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We shortly review different attempts to interpret the results of Moessbauer rotor experiments in a rotating system and particularly we show that the latest work on this subject by J. Iovane and E. Benedetto (Ann. Phys., in press), which claims that t he outcomes of these experiments can supposedly be explained via desynchronization of clocks in the rotating frame and in the laboratory frame, is inapplicable to all of the Moessbauer rotor experiments performed up to date and thus does not have any significance.
We analyze the attempt by C. Corda to explain the results of modern Moessbauer experiments in a rotating system via the additional effect of synchronization of the clock in the origin of the rotating system with the laboratory clock, and indicate errors committed by him.
We explain our strong disagreement with the statement about several scientific errors in our paper [arXiv:1407.6619] and highlight the validity of our approach, which had been already confirmed in the well-known experiments by Millikan.
We show that a new attempt by C. Corda to once more rehash his so-called synchronization effect in order to account for the origin of the extra energy shift between emitted and absorbed radiation in Mossbauer rotor experiments (C. Corda, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, doi: 10.1142/S0218271819501311) is yet again erroneous, just as were his previous attempts (Ann. Phys. 355, 360 (2015); Ann. Phys. 368, 258 (2016); Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 27, 1847016 (2018)). The correct approach presented herein with regards to the calculation of the energy shift between emitted and absorbed radiation in a rotating system leads to, as a matter of fact, no specific synchronization effect.
We show that the known expressions for the force on a point-like dipole are incompatible with the relativistic transformation of force, and in this respect we apply the Lagrangian approach to the derivation of the correct equation for force on a smal l electric/magnetic dipole. The obtained expression for the generalized momentum of a moving dipole predicts two novel quantum effects with non-topological and non-dynamic phases, when an electric dipole is moving in an electric field, and when a magnetic dipole is moving in a magnetic field, correspondingly. The implications of the obtained results are discussed.
We analyze the laws of conservation of momentum and angular momentum in classical electrodynamics of material media with bound charges, and explore the possibility to describe the properties of such media via a discrete set of point-like charges of z ero size (as imposed by special relativity), and via continuous charge/current distributions. This way we put a question: do we have to recognize the infinite fields at the location of elementary charges as the essential physical requirement, or such infinite fields can be ignored via introduction of continuous charge distribution? In order to answer this question, we consider the interaction of a homogeneously charged insulating plate with a compact magnetic dipole, moving along the plate. We arrive at the apparent violation of the angular momentum conservation law and show that this law is re-covered, when the electric field at the location of each elementary charge of the plate is taken infinite. This result signifies that the description of electromagnetic properties of material media via the continuous charge and current distributions is not a universal approximation, and at the fundamental level, we have to deal with a system of elementary discrete charges of zero size, at least in the analysis of laws of conservation of momentum and angular momentum.
We suggest a new relativity principle, which asserts the impossibility to distinguish the state of rest and the state of motion at the constant velocity of a system, if no work is done to the system in question during its motion. We suggest calling t his new rule as conservative relativity principle (CRP). In the case of an empty space, CRP is reduced to the Einstein special relativity principle. We also show that CRP is compatible with the general relativity principle. One of important implications of CRP is the dependence of the proper time of a charged particle on the electric potential at its location. In the present paper we consider the relevant experimental facts gathered up to now, where the latter effect can be revealed. We show that in atomic physics the introduction of this effect furnishes a better convergence between theory and experiment than that provided by the standard approach. Finally, we reanalyze the Moessbauer experiments in rotating systems and show that the obtained recently puzzling deviation of the relative energy shift between emission and absorption lines from the relativistic prediction can be explained by the CRP.
We show that the explanation of Thomas-Wigner rotation (TWR) and Thomas precession (TP) in the framework of special theory of relativity (STR) contains a number of points of inconsistency, in particular, with respect to physical interpretation of the Einstein velocity composition law in successive space-time transformations. In addition, we show that the common interpretation of TP falls into conflict with the causality principle. In order to eliminate such a conflict, we suggest considering the velocity parameter, entering into expression for the frequency of TP, as being always related to a rotation-free Lorentz transformation. Such an assumption (which actually resolves any causal paradoxes with respect to TP), comes however to be in contradiction with the spirit of STR. The results obtained are discussed.
We offer a concise and direct way to derive the bending angle of light (i.e. as generally called, gravitational lensing), while light grazes a star, through the approach suggested earlier by the first author, which is fundamentally based on the energ y conservation law and the weak equivalence principle. We come out with the same result as that of the general theory of relativity (GTR), although the philosophies behind are totally different from each other. We emphasize that in our approach, there is no need to draw a distinction between light and ordinary matter, which makes our approach of gravity potentially compatible with quantum mechanics. Furthermore, our equation that furnishes gravitational lensing, also furnishes the result about the precession of the perihelion of a planet. The results obtained are discussed.
We continue the analysis of quantum two-particle bound systems we have started in (Kholmetskii, A.L., Missevitch, O.V. and Yarman, T. Phys. Scr., 82 (2010), 045301), where we re-postulated the Dirac equation for the bound electron in an external EM f ield based on the requirement of total momentum conservation, when its EM radiation is prohibited. It has been shown that the modified expression for the energy levels of hydrogenic atoms within such a pure bound field theory (PBFT) provides the same gross and fine structure of energy levels like the standard theory. Now we apply the PBFT to the analysis of hyperfine interactions and show the appearance of some important corrections to the energy levels (the 1S-2S interval and hyperfine spin-spin splitting in positronium, 1S and 2S-2P Lamb shift in hydrogen), which remedies considerably the discrepancy between theoretical predictions and experimental results. In particular, the corrected 1S-2S interval and the spin-spin splitting in positronium practically eliminate the available up to date deviation between theoretical and experimental data. The re-estimated classic 2S-2P Lamb shift as well as ground state Lamb shift in the hydrogen atom lead to the proton charge radius rp=0.837(8) fm (from 2S-2P Lamb shift), and rp=0.840(24) fm (from 1S Lamb shift), which corresponds to the latest estimation of proton size via the measurement of 2S-2P Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen, i.e. rp=0.84184(67) fm. We also emphasize the universal character of PBFT, which is applicable to heavy atoms, too, and analyze 2S-2P interval in Li-like uranium. We show that the corrections we introduced provide a better correspondence between the calculated and experimental data than that furnished by the standard approach. The results obtained support our principal idea of the enhancement of the bound EM field in the absence of EM radiation for quantum bound systems.

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