ترغب بنشر مسار تعليمي؟ اضغط هنا

75 - Xiao-Lu Yu , Boyang Liu 2021
We investigate the polarons formed by immersing a spinor impurity in a ferromagnetic state of $F=1$ spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. The ground state energies and effective masses of the polarons are calculated in both weak-coupling regime and strong -coupling regime. In the weakly interacting regime the second order perturbation theory is performed. In the strong coupling regime we use a simple variational treatment. The analytical approximations to the energy and effective mass of the polarons are constructed. Especially, a transition from the mobile state to the self-trapping state of the polaron in the strong coupling regime is discussed. We also estimate the signatures of polaron effects in spinor BEC for the future experiments.
We investigate the quantum fluctuation effects in the vicinity of the critical point of a $p$-orbital bosonic system in a square optical lattice using Wilsonian renormalization group, where the $p$-orbital bosons condense at nonzero momenta and displ ay rich phases including both time-reversal symmetry invariant and broken BEC states. The one-loop renormalization group analysis generates corrections to the mean-field phase boundaries. We also show the quantum fluctuations in the $p$-orbital system tend to induce the ordered phase but not destroy it via the the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism, which is qualitative different from the ordinary quantum fluctuation corrections to the mean-field phase boundaries in $s$-orbital systems. Finally we discuss the observation of these phenomena in the realistic experiment.
82 - Ran Qi , Xiao-Lu Yu , Z. B. Li 2008
We investigate the non-Abelian Josephson effect in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates with double optical traps. We propose, for the first time, a real physical system which contains non-Abelian Josephson effects. The collective modes of this weak coup ling system have very different density and spin tunneling characters comparing to the Abelian case. We calculate the frequencies of the pseudo Goldstone modes in different phases between two traps respectively, which are a crucial feature of the non-Abelian Josephson effects. We also give an experimental protocol to observe this novel effect in future experiments.
67 - Xiao-Lu Yu , Ran Qi , Z.B. Li 2007
We discuss a Casimir force due to zero-temperature quantum fluctuations in a weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) with a strong harmonic trap. The results show that the presence of a strong harmonic trap changes the power law behavior of Casimir force due to the dimensional reduction effect. At finite temperature, we calculate Casimir force due to thermal fluctuation and find an exotic temperature dependent behavior in the first order term. Finally, we speculate some possible experimental realization and detection of the force in future experiments.

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