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Optical channels, such as fibers or free-space links, are ubiquitous in todays telecommunication networks. They rely on the electromagnetic field associated with photons to carry information from one point to another in space. As a result, a complete physical model of these channels must necessarily take quantum effects into account in order to determine their ultimate performances. Specifically, Gaussian photonic (or bosonic) quantum channels have been extensively studied over the past decades given their importance for practical purposes. In spite of this, a longstanding conjecture on the optimality of Gaussian encodings has yet prevented finding their communication capacity. Here, this conjecture is solved by proving that the vacuum state achieves the minimum output entropy of a generic Gaussian bosonic channel. This establishes the ultimate achievable bit rate under an energy constraint, as well as the long awaited proof that the single-letter classical capacity of these channels is additive. Beyond capacities, it also has broad consequences in quantum information sciences.
We present a theoretical framework to tackle quantum non-Markovian dynamics based on a microscopic collision model (CM), where the bath consists of a large collection of initially uncorrelated ancillas. Unlike standard memoryless CMs, we endow the ba th with memory by introducing inter-ancillary collisions between next system-ancilla interactions. Our model interpolates between a fully Markovian dynamics and the continuous interaction of the system with a single ancilla, i.e., a strongly non-Markovian process. We show that in the continuos limit one can derive a general master equation, which while keeping such features is guaranteed to describe an unconditionally completely positive and trace-preserving dynamics. We apply our theory to an atom in a dissipative cavity for a Lorentzian spectral density of bath modes, a dynamics which can be exactly solved. The predicted evolution shows a significant improvement in approaching the exact solution with respect to two well-known memory-kernel master equations.
We study the efficiency of quantum tomographic reconstruction where the system under investigation (quantum target) is indirectly monitored by looking at the state of a quantum probe that has been scattered off the target. In particular we focus on t he state tomography of a qubit through a one-dimensional scattering of a probe qubit, with a Heisenberg-type interaction. Via direct evaluation of the associated quantum Cram{e}r-Rao bounds, we compare the accuracy efficiency that one can get by adopting entanglement-assisted strategies with that achievable when entanglement resources are not available. Even though sub-shot noise accuracy levels are not attainable, we show that quantum correlations play a significant role in the estimation. A comparison with the accuracy levels obtainable by direct estimation (not through a probe) of the quantum target is also performed.
The local purity of large many-body quantum systems can be studied by following a statistical mechanical approach based on a random matrix model. Restricting the analysis to the case of global pure states, this method proved to be successful and a fu ll characterization of the statistical properties of the local purity was obtained by computing the partition function of the problem. Here we generalize these techniques to the case of global mixed states. Since the computation of the partition function is far more challenging than in the pure case, we focus on the computation of the first moments of the local purity. Finally, we establish a connection with the theory of twirling maps in quantum channels.
Three different implementations of interaction-free measurements (IFMs) in solid-state nanodevices are discussed. The first one is based on a series of concatenated Mach-Zehnder interferometers, in analogy to optical-IFM setups. The second one consis ts of a single interferometer and concatenation is achieved in the time domain making use of a quantized electron emitter. The third implementation consists of an asymmetric Aharonov-Bohm ring. For all three cases we show that the presence of a dephasing source acting on one arm of the interferometer can be detected without degrading the coherence of the measured current. Electronic implementations of IFMs in nanoelectronics may play a fundamental role as very accurate and noninvasive measuring schemes for quantum devices.
We show that the minimum output entropy for all single-mode Gaussian channels is additive and is attained for Gaussian inputs. This allows the derivation of the channel capacity for a number of Gaussian channels, including that of the channel with li near loss, thermal noise, and linear amplification.
We introduce a new form for the bosonic channel minimal output entropy conjecture, namely that among states with equal input entropy, the thermal states are the ones that have slightest increase in entropy when sent through a infinitesimal thermalizi ng channel. We then detail a strategy to prove the conjecture through variational techniques. This would lead to the calculation of the classical capacity of a communication channel subject to thermal noise. Our strategy detects input thermal ensembles as possible solutions for the optimal encoding of the channel, lending support to the conjecture. However, it does not seem to be able to exclude the possibility that other input ensembles can attain the channel capacity.
Quantum state propagation over binary tree configurations is studied in the context of quantum spin networks. For binary tree of order two a simple protocol is presented which allows to achieve arbitrary high transfer fidelity. It does not require fi ne tuning of local fields and two-nodes coupling of the intermediate spins. Instead it assumes simple local operations on the intended receiving node: their role is to brake the transverse symmetry of the network that induces an effective refocusing of the propagating signals. Some ideas on how to scale up these effect to binary tree of arbitrary order are discussed.
A complete analysis of multi-mode bosonic Gaussian channels is proposed. We clarify the structure of unitary dilations of general Gaussian channels involving any number of bosonic modes and present a normal form. The maximum number of auxiliary modes that is needed is identified, including all rank deficient cases, and the specific role of additive classical noise is highlighted. By using this analysis, we derive a canonical matrix form of the noisy evolution of n-mode bosonic Gaussian channels and of their weak complementary counterparts, based on a recent generalization of the normal mode decomposition for non-symmetric or locality constrained situations. It allows us to simplify the weak-degradability classification. Moreover, we investigate the structure of some singular multi-mode channels, like the additive classical noise channel that can be used to decompose a noisy channel in terms of a less noisy one in order to find new sets of maps with zero quantum capacity. Finally, the two-mode case is analyzed in detail. By exploiting the composition rules of two-mode maps and the fact that anti-degradable channels cannot be used to transfer quantum information, we identify sets of two-mode bosonic channels with zero capacity.

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