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Recent progress towards designing models that can generalize to unseen domains (i.e domain generalization) or unseen classes (i.e zero-shot learning) has embarked interest towards building models that can tackle both domain-shift and semantic shift s imultaneously (i.e zero-shot domain generalization). For models to generalize to unseen classes in unseen domains, it is crucial to learn feature representation that preserves class-level (domain-invariant) as well as domain-specific information. Motivated from the success of generative zero-shot approaches, we propose a feature generative framework integrated with a COntext COnditional Adaptive (COCOA) Batch-Normalization to seamlessly integrate class-level semantic and domain-specific information. The generated visual features better capture the underlying data distribution enabling us to generalize to unseen classes and domains at test-time. We thoroughly evaluate and analyse our approach on established large-scale benchmark - DomainNet and demonstrate promising performance over baselines and state-of-art methods.
A common problem with most zero and few-shot learning approaches is they suffer from bias towards seen classes resulting in sub-optimal performance. Existing efforts aim to utilize unlabeled images from unseen classes (i.e transductive zero-shot) dur ing training to enable generalization. However, this limits their use in practical scenarios where data from target unseen classes is unavailable or infeasible to collect. In this work, we present a practical setting of inductive zero and few-shot learning, where unlabeled images from other out-of-data classes, that do not belong to seen or unseen categories, can be used to improve generalization in any-shot learning. We leverage a formulation based on product-of-experts and introduce a new AUD module that enables us to use unlabeled samples from out-of-data classes which are usually easily available and practically entail no annotation cost. In addition, we also demonstrate the applicability of our model to address a more practical and challenging, Generalized Zero-shot under a limited supervision setting, where even base seen classes do not have sufficient annotated samples.
The performance of generative zero-shot methods mainly depends on the quality of generated features and how well the model facilitates knowledge transfer between visual and semantic domains. The quality of generated features is a direct consequence o f the ability of the model to capture the several modes of the underlying data distribution. To address these issues, we propose a new two-level joint maximization idea to augment the generative network with an inference network during training which helps our model capture the several modes of the data and generate features that better represent the underlying data distribution. This provides strong cross-modal interaction for effective transfer of knowledge between visual and semantic domains. Furthermore, existing methods train the zero-shot classifier either on generate synthetic image features or latent embeddings produced by leveraging representation learning. In this work, we unify these paradigms into a single model which in addition to synthesizing image features, also utilizes the representation learning capabilities of the inference network to provide discriminative features for the final zero-shot recognition task. We evaluate our approach on four benchmark datasets i.e. CUB, FLO, AWA1 and AWA2 against several state-of-the-art methods, and show its performance. We also perform ablation studies to analyze and understand our method more carefully for the Generalized Zero-shot Learning task.
A Very recent trend has emerged to couple the notion of interpretability and adversarial robustness, unlike earlier efforts which solely focused on good interpretations or robustness against adversaries. Works have shown that adversarially trained mo dels exhibit more interpretable saliency maps than their non-robust counterparts, and that this behavior can be quantified by considering the alignment between input image and saliency map. In this work, we provide a different perspective to this coupling, and provide a method, Saliency based Adversarial training (SAT), to use saliency maps to improve adversarial robustness of a model. In particular, we show that using annotations such as bounding boxes and segmentation masks, already provided with a dataset, as weak saliency maps, suffices to improve adversarial robustness with no additional effort to generate the perturbations themselves. Our empirical results on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Tiny ImageNet and Flower-17 datasets consistently corroborate our claim, by showing improved adversarial robustness using our method. saliency maps. We also show how using finer and stronger saliency maps leads to more robust models, and how integrating SAT with existing adversarial training methods, further boosts performance of these existing methods.

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