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We consider adversarial machine learning based attacks on power allocation where the base station (BS) allocates its transmit power to multiple orthogonal subcarriers by using a deep neural network (DNN) to serve multiple user equipments (UEs). The D NN that corresponds to a regression model is trained with channel gains as the input and allocated transmit powers as the output. While the BS allocates the transmit power to the UEs to maximize rates for all UEs, there is an adversary that aims to minimize these rates. The adversary may be an external transmitter that aims to manipulate the inputs to the DNN by interfering with the pilot signals that are transmitted to measure the channel gain. Alternatively, the adversary may be a rogue UE that transmits fabricated channel estimates to the BS. In both cases, the adversary carefully crafts adversarial perturbations to manipulate the inputs to the DNN of the BS subject to an upper bound on the strengths of these perturbations. We consider the attacks targeted on a single UE or all UEs. We compare these attacks with a benchmark, where the adversary scales down the input to the DNN. We show that adversarial attacks are much more effective than the benchmark attack in terms of reducing the rate of communications. We also show that adversarial attacks are robust to the uncertainty at the adversary including the erroneous knowledge of channel gains and the potential errors in exercising the attacks exactly as specified.
134 - Yi Shi , Yalin E. Sagduyu 2021
An over-the-air membership inference attack (MIA) is presented to leak private information from a wireless signal classifier. Machine learning (ML) provides powerful means to classify wireless signals, e.g., for PHY-layer authentication. As an advers arial machine learning attack, the MIA infers whether a signal of interest has been used in the training data of a target classifier. This private information incorporates waveform, channel, and device characteristics, and if leaked, can be exploited by an adversary to identify vulnerabilities of the underlying ML model (e.g., to infiltrate the PHY-layer authentication). One challenge for the over-the-air MIA is that the received signals and consequently the RF fingerprints at the adversary and the intended receiver differ due to the discrepancy in channel conditions. Therefore, the adversary first builds a surrogate classifier by observing the spectrum and then launches the black-box MIA on this classifier. The MIA results show that the adversary can reliably infer signals (and potentially the radio and channel information) used to build the target classifier. Therefore, a proactive defense is developed against the MIA by building a shadow MIA model and fooling the adversary. This defense can successfully reduce the MIA accuracy and prevent information leakage from the wireless signal classifier.
Size and distance perception in Virtual Reality (VR) have been widely studied, albeit in a controlled laboratory setting with a small number of participants. We describe a fully remote perceptual study with a gamified protocol to encourage participan t engagement, which allowed us to quickly collect high-quality data from a large, diverse participant pool (N=60). Our study aims to understand medium-field size and egocentric distance perception in real-world usage of consumer VR devices. We utilized two perceptual matching tasks -- distance bisection and size matching -- at the same target distances of 1--9 metres. While the bisection protocol indicated a near-universal trend of nonlinear distance compression, the size matching estimates were more equivocal. Varying eye-height from the floor plane showed no significant effect on the judgements. We also discuss the pros and cons of a fully remote perceptual study in VR, the impact of hardware variation, and measures needed to ensure high-quality data.
58 - Xin Liu , Bin Li , Pengyi Shi 2021
This paper considers stochastic linear bandits with general nonlinear constraints. The objective is to maximize the expected cumulative reward over horizon $T$ subject to a set of constraints in each round $tauleq T$. We propose a pessimistic-optimis tic algorithm for this problem, which is efficient in two aspects. First, the algorithm yields $tilde{cal O}left(left(frac{K^{0.75}}{delta}+dright)sqrt{tau}right)$ (pseudo) regret in round $tauleq T,$ where $K$ is the number of constraints, $d$ is the dimension of the reward feature space, and $delta$ is a Slaters constant; and zero constraint violation in any round $tau>tau,$ where $tau$ is independent of horizon $T.$ Second, the algorithm is computationally efficient. Our algorithm is based on the primal-dual approach in optimization and includes two components. The primal component is similar to unconstrained stochastic linear bandits (our algorithm uses the linear upper confidence bound algorithm (LinUCB)). The computational complexity of the dual component depends on the number of constraints, but is independent of the sizes of the contextual space, the action space, and the feature space. Thus, the overall computational complexity of our algorithm is similar to that of the linear UCB for unconstrained stochastic linear bandits.
87 - Yi Shi , Congyi Wang , Yu Chen 2021
The majority of Chinese characters are monophonic, while a special group of characters, called polyphonic characters, have multiple pronunciations. As a prerequisite of performing speech-related generative tasks, the correct pronunciation must be ide ntified among several candidates. This process is called Polyphone Disambiguation. Although the problem has been well explored with both knowledge-based and learning-based approaches, it remains challenging due to the lack of publicly available labeled datasets and the irregular nature of polyphone in Mandarin Chinese. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised learning (SSL) framework for Mandarin Chinese polyphone disambiguation that can potentially leverage unlimited unlabeled text data. We explore the effect of various proxy labeling strategies including entropy-thresholding and lexicon-based labeling. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance. In addition, we publish a novel dataset specifically for the polyphone disambiguation task to promote further researches.
