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We report a homebuilt ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) rotating sample manipulator with cryogenic cooling. The sample holder is thermally anchored to a built-in cryogenic cold head through flexible copper beryllium strips, permitting continuous sample rotatio n. A similar contact mechanism is implemented for the electrical wiring to the sample holder for thermometry. The apparatus thus enables continuous sample rotation at regulated cryogenic temperatures in a UHV environment. We discuss the potential applications of this apparatus for cryogenic sputtering.
104 - X. Y. Tee , T. Ito , T. Ushiyama 2016
We use spatially-resolved transport techniques to investigate the superconducting properties of single crystals La$_{2-x}$Ba$_x$CuO$_4$. We find a new superconducting transition temperature $T_{cs}$ associated with the ab-plane surface region which i s considerably higher than the bulk $T_c$. The effect is pronounced in the region of charge carrier doping $x$ with strong spin-charge stripe correlations, reaching $T_{cs}=36$ K or 1.64$T_c$.
We report on a thermoelectric investigation of the stripe and superconducting phases of the cuprate La$_{2-x}$Ba$_{x}$CuO$_{4}$ near the $x=1/8$ doping known to host stable stripes. We use the doping and magnetic field dependence of field-symmetric N ernst effect features to delineate the phenomenology of these phases. Our measurements are consistent with prior reports of time-reversal symmetry breaking signatures above the superconducting $T_{{rm c}}$, and crucially detect a sharp, robust, field-invariant peak at the stripe charge order temperature, $T_{{rm {scriptscriptstyle CO}}}$. Our observations suggest the onset of a nontrivial charge ordered phase at $T_{{rm {scriptscriptstyle CO}}}$, and the subsequent presence of spontaneously generated vortices over a broad temperature range before the emergence of bulk superconductivity in LBCO.

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