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Building robust deep learning-based models requires diverse training data, ideally from several sources. However, these datasets cannot be combined easily because of patient privacy concerns or regulatory hurdles, especially if medical data is involv ed. Federated learning (FL) is a way to train machine learning models without the need for centralized datasets. Each FL client trains on their local data while only sharing model parameters with a global server that aggregates the parameters from all clients. At the same time, each clients data can exhibit differences and inconsistencies due to the local variation in the patient population, imaging equipment, and acquisition protocols. Hence, the federated learned models should be able to adapt to the local particularities of a clients data. In this work, we combine FL with an AutoML technique based on local neural architecture search by training a supernet. Furthermore, we propose an adaptation scheme to allow for personalized model architectures at each FL clients site. The proposed method is evaluated on four different datasets from 3D prostate MRI and shown to improve the local models performance after adaptation through selecting an optimal path through the AutoML supernet.
85 - Yingda Xia , Dong Yang , Wenqi Li 2021
Federated learning (FL) enables collaborative model training while preserving each participants privacy, which is particularly beneficial to the medical field. FedAvg is a standard algorithm that uses fixed weights, often originating from the dataset sizes at each client, to aggregate the distributed learned models on a server during the FL process. However, non-identical data distribution across clients, known as the non-i.i.d problem in FL, could make this assumption for setting fixed aggregation weights sub-optimal. In this work, we design a new data-driven approach, namely Auto-FedAvg, where aggregation weights are dynamically adjusted, depending on data distributions across data silos and the current training progress of the models. We disentangle the parameter set into two parts, local model parameters and global aggregation parameters, and update them iteratively with a communication-efficient algorithm. We first show the validity of our approach by outperforming state-of-the-art FL methods for image recognition on a heterogeneous data split of CIFAR-10. Furthermore, we demonstrate our algorithms effectiveness on two multi-institutional medical image analysis tasks, i.e., COVID-19 lesion segmentation in chest CT and pancreas segmentation in abdominal CT.
75 - Dong Yang , Ziyue Xu , Wenqi Li 2020
The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has led to urgent needs for reliable diagnosis and management of SARS-CoV-2 infection. As a complimentary tool, chest CT has been shown to be able to reveal visual patterns characteristic for COVID-19, which has defini te value at several stages during the disease course. To facilitate CT analysis, recent efforts have focused on computer-aided characterization and diagnosis, which has shown promising results. However, domain shift of data across clinical data centers poses a serious challenge when deploying learning-based models. In this work, we attempt to find a solution for this challenge via federated and semi-supervised learning. A multi-national database consisting of 1704 scans from three countries is adopted to study the performance gap, when training a model with one dataset and applying it to another. Expert radiologists manually delineated 945 scans for COVID-19 findings. In handling the variability in both the data and annotations, a novel federated semi-supervised learning technique is proposed to fully utilize all available data (with or without annotations). Federated learning avoids the need for sensitive data-sharing, which makes it favorable for institutions and nations with strict regulatory policy on data privacy. Moreover, semi-supervision potentially reduces the annotation burden under a distributed setting. The proposed framework is shown to be effective compared to fully supervised scenarios with conventional data sharing instead of model weight sharing.
Data-driven Machine Learning has emerged as a promising approach for building accurate and robust statistical models from medical data, which is collected in huge volumes by modern healthcare systems. Existing medical data is not fully exploited by M L primarily because it sits in data silos and privacy concerns restrict access to this data. However, without access to sufficient data, ML will be prevented from reaching its full potential and, ultimately, from making the transition from research to clinical practice. This paper considers key factors contributing to this issue, explores how Federated Learning (FL) may provide a solution for the future of digital health and highlights the challenges and considerations that need to be addressed.
Due to medical data privacy regulations, it is often infeasible to collect and share patient data in a centralised data lake. This poses challenges for training machine learning algorithms, such as deep convolutional networks, which often require lar ge numbers of diverse training examples. Federated learning sidesteps this difficulty by bringing code to the patient data owners and only sharing intermediate model training updates among them. Although a high-accuracy model could be achieved by appropriately aggregating these model updates, the model shared could indirectly leak the local training examples. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of applying differential-privacy techniques to protect the patient data in a federated learning setup. We implement and evaluate practical federated learning systems for brain tumour segmentation on the BraTS dataset. The experimental results show that there is a trade-off between model performance and privacy protection costs.
Most of the existing approaches focus on specific visual tasks while ignoring the relations between them. Estimating task relation sheds light on the learning of high-order semantic concepts, e.g., transfer learning. How to reveal the underlying rela tions between different visual tasks remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose a novel textbf{L}earnable textbf{P}arameter textbf{S}imilarity (textbf{LPS}) method that learns an effective metric to measure the similarity of second-order semantics hidden in trained models. LPS is achieved by using a second-order neural network to align high-dimensional model parameters and learning second-order similarity in an end-to-end way. In addition, we create a model set called ModelSet500 as a parameter similarity learning benchmark that contains 500 trained models. Extensive experiments on ModelSet500 validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Code will be released at url{https://github.com/Wanggcong/learnable-parameter-similarity}.