Reinforcement learning (RL) for network slicing is considered in the 5G radio access network, where the base station, gNodeB, allocates resource blocks (RBs) to the requests of user equipments and maximizes the total reward of accepted requests over time. Based on adversarial machine learning, a novel over-the-air attack is introduced to manipulate the RL algorithm and disrupt 5G network slicing. Subject to an energy budget, the adversary observes the spectrum and builds its own RL-based surrogate model that selects which RBs to jam with the objective of maximizing the number of failed network slicing requests due to jammed RBs. By jamming the RBs, the adversary reduces the RL algorithms reward. As this reward is used as the input to update the RL algorithm, the performance does not recover even after the adversary stops jamming. This attack is evaluated in terms of the recovery time and the (maximum and total) reward loss, and it is shown to be much more effective than benchmark (random and myopic) jamming attacks. Different reactive and proactive defense mechanisms (protecting the RL algorithms updates or misleading the adversarys learning process) are introduced to show that it is viable to defend 5G network slicing against this attack.
Machine learning provides automated means to capture complex dynamics of wireless spectrum and support better understanding of spectrum resources and their efficient utilization. As communication systems become smarter with cognitive radio capabiliti es empowered by machine learning to perform critical tasks such as spectrum awareness and spectrum sharing, they also become susceptible to new vulnerabilities due to the attacks that target the machine learning applications. This paper identifies the emerging attack surface of adversarial machine learning and corresponding attacks launched against wireless communications in the context of 5G systems. The focus is on attacks against (i) spectrum sharing of 5G communications with incumbent users such as in the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band and (ii) physical layer authentication of 5G User Equipment (UE) to support network slicing. For the first attack, the adversary transmits during data transmission or spectrum sensing periods to manipulate the signal-level inputs to the deep learning classifier that is deployed at the Environmental Sensing Capability (ESC) to support the 5G system. For the second attack, the adversary spoofs wireless signals with the generative adversarial network (GAN) to infiltrate the physical layer authentication mechanism based on a deep learning classifier that is deployed at the 5G base station. Results indicate major vulnerabilities of 5G systems to adversarial machine learning. To sustain the 5G system operations in the presence of adversaries, a defense mechanism is presented to increase the uncertainty of the adversary in training the surrogate model used for launching its subsequent attacks.
126 - Tao Xiong , Wenjun Sun , Yi Shi 2020
In this paper, we will develop a class of high order asymptotic preserving (AP) discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for nonlinear time-dependent gray radiative transfer equations (GRTEs). Inspired by the work cite{Peng2020stability}, in which stabili ty enhanced high order AP DG methods are proposed for linear transport equations, we propose to pernalize the nonlinear GRTEs under the micro-macro decomposition framework by adding a weighted linear diffusive term. In the diffusive limit, a hyperbolic, namely $Delta t=mathcal{O}(h)$ where $Delta t$ and $h$ are the time step and mesh size respectively, instead of parabolic $Delta t=mathcal{O}(h^2)$ time step restriction is obtained, which is also free from the photon mean free path. The main new ingredient is that we further employ a Picard iteration with a predictor-corrector procedure, to decouple the resulting global nonlinear system to a linear system with local nonlinear algebraic equations from an outer iterative loop. Our scheme is shown to be asymptotic preserving and asymptotically accurate. Numerical tests for one and two spatial dimensional problems are performed to demonstrate that our scheme is of high order, effective and efficient.
56 - Xin Liu , Bin Li , Pengyi Shi 2020
This paper considers constrained online dispatching with unknown arrival, reward and constraint distributions. We propose a novel online dispatching algorithm, named POND, standing for Pessimistic-Optimistic oNline Dispatching, which achieves $O(sqrt {T})$ regret and $O(1)$ constraint violation. Both bounds are sharp. Our experiments on synthetic and real datasets show that POND achieves low regret with minimal constraint violations.
The paper presents a reinforcement learning solution to dynamic resource allocation for 5G radio access network slicing. Available communication resources (frequency-time blocks and transmit powers) and computational resources (processor usage) are a llocated to stochastic arrivals of network slice requests. Each request arrives with priority (weight), throughput, computational resource, and latency (deadline) requirements, and if feasible, it is served with available communication and computational resources allocated over its requested duration. As each decision of resource allocation makes some of the resources temporarily unavailable for future, the myopic solution that can optimize only the current resource allocation becomes ineffective for network slicing. Therefore, a Q-learning solution is presented to maximize the network utility in terms of the total weight of granted network slicing requests over a time horizon subject to communication and computational constraints. Results show that reinforcement learning provides major improvements in the 5G network utility relative to myopic, random, and first come first served solutions. While reinforcement learning sustains scalable performance as the number of served users increases, it can also be effectively used to assign resources to network slices when 5G needs to share the spectrum with incumbent users that may dynamically occupy some of the frequency-time blocks.

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