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From the Michelson interference of He-Ne laser beam, it is found that the coherence length of the beam decreases with the decrease of intensity when the laser beam passes through a nonselective absorption filter and the intensity becomes low enough. The effect can be explained by using the discrete wavelet structure model of classic plane light waves.
108 - Xingchu Zhang , Weilong She 2020
In this letter, the wavelet transform is used to decompose the classical linearly polarized plane light wave into a series of discrete Morlet wavelets. It is found that the energy of the light wave can be discrete, associated with its discrete wavele t structure.It is also found that the changeable energy of a basic plane light wave packet or wave train of wave vector $mathord{buildrel{lower3pthbox{$scriptscriptstylerightharpoonup$}}over k} $ and with discrete wavelet structure can be with the form of ${H_{0k}} = n{p_{0k}}omega$ $(n = 1,2,3,...)$, where $n$ is the parameter of discrete wavelet structure, $omega $ is the idler frequency of the light wave packet or wave train, and ${p_{0k}}$ is a constant to be determined.This is consistent with the energy division of $P$ portions in Planck radiation theory, where $P$ is an integer. Finally, the random light wave packets with $n=1$ are used to simulate the Mach-Zehnder interference of single photons, showing the wave-particle duality of light.

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