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170 - Wen Wei Ho , Soonwon Choi 2021
We present exact results on a novel kind of emergent random matrix universality that quantum many-body systems at infinite temperature can exhibit. Specifically, we consider an ensemble of pure states supported on a small subsystem, generated from pr ojective measurements of the remainder of the system in a local basis. We rigorously show that the ensemble, derived for a class of quantum chaotic systems undergoing quench dynamics, approaches a universal form completely independent of system details: it becomes uniformly distributed in Hilbert space. This goes beyond the standard paradigm of quantum thermalization, which dictates that the subsystem relaxes to an ensemble of quantum states that reproduces the expectation values of local observables in a thermal mixed state. Our results imply more generally that the distribution of quantum states themselves becomes indistinguishable from those of uniformly random ones, i.e. the ensemble forms a quantum state-design in the parlance of quantum information theory. Our work establishes bridges between quantum many-body physics, quantum information and random matrix theory, by showing that pseudo-random states can arise from isolated quantum dynamics, opening up new ways to design applications for quantum state tomography and benchmarking.
We analyze the formation of multi-particle bound states in ladders with frustrated kinetic energy in two component bosonic and two component fermionic systems. We focus on the regime of light doping relative to insulating states at half-filling, spin polarization close to 100 percent, and strong repulsive interactions. A special feature of these systems is that the binding energy scales with single particle tunneling $t$ rather than exchange interactions, since effective attraction arises from alleviating kinetic frustration. For two component Fermi systems on a zigzag ladder we find a bound state between a hole and a flipped spin (magnon) with a binding energy that can be as large as $0.6t$. We demonstrate that magnon-hole attraction leads to formation of clusters comprised of several holes and magnons and expound on antiferromagentic correlations for the transverse spin components inside the clusters. We identify several many-body states that result from self-organization of multi-particle bound states, including a Luttinger liquid of hole-magnon pairs and a density wave state of two hole - three magnon composites. We establish a symmetry between the spectra of Bose and Fermi systems and use it to establish the existence of antibound states in two component Bose mixtures with SU(2) symmetric repulsion on a zigzag ladder. We also consider Bose and Fermi systems on a square ladder with flux and demonstrate that both systems support bound states. We discuss experimental signatures of multi-particle bound states in both equilibrium and dynamical experiments. We point out intriguing connections between these systems and the quark bag model in QCD.
In Heisenberg models with exchange anisotropy, transverse spin components are not conserved and can decay not only by transport, but also by dephasing. Here we utilize ultracold atoms to simulate the dynamics of 1D Heisenberg spin chains, and observe fast, local spin decay controlled by the anisotropy. Additionally, we directly observe an effective magnetic field created by superexchange which causes an inhomogeneous decay mechanism due to variations of lattice depth between chains, as well as dephasing within each chain due to the twofold reduction of the effective magnetic field at the edges of the chains and due to fluctuations of the effective magnetic field in the presence of mobile holes. The latter is a new coupling mechanism between holes and magnons. All these dephasing mechanisms, corroborated by extensive numerical simulations, have not been observed before with ultracold atoms and illustrate basic properties of the underlying Hubbard model.
The control of many-body quantum dynamics in complex systems is a key challenge in the quest to reliably produce and manipulate large-scale quantum entangled states. Recently, quench experiments in Rydberg atom arrays (Bluvstein et. al., arXiv:2012.1 2276) demonstrated that coherent revivals associated with quantum many-body scars can be stabilized by periodic driving, generating stable subharmonic responses over a wide parameter regime. We analyze a simple, related model where these phenomena originate from spatiotemporal ordering in an effective Floquet unitary, corresponding to discrete time-crystalline (DTC) behavior in a prethermal regime. Unlike conventional DTC, the subharmonic response exists only for Neel-like initial states, associated with quantum scars. We predict robustness to perturbations and identify emergent timescales that could be observed in future experiments. Our results suggest a route to controlling entanglement in interacting quantum systems by combining periodic driving with many-body scars.
