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139 - Zhiqi Li , Wenhai Wang , Enze Xie 2021
We present Panoptic SegFormer, a general framework for end-to-end panoptic segmentation with Transformers. The proposed method extends Deformable DETR with a unified mask prediction workflow for both things and stuff, making the panoptic segmentation pipeline concise and effective. With a ResNet-50 backbone, our method achieves 50.0% PQ on the COCO test-dev split, surpassing previous state-of-the-art methods by significant margins without bells and whistles. Using a more powerful PVTv2-B5 backbone, Panoptic-SegFormer achieves a new record of 54.1%PQ and 54.4% PQ on the COCO val and test-dev splits with single scale input.
Few-shot learning aims to recognize new categories using very few labeled samples. Although few-shot learning has witnessed promising development in recent years, most existing methods adopt an average operation to calculate prototypes, thus limited by the outlier samples. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective framework for few-shot classification, which can learn to generate preferable prototypes from few support data, with the help of an episodic prototype generator module. The generated prototype is meant to be close to a certain textit{targetproto{}} and is less influenced by outlier samples. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of this module, and our approach gets a significant raise over baseline models, and get a competitive result compared to previous methods on textit{mini}ImageNet, textit{tiered}ImageNet, and cross-domain (textit{mini}ImageNet $rightarrow$ CUB-200-2011) datasets.
Most polyp segmentation methods use CNNs as their backbone, leading to two key issues when exchanging information between the encoder and decoder: 1) taking into account the differences in contribution between different-level features; and 2) designi ng effective mechanism for fusing these features. Different from existing CNN-based methods, we adopt a transformer encoder, which learns more powerful and robust representations. In addition, considering the image acquisition influence and elusive properties of polyps, we introduce three novel modules, including a cascaded fusion module (CFM), a camouflage identification module (CIM), a and similarity aggregation module (SAM). Among these, the CFM is used to collect the semantic and location information of polyps from high-level features, while the CIM is applied to capture polyp information disguised in low-level features. With the help of the SAM, we extend the pixel features of the polyp area with high-level semantic position information to the entire polyp area, thereby effectively fusing cross-level features. The proposed model, named ourmodel, effectively suppresses noises in the features and significantly improves their expressive capabilities. Extensive experiments on five widely adopted datasets show that the proposed model is more robust to various challenging situations (e.g., appearance changes, small objects) than existing methods, and achieves the new state-of-the-art performance. The proposed model is available at https://github.com/DengPingFan/Polyp-PVT .
121 - Wenhai Wang , Enze Xie , Xiang Li 2021
Transformer recently has shown encouraging progresses in computer vision. In this work, we present new baselines by improving the original Pyramid Vision Transformer (abbreviated as PVTv1) by adding three designs, including (1) overlapping patch embe dding, (2) convolutional feed-forward networks, and (3) linear complexity attention layers. With these modifications, our PVTv2 significantly improves PVTv1 on three tasks e.g., classification, detection, and segmentation. Moreover, PVTv2 achieves comparable or better performances than recent works such as Swin Transformer. We hope this work will facilitate state-of-the-art Transformer researches in computer vision. Code is available at https://github.com/whai362/PVT .
We present SegFormer, a simple, efficient yet powerful semantic segmentation framework which unifies Transformers with lightweight multilayer perception (MLP) decoders. SegFormer has two appealing features: 1) SegFormer comprises a novel hierarchical ly structured Transformer encoder which outputs multiscale features. It does not need positional encoding, thereby avoiding the interpolation of positional codes which leads to decreased performance when the testing resolution differs from training. 2) SegFormer avoids complex decoders. The proposed MLP decoder aggregates information from different layers, and thus combining both local attention and global attention to render powerful representations. We show that this simple and lightweight design is the key to efficient segmentation on Transformers. We scale our approach up to obtain a series of models from SegFormer-B0 to SegFormer-B5, reaching significantly better performance and efficiency than previous counterparts. For example, SegFormer-B4 achieves 50.3% mIoU on ADE20K with 64M parameters, being 5x smaller and 2.2% better than the previous best method. Our best model, SegFormer-B5, achieves 84.0% mIoU on Cityscapes validation set and shows excellent zero-shot robustness on Cityscapes-C. Code will be released at: github.com/NVlabs/SegFormer.
