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Driven particles in presence of crowded environment, obstacles or kinetic constraints often exhibit negative differential mobility (NDM) due to their decreased dynamical activity. We propose a new mechanism for complex many-particle systems where slo wing down of certain {it non-driven} degrees of freedom by the external field can give rise to NDM. This phenomenon, resulting from inter-particle interactions, is illustrated in a pedagogical example of two interacting random walkers, one of which is biased by an external field while the same field only slows down the other keeping it unbiased. We also introduce and solve exactly the steady state of several driven diffusive systems, including a two species exclusion model, asymmetric misanthrope and zero-range processes, to show explicitly that this mechanism indeed leads to NDM.
87 - Urna Basu , P. K. Mohanty 2009
We introduce and solve a model of hardcore particles on a one dimensional periodic lattice which undergoes an active-absorbing state phase transition at finite density. In this model an occupied site is defined to be active if its left neighbour is o ccupied and the right neighbour is vacant. Particles from such active sites hop stochastically to their right. We show that, both the density of active sites and the survival probability vanish as the particle density is decreased below half. The critical exponents and spatial correlations of the model are calculated exactly using the matrix product ansatz. Exact analytical study of several variations of the model reveals that these non-equilibrium phase transitions belong to a new universality class different from the generic active-absorbing-state phase transition, namely directed percolation.
91 - Urna Basu , P. K. Mohanty 2009
We introduce an auto-regressive model which captures the growing nature of realistic markets. In our model agents do not trade with other agents, they interact indirectly only through a market. Change of their wealth depends, linearly on how much the y invest, and stochastically on how much they gain from the noisy market. The average wealth of the market could be fixed or growing. We show that in a market where investment capacity of agents differ, average wealth of agents generically follow the Pareto-law. In few cases, the individual distribution of wealth of every agent could also be obtained exactly. We also show that the underlying dynamics of other well studied kinetic models of markets can be mapped to the dynamics of our auto-regressive model.

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