Automatic segmentation of vestibular schwannoma (VS) tumors from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) would facilitate efficient and accurate volume measurement to guide patient management and improve clinical workflow. The accuracy and robustness is cha llenged by low contrast, small target region and low through-plane resolution. We introduce a 2.5D convolutional neural network (CNN) able to exploit the different in-plane and through-plane resolutions encountered in standard of care imaging protocols. We use an attention module to enable the CNN to focus on the small target and propose a supervision on the learning of attention maps for more accurate segmentation. Additionally, we propose a hardness-weighted Dice loss function that gives higher weights to harder voxels to boost the training of CNNs. Experiments with ablation studies on the VS tumor segmentation task show that: 1) the proposed 2.5D CNN outperforms its 2D and 3D counterparts, 2) our supervised attention mechanism outperforms unsupervised attention, 3) the voxel-level hardness-weighted Dice loss can improve the performance of CNNs. Our method achieved an average Dice score and ASSD of 0.87 and 0.43~mm respectively. This will facilitate patient management decisions in clinical practice.
Cross-domain transfer learning (CDTL) is an extremely challenging task for the person re-identification (ReID). Given a source domain with annotations and a target domain without annotations, CDTL seeks an effective method to transfer the knowledge f rom the source domain to the target domain. However, such a simple two-domain transfer learning method is unavailable for the person ReID in that the source/target domain consists of several sub-domains, e.g., camera-based sub-domains. To address this intractable problem, we propose a novel Many-to-Many Generative Adversarial Transfer Learning method (M2M-GAN) that takes multiple source sub-domains and multiple target sub-domains into consideration and performs each sub-domain transferring mapping from the source domain to the target domain in a unified optimization process. The proposed method first translates the image styles of source sub-domains into that of target sub-domains, and then performs the supervised learning by using the transferred images and the corresponding annotations in source domain. As the gap is reduced, M2M-GAN achieves a promising result for the cross-domain person ReID. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID and MSMT17 show the effectiveness of our M2M-GAN.
Despite the state-of-the-art performance for medical image segmentation, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have rarely provided uncertainty estimations regarding their segmentation outputs, e.g., model (epistemic) and image-based (aleatoric) uncertainties. In this work, we analyze these different types of uncertainties for CNN-based 2D and 3D medical image segmentation tasks. We additionally propose a test-time augmentation-based aleatoric uncertainty to analyze the effect of different transformations of the input image on the segmentation output. Test-time augmentation has been previously used to improve segmentation accuracy, yet not been formulated in a consistent mathematical framework. Hence, we also propose a theoretical formulation of test-time augmentation, where a distribution of the prediction is estimated by Monte Carlo simulation with prior distributions of parameters in an image acquisition model that involves image transformations and noise. We compare and combine our proposed aleatoric uncertainty with model uncertainty. Experiments with segmentation of fetal brains and brain tumors from 2D and 3D Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) showed that 1) the test-time augmentation-based aleatoric uncertainty provides a better uncertainty estimation than calculating the test-time dropout-based model uncertainty alone and helps to reduce overconfident incorrect predictions, and 2) our test-time augmentation outperforms a single-prediction baseline and dropout-based multiple predictions.
Medical image analysis and computer-assisted intervention problems are increasingly being addressed with deep-learning-based solutions. Established deep-learning platforms are flexible but do not provide specific functionality for medical image analy sis and adapting them for this application requires substantial implementation effort. Thus, there has been substantial duplication of effort and incompatible infrastructure developed across many research groups. This work presents the open-source NiftyNet platform for deep learning in medical imaging. The ambition of NiftyNet is to accelerate and simplify the development of these solutions, and to provide a common mechanism for disseminating research outputs for the community to use, adapt and build upon. NiftyNet provides a modular deep-learning pipeline for a range of medical imaging applications including segmentation, regression, image generation and representation learning applications. Components of the NiftyNet pipeline including data loading, data augmentation, network architectures, loss functions and evaluation metrics are tailored to, and take advantage of, the idiosyncracies of medical image analysis and computer-assisted intervention. NiftyNet is built on TensorFlow and supports TensorBoard visualization of 2D and 3D images and computational graphs by default. We present 3 illustrative medical image analysis applications built using NiftyNet: (1) segmentation of multiple abdominal organs from computed tomography; (2) image regression to predict computed tomography attenuation maps from brain magnetic resonance images; and (3) generation of simulated ultrasound images for specified anatomical poses. NiftyNet enables researchers to rapidly develop and distribute deep learning solutions for segmentation, regression, image generation and representation learning applications, or extend the platform to new applications.

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