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262 - Xuezhang Chen , Nan Wu 2021
We establish an improved Sobolev trace inequality of order two in the Euclidean unit ball under the vanishing of higher order moments of the boundary volume element, and construct precise test functions to show that such inequalities are almost optim al. Our arguments can be adapted to the fourth order Sobolev trace inequalities in higher dimensional unit ball.
Let $(M,g)$ be a smooth compact Riemannian manifold of dimension $n$ with smooth boundary $partial M$, admitting a scalar-flat conformal metric. We prove that the supremum of the isoperimetric ratio over the scalar-flat conformal class is strictly la rger than the best constant of the isoperimetric inequality in the Euclidean space, and consequently is achieved, if either (i) $9le nle 11$ and $partial M$ has a nonumbilic point; or (ii) $7le nle 9$, $partial M$ is umbilic and the Weyl tensor does not vanish identically on the boundary. This is a continuation of the work cite{Jin-Xiong} by the second named author and Xiong.
101 - Xuezhang Chen , Nan Wu 2019
We first present a warped product manifold with boundary to show the non-uniqueness of the positive constant scalar curvature and positive constant boundary mean curvature equation. Next, we construct a smooth counterexample to show that the compactn ess of the set of lower energy solutions to the above equation fails when the dimension of the manifold is not less than $62$.
We study a fractional conformal curvature flow on the standard unit sphere and prove a perturbation result of the fractional Nirenberg problem with fractional exponent $sigma in (1/2,1)$. This extends the result of Chen-Xu (Invent. Math. 187, no. 2, 395-506, 2012) for the scalar curvature flow on the standard unit sphere.
The Han-Li conjecture states that: Let $(M,g_0)$ be an $n$-dimensional $(ngeq 3)$ smooth compact Riemannian manifold with boundary having positive (generalized) Yamabe constant and $c$ be any real number, then there exists a conformal metric of $g_0$ with scalar curvature $1$ and boundary mean curvature $c$. Combining with Z. C. Han and Y. Y. Lis results, we answer this conjecture affirmatively except for the case that $ngeq 8$, the boundary is umbilic, the Weyl tensor of $M$ vanishes on the boundary and has a non-zero interior point.
368 - Xuezhang Chen , Liming Sun 2016
We study the problem of deforming a Riemannian metric to a conformal one with nonzero constant scalar curvature and nonzero constant boundary mean curvature on a compact manifold of dimension $ngeq 3$. We prove the existence of such conformal metrics in the cases of $n=6,7$ or the manifold is spin and some other remaining ones left by Escobar. Furthermore, in the positive Yamabe constant case, by normalizing the scalar curvature to be $1$, there exists a sequence of conformal metrics such that their constant boundary mean curvatures go to $+infty$.
122 - Xuezhang Chen , Fei Hou 2016
We study analysis aspects of the sixth order GJMS operator $P_g^6$. Under conformal normal coordinates around a point, the expansions of Greens function of $P_g^6$ with pole at this point are presented. As a starting point of the study of $P_g^6$, we manage to give some existence results of prescribed $Q$-curvature problem on Einstein manifolds. One among them is that for $n geq 10$, let $(M^n,g)$ be a closed Einstein manifold of positive scalar curvature and $f$ a smooth positive function in $M$. If the Weyl tensor is nonzero at a maximum point of $f$ and $f$ satisfies a vanishing order condition at this maximum point, then there exists a conformal metric $tilde g$ of $g$ such that its $Q$-curvature $Q_{tilde g}^6$ equals $f$.
We employ three different methods to prove the following result on prescribed scalar curvature plus mean curvature problem: Let $(M^n,g_0)$ be a $n$-dimensional smooth compact manifold with boundary, where $n geq 3$, assume the conformal invariant $Y (M,partial M)<0$. Given any negative smooth functions $f$ in $M$ and $h$ on $partial M$, there exists a unique conformal metric of $g_0$ such that its scalar curvature equals $f$ and mean curvature curvature equals $h$. The first two methods are sub-super-solution method and subcritical approximation, and the third method is a geometric flow. In the flow approach, assume another conformal invariant $Q(M,pa M)$ is a negative real number, for some class of initial data, we prove the short time and long time existences of the so-called prescribed scalar curvature plus mean curvature flows, as well as their asymptotic convergence. Via a family of such flows together with some additional variational arguments, under the flow assumptions we prove existence and uniqueness of positive minimizers of the associated energy functional and also the above result by analyzing asymptotic limits of the flows and the relations among some conformal invariants.
121 - Xuezhang Chen 2015
In this paper, we employ a nonlocal $Q$-curvature flow inspired by Gursky-Malchiodis work cite{gur_mal} to solve the prescribed $Q$-curvature problem on a class of closed manifolds: For $n geq 5$, let $(M^n,g_0)$ be a smooth closed manifold, which is not conformally diffeomorphic to the standard sphere, satisfying either Gursky-Malchiodis semipositivity hypotheses: scalar curvature $R_{g_0}>0$ and $Q_{g_0} geq 0$ not identically zero or Hang-Yangs: Yamabe constant $Y(g_0)>0$, Paneitz-Sobolev constant $q(g_0)>0$ and $Q_{g_0} geq 0$ not identically zero. Let $f$ be a smooth positive function on $M^n$ and $x_0$ be some maximum point of $f$. Suppose either (a) $n=5,6,7$ or $(M^n,g_0)$ is locally conformally flat; or (b) $n geq 8$, Weyl tensor at $x_0$ is nonzero. In addition, assume all partial derivatives of $f$ vanish at $x_0$ up to order $n-4$, then there exists a conformal metric $g$ of $g_0$ with its $Q$-curvature $Q_g$ equal to $f$. This result generalizes Escobar-Schoens work [Invent. Math. 1986] on prescribed scalar curvature problem on any locally conformally flat manifolds of positive scalar curvature.
116 - Xuezhang Chen 2014
In this paper, we establish that: Suppose a closed Riemannian manifold $(M^n,g_0)$ of dimension $geq 8$ is not locally conformally flat, then the Paneitz-Sobolev constant of $M^n$ has the property that $q(g_0)<q(S^n)$. The analogy of this result was obtained by T. Aubin in 1976 and had been used to solve the Yamabe problem on closed manifolds. As an application, the above result can be used to recover the sequential convergence of the nonlocal Q-curvature flow on closed manifolds recently introduced by Gursky-Malchiodi.

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