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Since training a large-scale backdoored model from scratch requires a large training dataset, several recent attacks have considered to inject backdoors into a trained clean model without altering model behaviors on the clean data. Previous work find s that backdoors can be injected into a trained clean model with Adversarial Weight Perturbation (AWP). Here AWPs refers to the variations of parameters that are small in backdoor learning. In this work, we observe an interesting phenomenon that the variations of parameters are always AWPs when tuning the trained clean model to inject backdoors. We further provide theoretical analysis to explain this phenomenon. We formulate the behavior of maintaining accuracy on clean data as the consistency of backdoored models, which includes both global consistency and instance-wise consistency. We extensively analyze the effects of AWPs on the consistency of backdoored models. In order to achieve better consistency, we propose a novel anchoring loss to anchor or freeze the model behaviors on the clean data, with a theoretical guarantee. Both the analytical and the empirical results validate the effectiveness of the anchoring loss in improving the consistency, especially the instance-wise consistency.
114 - Weiqiang Wang 2021
We construct a basis for a modified quantum group of finite type, extending the PBW bases of positive and negative halves of a quantum group. Generalizing Lusztigs classic results on PBW bases, we show that this basis is orthogonal with respect to it s natural bilinear form (and hence called a PBW basis), and moreover, the matrix for the PBW-expansion of the canonical basis is unital triangular. All these follow by a new construction of the modified quantum group of arbitrary type, which is built on limits of sequences of elements in tensor products of lowest and highest weight modules. Explicitly formulas are worked out in the rank one case.
Expanding the classic works of Kazhdan-Lusztig and Deodhar, we establish bar involutions and canonical (i.e., quasi-parabolic KL) bases on quasi-permutation modules over the type B Hecke algebra, where the bases are parameterized by cosets of (possib ly non-parabolic) reflection subgroups of the Weyl group of type B. We formulate an $imath$Schur duality between an $imath$quantum group of type AIII (allowing black nodes in its Satake diagram) and a Hecke algebra of type B acting on a tensor space, providing a common generalization of Jimbo-Schur duality and Bao-Wangs quasi-split $imath$Schur duality. The quasi-parabolic KL bases on quasi-permutation Hecke modules are shown to match with the $imath$canonical basis on the tensor space. An inversion formula for quasi-parabolic KL polynomials is established via the $imath$Schur duality.
161 - Ming Lu , Weiqiang Wang 2021
We establish automorphisms with closed formulas on quasi-split $imath$quantum groups of symmetric Kac-Moody type associated to restricted Weyl groups. The proofs are carried out in the framework of $imath$Hall algebras and reflection functors, thanks to the $imath$Hall algebra realization of $imath$quantum groups in our previous work. Several quantum binomial identities arising along the way are established.
let $widetilde{bf U}^imath$ be a quasi-split universal $imath$quantum group associated to a quantum symmetric pair $(widetilde{bf U}, widetilde{bf U}^imath)$ of Kac-Moody type with a diagram involution $tau$. We establish the Serre-Lusztig relations for $widetilde{bf U}^imath$ associated to a simple root $i$ such that $i eq tau i$, complementary to the Serre-Lusztig relations associated to $i=tau i$ which we obtained earlier. A conjecture on braid group symmetries on $widetilde{bf U}^imath$ associated to $i$ disjoint from $tau i$ is formulated.
We show that the $imath$Hall algebra of the Jordan quiver is a polynomial ring in infinitely many generators and obtain transition relations among several generating sets. We establish a ring isomorphism from this $imath$Hall algebra to the ring of s ymmetric functions in two parameters $t, theta$, which maps the $imath$Hall basis to a class of (modified) inhomogeneous Hall-Littlewood ($imath$HL) functions. The (modified) $imath$HL functions admit a formulation via raising and lowering operators. We formulate and prove Pieri rules for (modified) $imath$HL functions. The modified $imath$HL functions specialize at $theta=0$ to the modified HL functions; they specialize at $theta=1$ to the deformed universal characters of type C, which further specialize at $(t=0, theta =1)$ to the universal characters of type C.
The $imath$Serre relations and the corresponding Serre-Lusztig relations are formulated for arbitrary $imath$quantum groups arising from quantum symmetric pairs of Kac-Moody type. This generalizes the main results in [CLW18, CLW20].
85 - Li Luo , Weiqiang Wang 2020
In these lecture notes for a summer mini-course, we provide an exposition on quantum groups and Hecke algebras, including (quasi) R-matrix, canonical basis, and $q$-Schur duality. Then we formulate their counterparts in the setting of $imath$quantum groups arising from quantum symmetric pairs, including (quasi) K-matrix, $imath$-canonical basis, and $imath$Schur duality. As an application, the ($imath$-)canonical bases are used to formulate Kazhdan-Lusztig theories and character formulas in the BGG categories for Lie (super)algebras of type A-D. Finally, geometric constructions for $q$-Schur and $imath$Schur dualities are provided.
With only bounding-box annotations in the spatial domain, existing video scene text detection (VSTD) benchmarks lack temporal relation of text instances among video frames, which hinders the development of video text-related applications. In this pap er, we systematically introduce a new large-scale benchmark, named as STVText4, a well-designed spatial-temporal detection metric (STDM), and a novel clustering-based baseline method, referred to as Temporal Clustering (TC). STVText4 opens a challenging yet promising direction of VSTD, termed as ST-VSTD, which targets at simultaneously detecting video scene texts in both spatial and temporal domains. STVText4 contains more than 1.4 million text instances from 161,347 video frames of 106 videos, where each instance is annotated with not only spatial bounding box and temporal range but also four intrinsic attributes, including legibility, density, scale, and lifecycle, to facilitate the community. With continuous propagation of identical texts in the video sequence, TC can accurately output the spatial quadrilateral and temporal range of the texts, which sets a strong baseline for ST-VSTD. Experiments demonstrate the efficacy of our method and the great academic and practical value of the STVText4. The dataset and code will be available soon.
We develop algebraic and geometrical approaches toward canonical bases for affine q-Schur algebras of arbitrary type introduced in this paper. A duality between an affine q-Schur algebra and a corresponding affine Hecke algebra is established. We int roduce an inner product on the affine q-Schur algebra, with respect to which the canonical basis is shown to be positive and almost orthonormal. We then formulate the cells and asymptotic forms for affine q-Schur algebras, and develop their basic properties analogous to the cells and asymptotic forms for affine Hecke algebras established by Lusztig. The results on cells and asymptotic algebras are also valid for q-Schur algebras of arbitrary finite type.

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