) is influenced by an inhomogeneous vacuum texture sent from the measurement apparatus. We will also show that the resulting pair of particles are not entangled and that the theory of vacuum texture preserves local realism with complete causality. This article will also suggest an experiment to definitively confirm the existence of vacuum texture.
Using time-resolved measurements of local magnetization in the molecular magnet Mn12-ac, we report studies of the propagation of magnetic avalanches (fast magnetization reversals) that originate from points inside the crystals rather than at the edge s. The curved nature of the fronts produced by avalanches is reflected in the time-of-arrival at micro-Hall sensors placed at the surface of the sample. Assuming that the avalanche interface is a spherical bubble that grows with a radius proportional to time, we are able to locate the approximate ignition point of each avalanche in a two-dimensional cross-section of the crystal. For the samples used in these studies, avalanches in a given crystal are found to originate in a small region with a radius of roughly 150 microns.
Local time-resolved measurements of fast reversal of the magnetization of single crystals of Mn12-acetate indicate that the magnetization avalanche spreads as a narrow interface that propagates through the crystal at a constant velocity that is rough ly two orders of magnitude smaller than the speed of sound. We argue that this phenomenon is closely analogous to the propagation of a flame front (deflagration) through a flammable chemical substance.
The spatial profile of the magnetization of Mn12 crystals in a swept magnetic field applied along the easy axis is determined from measurements of the local magnetic induction along the sample surface using an array of Hall sensors. We find that the magnetization is not uniform inside the sample, but rather shows some spatial oscillations which become more prominent around the resonance field values. Moreover, it appears that different regions of the sample are at resonance at different values of the applied field and that the sweep rate of the internal magnetic induction is spatially non-uniform. We present a model which describes the evolution of the non-uniformities as a function of the applied field. Finally we show that the degree of non-uniformity can be manipulated by sweeping the magnetic field back and forth through part of the resonance.
In magnetic fields applied parallel to the anisotropy axis, the magnetization of Mn$_{12}$ has been measured in response to a field that is swept back and forth across the resonances corresponding to steps $N=4,5,...9$. The fraction of molecules rema ining in the metastable well after each sweep through the resonance is inconsistent with expectations for an ensemble of identical molecules. The data are consistent instead with the presence of a broad distribution of tunnel splittings. A very good fit is obtained for a Gaussian distribution of the second-order anisotropy tunneling parameter $X_E=-ln(mid Emid/2D)$. We show that dipolar shuffling is a negligible effect which cannot explain our data.
In magnetic fields applied parallel to the anisotropy axis, the relaxation of the magnetization of Mn$_{12}$ measured for different sweep rates is shown to collapse onto a single scaled curve. The form of the scaling implies that the dominant symmetr y-breaking process that gives rise to tunneling is a locally varying second-order anisotropy, forbidden by tetragonal symmetry in the perfect crystal, which gives rise to a broad distribution of tunnel splittings in a real crystal of Mn$_{12}$-acetate. Different forms applied to even and odd-numbered steps provide a distinction between even step resonances (associated with crystal anisotropy) and odd resonances (which require a transverse component of magnetic field).

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