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Recent years have witnessed an upsurge of interest in employing flexible machine learning models for instrumental variable (IV) regression, but the development of uncertainty quantification methodology is still lacking. In this work we present a scal able quasi-Bayesian procedure for IV regression, building upon the recently developed kernelized IV models. Contrary to Bayesian modeling for IV, our approach does not require additional assumptions on the data generating process, and leads to a scalable approximate inference algorithm with time cost comparable to the corresponding point estimation methods. Our algorithm can be further extended to work with neural network models. We analyze the theoretical properties of the proposed quasi-posterior, and demonstrate through empirical evaluation the competitive performance of our method.
Deployed real-world machine learning applications are often subject to uncontrolled and even potentially malicious inputs. Those out-of-domain inputs can lead to unpredictable outputs and sometimes catastrophic safety issues. Prior studies on out-of- domain detection require in-domain task labels and are limited to supervised classification scenarios. Our work tackles the problem of detecting out-of-domain samples with only unsupervised in-domain data. We utilize the latent representations of pre-trained transformers and propose a simple yet effective method to transform features across all layers to construct out-of-domain detectors efficiently. Two domain-specific fine-tuning approaches are further proposed to boost detection accuracy. Our empirical evaluations of related methods on two datasets validate that our method greatly improves out-of-domain detection ability in a more general scenario.
We revisit offline reinforcement learning on episodic time-homogeneous tabular Markov Decision Processes with $S$ states, $A$ actions and planning horizon $H$. Given the collected $N$ episodes data with minimum cumulative reaching probability $d_m$, we obtain the first set of nearly $H$-free sample complexity bounds for evaluation and planning using the empirical MDPs: 1.For the offline evaluation, we obtain an $tilde{O}left(sqrt{frac{1}{Nd_m}} right)$ error rate, which matches the lower bound and does not have additional dependency on $polyleft(S,Aright)$ in higher-order term, that is different from previous works~citep{yin2020near,yin2020asymptotically}. 2.For the offline policy optimization, we obtain an $tilde{O}left(sqrt{frac{1}{Nd_m}} + frac{S}{Nd_m}right)$ error rate, improving upon the best known result by cite{cui2020plug}, which has additional $H$ and $S$ factors in the main term. Furthermore, this bound approaches the $Omegaleft(sqrt{frac{1}{Nd_m}}right)$ lower bound up to logarithmic factors and a high-order term. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first set of nearly horizon-free bounds in offline reinforcement learning.
We consider the combinatorial bandits problem, where at each time step, the online learner selects a size-$k$ subset $s$ from the arms set $mathcal{A}$, where $left|mathcal{A}right| = n$, and observes a stochastic reward of each arm in the selected s et $s$. The goal of the online learner is to minimize the regret, induced by not selecting $s^*$ which maximizes the expected total reward. Specifically, we focus on a challenging setting where 1) the reward distribution of an arm depends on the set $s$ it is part of, and crucially 2) there is textit{no total order} for the arms in $mathcal{A}$. In this paper, we formally present a reward model that captures set-dependent reward distribution and assumes no total order for arms. Correspondingly, we propose an Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm that maintains UCB for each individual arm and selects the arms with top-$k$ UCB. We develop a novel regret analysis and show an $Oleft(frac{k^2 n log T}{epsilon}right)$ gap-dependent regret bound as well as an $Oleft(k^2sqrt{n T log T}right)$ gap-independent regret bound. We also provide a lower bound for the proposed reward model, which shows our proposed algorithm is near-optimal for any constant $k$. Empirical results on various reward models demonstrate the broad applicability of our algorithm.
We propose to accelerate existing linear bandit algorithms to achieve per-step time complexity sublinear in the number of arms $K$. The key to sublinear complexity is the realization that the arm selection in many linear bandit algorithms reduces to the maximum inner product search (MIPS) problem. Correspondingly, we propose an algorithm that approximately solves the MIPS problem for a sequence of adaptive queries yielding near-linear preprocessing time complexity and sublinear query time complexity. Using the proposed MIPS solver as a sub-routine, we present two bandit algorithms (one based on UCB, and the other based on TS) that achieve sublinear time complexity. We explicitly characterize the tradeoff between the per-step time complexity and regret, and show that our proposed algorithms can achieve $O(K^{1-alpha(T)})$ per-step complexity for some $alpha(T) > 0$ and $widetilde O(sqrt{T})$ regret, where $T$ is the time horizon. Further, we present the theoretical limit of the tradeoff, which provides a lower bound for the per-step time complexity. We also discuss other choices of approximate MIPS algorithms and other applications to linear bandit problems.