Prethermalization refers to the physical phenomenon where a system evolves toward some long-lived non-equilibrium steady state before eventual thermalization sets in. One general scenario where this occurs is in driven systems with dynamics governed by an effective Hamiltonian (in some rotating frame), such that ergodicity of the latter is responsible for the approach to the prethermal state. This begs the question whether it is possible to have a prethermal state not associated to any effective Hamiltonian. Here, we answer this question in the affirmative. We exhibit a natural class of systems in which the prethermal state is defined by emergent, global symmetries, but where the dynamics that takes the system to this state has no additional conservation laws, in particular energy. We explain how novel prethermal phases of matter can nevertheless emerge under such settings, distinct from those previously discussed.
We analyze the zero-temperature phases of an array of neutral atoms on the kagome lattice, interacting via laser excitation to atomic Rydberg states. Density-matrix renormalization group calculations reveal the presence of a wide variety of complex s olid phases with broken lattice symmetries. In addition, we identify a novel regime with dense Rydberg excitations that has a large entanglement entropy and no local order parameter associated with lattice symmetries. From a mapping to the triangular lattice quantum dimer model, and theories of quantum phase transitions out of the proximate solid phases, we argue that this regime could contain one or more phases with topological order. Our results provide the foundation for theoretical and experimental explorations of crystalline and liquid states using programmable quantum simulators based on Rydberg atom arrays.
We describe the zero-temperature phase diagram of a model of a two-dimensional square-lattice array of neutral atoms, excited into Rydberg states and interacting via strong van der Waals interactions. Using the density-matrix renormalization group al gorithm, we map out the phase diagram and obtain a rich variety of phases featuring complex density wave orderings, upon varying lattice spacing and laser detuning. While some of these phases result from the classical optimization of the van der Waals energy, we also find intrinsically quantum-ordered phases stabilized by quantum fluctuations. These phases are surrounded by novel quantum phase transitions, which we analyze by finite-size scaling numerics and Landau theories. Our work highlights Rydberg quantum simulators in higher dimensions as promising platforms to realize exotic many-body phenomena.
We show how a large family of interacting nonequilibrium phases of matter can arise from the presence of multiple time-translation symmetries, which occur by quasiperiodically driving an isolated quantum many-body system with two or more incommensura te frequencies. These phases are fundamentally different from those realizable in time-independent or periodically-driven (Floquet) settings. Focusing on high-frequency drives with smooth time-dependence, we rigorously establish general conditions for which these phases are stable in a parametrically long-lived `preheating regime. We develop a formalism to analyze the effect of the multiple time-translation symmetries on the dynamics of the system, which we use to classify and construct explicit examples of the emergent phases. In particular, we discuss time quasi-crystals which spontaneously break the time-translation symmetries, as well as time-translation symmetry protected topological phases.
We analyze quantum dynamics of strongly interacting, kinetically constrained many-body systems. Motivated by recent experiments demonstrating surprising long-lived, periodic revivals after quantum quenches in Rydberg atom arrays, we introduce a manif old of locally entangled spin states, representable by low-bond dimension matrix product states, and derive equations of motions for them using the time-dependent variational principle. We find that they feature isolated, unstable periodic orbits, which capture the recurrences and represent nonergodic dynamical trajectories. Our results provide a theoretical framework for understanding quantum dynamics in a class of constrained spin models, which allow us to examine the recently suggested explanation of quantum many-body scarring [Nature Physics (2018), doi:10.1038], and establish a connection to the corresponding phenomenon in chaotic single-particle systems.
We provide an efficient and general route for preparing non-trivial quantum states that are not adiabatically connected to unentangled product states. Our approach is a hybrid quantum-classical variational protocol that incorporates a feedback loop b etween a quantum simulator and a classical computer, and is experimentally realizable on near-term quantum devices of synthetic quantum systems. We find explicit protocols which prepare with perfect fidelities (i) the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state, (ii) a quantum critical state, and (iii) a topologically ordered state, with $L$ variational parameters and physical runtimes $T$ that scale linearly with the system size $L$. We furthermore conjecture and support numerically that our protocol can prepare, with perfect fidelity and similar operational costs, the ground state of every point in the one dimensional transverse field Ising model phase diagram. Besides being practically useful, our results also illustrate the utility of such variational ansatze as good descriptions of non-trivial states of matter.

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