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The rise of machine learning technology inspires a boom of its applications in electronic design automation (EDA) and helps improve the degree of automation in chip designs. However, manually crafted machine learning models require extensive human ex pertise and tremendous engineering efforts. In this work, we leverage neural architecture search (NAS) to automatically develop high-quality neural architectures for routability prediction, which guides cell placement toward routable solutions. Experimental results demonstrate that the automatically generated neural architectures clearly outperform the manual solutions. Compared to the average case of manually designed models, NAS-generated models achieve $5.6%$ higher Kendalls $tau$ in predicting the number of nets with DRC violations and $1.95%$ larger area under ROC curve (ROC-AUC) in DRC hotspots detection.
Resource is an important constraint when deploying Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on mobile and edge devices. Existing works commonly adopt the cell-based search approach, which limits the flexibility of network patterns in learned cell structures. More over, due to the topology-agnostic nature of existing works, including both cell-based and node-based approaches, the search process is time consuming and the performance of found architecture may be sub-optimal. To address these problems, we propose AutoShrink, a topology-aware Neural Architecture Search(NAS) for searching efficient building blocks of neural architectures. Our method is node-based and thus can learn flexible network patterns in cell structures within a topological search space. Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) are used to abstract DNN architectures and progressively optimize the cell structure through edge shrinking. As the search space intrinsically reduces as the edges are progressively shrunk, AutoShrink explores more flexible search space with even less search time. We evaluate AutoShrink on image classification and language tasks by crafting ShrinkCNN and ShrinkRNN models. ShrinkCNN is able to achieve up to 48% parameter reduction and save 34% Multiply-Accumulates (MACs) on ImageNet-1K with comparable accuracy of state-of-the-art (SOTA) models. Specifically, both ShrinkCNN and ShrinkRNN are crafted within 1.5 GPU hours, which is 7.2x and 6.7x faster than the crafting time of SOTA CNN and RNN models, respectively.
Designing neural architectures for edge devices is subject to constraints of accuracy, inference latency, and computational cost. Traditionally, researchers manually craft deep neural networks to meet the needs of mobile devices. Neural Architecture Search (NAS) was proposed to automate the neural architecture design without requiring extensive domain expertise and significant manual efforts. Recent works utilized NAS to design mobile models by taking into account hardware constraints and achieved state-of-the-art accuracy with fewer parameters and less computational cost measured in Multiply-accumulates (MACs). To find highly compact neural architectures, existing works relies on predefined cells and directly applying width multiplier, which may potentially limit the model flexibility, reduce the useful feature map information, and cause accuracy drop. To conquer this issue, we propose GRAM(GRAph propagation as Meta-knowledge) that adopts fine-grained (node-wise) search method and accumulates the knowledge learned in updates into a meta-graph. As a result, GRAM can enable more flexible search space and achieve higher search efficiency. Without the constraints of predefined cell or blocks, we propose a new structure-level pruning method to remove redundant operations in neural architectures. SwiftNet, which is a set of models discovered by GRAM, outperforms MobileNet-V2 by 2.15x higher accuracy density and 2.42x faster with similar accuracy. Compared with FBNet, SwiftNet reduces the search cost by 26x and achieves 2.35x higher accuracy density and 1.47x speedup while preserving similar accuracy. SwiftNetcan obtain 63.28% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K with only 53M MACs and 2.07M parameters. The corresponding inference latency is only 19.09 ms on Google Pixel 1.

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