181 - Wenhai Wang , Enze Xie , Xiang Li 2021
Scene text detection and recognition have been well explored in the past few years. Despite the progress, efficient and accurate end-to-end spotting of arbitrarily-shaped text remains challenging. In this work, we propose an end-to-end text spotting framework, termed PAN++, which can efficiently detect and recognize text of arbitrary shapes in natural scenes. PAN++ is based on the kernel representation that reformulates a text line as a text kernel (central region) surrounded by peripheral pixels. By systematically comparing with existing scene text representations, we show that our kernel representation can not only describe arbitrarily-shaped text but also well distinguish adjacent text. Moreover, as a pixel-based representation, the kernel representation can be predicted by a single fully convolutional network, which is very friendly to real-time applications. Taking the advantages of the kernel representation, we design a series of components as follows: 1) a computationally efficient feature enhancement network composed of stacked Feature Pyramid Enhancement Modules (FPEMs); 2) a lightweight detection head cooperating with Pixel Aggregation (PA); and 3) an efficient attention-based recognition head with Masked RoI. Benefiting from the kernel representation and the tailored components, our method achieves high inference speed while maintaining competitive accuracy. Extensive experiments show the superiority of our method. For example, the proposed PAN++ achieves an end-to-end text spotting F-measure of 64.9 at 29.2 FPS on the Total-Text dataset, which significantly outperforms the previous best method. Code will be available at: https://git.io/PAN.
StarCraft II (SC2) is a real-time strategy game, in which players produce and control multiple units to win. Due to its difficulties, such as huge state space, various action space, a long time horizon, and imperfect information, SC2 has been a resea rch highlight in reinforcement learning research. Recently, an SC2 agent called AlphaStar is proposed which shows excellent performance, obtaining a high win-rates of 99.8% against Grandmaster level human players. We implemented a mini-scaled version of it called mini-AlphaStar based on their paper and the pseudocode they provided. The usage and analysis of it are shown in this technical report. The difference between AlphaStar and mini-AlphaStar is that we substituted the hyper-parameters in the former version with much smaller ones for mini-scale training. The codes of mini-AlphaStar are all open-sourced. The objective of mini-AlphaStar is to provide a reproduction of the original AlphaStar and facilitate the future research of RL on large-scale problems.
124 - Wenhai Wang , Enze Xie , Xiang Li 2021
Although using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as backbones achieves great successes in computer vision, this work investigates a simple backbone network useful for many dense prediction tasks without convolutions. Unlike the recently-proposed T ransformer model (e.g., ViT) that is specially designed for image classification, we propose Pyramid Vision Transformer~(PVT), which overcomes the difficulties of porting Transformer to various dense prediction tasks. PVT has several merits compared to prior arts. (1) Different from ViT that typically has low-resolution outputs and high computational and memory cost, PVT can be not only trained on dense partitions of the image to achieve high output resolution, which is important for dense predictions but also using a progressive shrinking pyramid to reduce computations of large feature maps. (2) PVT inherits the advantages from both CNN and Transformer, making it a unified backbone in various vision tasks without convolutions by simply replacing CNN backbones. (3) We validate PVT by conducting extensive experiments, showing that it boosts the performance of many downstream tasks, e.g., object detection, semantic, and instance segmentation. For example, with a comparable number of parameters, RetinaNet+PVT achieves 40.4 AP on the COCO dataset, surpassing RetinNet+ResNet50 (36.3 AP) by 4.1 absolute AP. We hope PVT could serve as an alternative and useful backbone for pixel-level predictions and facilitate future researches. Code is available at https://github.com/whai362/PVT.
Scene text spotting aims to detect and recognize the entire word or sentence with multiple characters in natural images. It is still challenging because ambiguity often occurs when the spacing between characters is large or the characters are evenly spread in multiple rows and columns, making many visually plausible groupings of the characters (e.g. BERLIN is incorrectly detected as BERL and IN in Fig. 1(c)). Unlike previous works that merely employed visual features for text detection, this work proposes a novel text spotter, named Ambiguity Eliminating Text Spotter (AE TextSpotter), which learns both visual and linguistic features to significantly reduce ambiguity in text detection. The proposed AE TextSpotter has three important benefits. 1) The linguistic representation is learned together with the visual representation in a framework. To our knowledge, it is the first time to improve text detection by using a language model. 2) A carefully designed language module is utilized to reduce the detection confidence of incorrect text lines, making them easily pruned in the detection stage. 3) Extensive experiments show that AE TextSpotter outperforms other state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. For example, we carefully select a validation set of extremely ambiguous samples from the IC19-ReCTS dataset, where our approach surpasses other methods by more than 4%. The code has been released at https://github.com/whai362/AE_TextSpotter. The image list and evaluation scripts of the validation set have been released at https://github.com/whai362/TDA-ReCTS.

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