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We used electron spin resonance (ESR) combined with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to measure hydrogenated Ti (spin-1/2) atoms at low-symmetry binding sites on MgO in vector magnetic fields. We found strongly anisotropic g-values in all three sp atial directions. Interestingly, the amplitude and lineshape of the ESR signals are also strongly dependent on the angle of the field. We conclude that the Ti spin is aligned along the magnetic field, while the tip spin follows its strong magnetic anisotropy. Our results show the interplay between the tip and surface spins in determining the ESR signals and highlight the precision of ESR-STM to identify the single atoms spin states.
Interfacial phonons between iron-based superconductors (FeSCs) and perovskite substrates have received considerable attention due to the possibility of enhancing preexisting superconductivity. Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we studied the cor relation between superconductivity and e-ph interaction with interfacial-phonons in an iron-based superconductor Sr$_2$VO$_3$FeAs ($T_c approx$ 33 K) made of alternating FeSC and oxide layers. The quasiparticle interference measurement over regions with systematically different average superconducting gaps due to the e-ph coupling locally modulated by O vacancies in VO$_2$ layer, and supporting self-consistent momentum-dependent Eliashberg calculations provide a unique real-space evidence of the forward-scattering interfacial phonon contribution to the total superconducting pairing.
The symmetry requirement and the origin of magnetic orders coexisting with superconductivity have been strongly debated issues of iron-based superconductors (FeSCs). Observation of C$_4$-symmetric antiferromagnetism in violation of the inter-band nes ting condition of spin-density waves in superconducting ground state will require significant change in our understanding of the mechanism of FeSC. The superconducting material Sr$_2$VO$_3$FeAs, a bulk version of monolayer FeSC in contact with a perovskite layer with its magnetism (T$_N$ ~ 50 K) and superconductivity (T$_c$ ~ 37 K) coexisting at parent state, has no reported structural orthorhombic distortion and thus makes a perfect system to look for theoretically expected C$_4$ magnetisms. Based on variable temperature spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (SPSTM) with newly discovered imaging mechanism that removes the static surface reconstruction (SR) pattern by fluctuating it rapidly with spin-polarized tunneling current, we could visualize underlying C$_4$ symmetric (2$times$2) magnetic domains and its phase domain walls. We find that this magnetic order is perfectly consistent with the plaquette antiferromagnetic order in tetragonal Fe spin lattice expected from theories based on the Heisenberg exchange interaction of local Fe moments and the quantum order by disorder. The inconsistency of its modulation Q vectors from the nesting condition also implies that the nesting-based C$_2$ symmetric magnetism is not a unique prerequisite of high-T$_c$ FeSC. Furthermore, the plaquette antiferromagnetic domain wall dynamics under the influence of small spin torque effect of spin-polarized tunneling current are shown to be consistent with theoretical simulation based on the extended Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation.

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