We consider off-policy evaluation (OPE), which evaluates the performance of a new policy from observed data collected from previous experiments, without requiring the execution of the new policy. This finds important applications in areas with high e xecution cost or safety concerns, such as medical diagnosis, recommendation systems and robotics. In practice, due to the limited information from off-policy data, it is highly desirable to construct rigorous confidence intervals, not just point estimation, for the policy performance. In this work, we propose a new variational framework which reduces the problem of calculating tight confidence bounds in OPE into an optimization problem on a feasible set that catches the true state-action value function with high probability. The feasible set is constructed by leveraging statistical properties of a recently proposed kernel Bellman loss (Feng et al., 2019). We design an efficient computational approach for calculating our bounds, and extend it to perform post-hoc diagnosis and correction for existing estimators. Empirical results show that our method yields tight confidence intervals in different settings.
We propose emph{MaxUp}, an embarrassingly simple, highly effective technique for improving the generalization performance of machine learning models, especially deep neural networks. The idea is to generate a set of augmented data with some random pe rturbations or transforms and minimize the maximum, or worst case loss over the augmented data. By doing so, we implicitly introduce a smoothness or robustness regularization against the random perturbations, and hence improve the generation performance. For example, in the case of Gaussian perturbation, emph{MaxUp} is asymptotically equivalent to using the gradient norm of the loss as a penalty to encourage smoothness. We test emph{MaxUp} on a range of tasks, including image classification, language modeling, and adversarial certification, on which emph{MaxUp} consistently outperforms the existing best baseline methods, without introducing substantial computational overhead. In particular, we improve ImageNet classification from the state-of-the-art top-1 accuracy $85.5%$ without extra data to $85.8%$. Code will be released soon.
Counterfactual regret minimization (CFR) is the most popular algorithm on solving two-player zero-sum extensive games with imperfect information and achieves state-of-the-art performance in practice. However, the performance of CFR is not fully under stood, since empirical results on the regret are much better than the upper bound proved in cite{zinkevich2008regret}. Another issue is that CFR has to traverse the whole game tree in each round, which is time-consuming in large scale games. In this paper, we present a novel technique, lazy update, which can avoid traversing the whole game tree in CFR, as well as a novel analysis on the regret of CFR with lazy update. Our analysis can also be applied to the vanilla CFR, resulting in a much tighter regret bound than that in cite{zinkevich2008regret}. Inspired by lazy update, we further present a novel CFR variant, named Lazy-CFR. Compared to traversing $O(|mathcal{I}|)$ information sets in vanilla CFR, Lazy-CFR needs only to traverse $O(sqrt{|mathcal{I}|})$ information sets per round while keeping the regret bound almost the same, where $mathcal{I}$ is the class of all information sets. As a result, Lazy-CFR shows better convergence result compared with vanilla CFR. Experimental results consistently show that Lazy-CFR outperforms the vanilla CFR significantly.
Automatically writing stylized Chinese characters is an attractive yet challenging task due to its wide applicabilities. In this paper, we propose a novel framework named Style-Aware Variational Auto-Encoder (SA-VAE) to flexibly generate Chinese char acters. Specifically, we propose to capture the different characteristics of a Chinese character by disentangling the latent features into content-related and style-related components. Considering of the complex shapes and structures, we incorporate the structure information as prior knowledge into our framework to guide the generation. Our framework shows a powerful one-shot/low-shot generalization ability by inferring the style component given a character with unseen style. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to learn to write new-style Chinese characters by observing only one or a few examples. Extensive experiments demonstrate its effectiveness in generating different stylized Chinese characters by fusing the feature vectors corresponding to different contents and styles, which is of significant importance in real-world applications.

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