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We have performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on EuIn2As2 which is predicted to be an axion insulator in the antiferromagnetic state. By utilizing soft-x-ray and vacuum-ultraviolet photons, we revealed a three-dimensional hole pocket ce ntered at the Gamma point of bulk Brillouin zone together with a heavily hole-doped surface state in the paramagnetic phase. Upon entering the antiferromagnetic phase, the band structure exhibits a marked reconstruction characterized by the emergence of a M-shaped bulk band near the Fermi level. The qualitative agreement with first-principles band-structure calculations suggests the occurrence of bulk-band inversion at the Gamma point in the antiferromagnetic phase. We suggest that EuIn2As2 provides a good opportunity to study the exotic quantum phases associated with possible axion-insulator phase.
We have performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of Bi(111) thin films grown on Si(111), and investigated the evolution of band structure with temperature. We revealed an unexpectedly large temperature variation of the energy dispersion fo r the Rashba-split surface state and the quantum-well states, as seen in the highly momentum-dependent energy shift as large as 0.1 eV. A comparison of the band dispersion between experiment and first-principles band-structure calculations suggests that the interlayer spacing at the topmost Bi bilayer expands upon temperature increase. The present study provides a new pathway for investigating the interplay between lattice and electronic states through the temperature dependence of band structure.
Recent discovery of bulk insulating topological insulator (TI) Bi2-xSbxTe3-ySey paved a pathway toward practical device application of TIs. For realizing TI-based devices, it is necessary to contact TIs with a metal. Since the band-bending at the int erface dominates the character of devices, knowledge of TIs work function is of essential importance. We have determined the compositional dependence of work function in Bi2-xSbxTe3-ySey by high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy. The obtained work-function values (4.95-5.20 eV) show a systematic variation with the composition, well tracking the energy shift of the surface chemical potential seen by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The present result serves as a useful guide for developing TI-based electronic devices.

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