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We introduce a quantum dimer model on the hexagonal lattice that, in addition to the standard three-dimer kinetic and potential terms, includes a competing potential part counting dimer-free hexagons. The zero-temperature phase diagram is studied by means of quantum Monte Carlo simulations, supplemented by variational arguments. It reveals some new crystalline phases and a cascade of transitions with rapidly changing flux (tilt in the height language). We analyze perturbatively the vicinity of the Rokhsar-Kivelson point, showing that this model has the microscopic ingredients needed for the devils staircase scenario [E. Fradkin et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, 224415 (2004)], and is therefore expected to produce fractal variations of the ground-state flux.
We show that the time evolution of an open quantum system, described by a possibly time dependent Liouvillian, can be simulated by a unitary quantum circuit of a size scaling polynomially in the simulation time and the size of the system. An immediat e consequence is that dissipative quantum computing is no more powerful than the unitary circuit model. Our result can be seen as a dissipative Church-Turing theorem, since it implies that under natural assumptions, such as weak coupling to an environment, the dynamics of an open quantum system can be simulated efficiently on a quantum computer. Formally, we introduce a Trotter decomposition for Liouvillian dynamics and give explicit error bounds. This constitutes a practical tool for numerical simulations, e.g., using matrix-product operators. We also demonstrate that most quantum states cannot be prepared efficiently.
We introduce a scheme for efficiently describing pure states of strongly correlated fermions in higher dimensions using unitary circuits featuring a causal cone. A local way of computing local expectation values is presented. We formulate a dynamical reordering scheme, corresponding to time-adaptive Jordan-Wigner transformation, that avoids nonlocal string operators. Primitives of such a reordering scheme are highlighted. Fermionic unitary circuits can be contracted with the same complexity as in the spin case. The scheme gives rise to a variational description of fermionic models not suffering from a sign problem. We present numerical examples on $9times 9$ and $6times 6$ fermionic lattice model to show the functioning of the approach.
We compute the phase diagram of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with a quasi-periodic potential by means of the density-matrix renormalization group technique. This model describes the physics of cold atoms loaded in an optical lattice in the presence of a superlattice potential whose wave length is incommensurate with the main lattice wave length. After discussing the conditions under which the model can be realized experimentally, the study of the density vs. the chemical potential curves for a non-trapped system unveils the existence of gapped phases at incommensurate densities interpreted as incommensurate charge-density wave phases. Furthermore, a localization transition is known to occur above a critical value of the potential depth V_2 in the case of free and hard-core bosons. We extend these results to soft-core bosons for which the phase diagrams at fixed densities display new features compared with the phase diagrams known for random box distribution disorder. In particular, a direct transition from the superfluid phase to the Mott insulating phase is found at finite V_2. Evidence for reentrances of the superfluid phase upon increasing interactions is presented. We finally comment on different ways to probe the emergent quantum phases and most importantly, the existence of a critical value for the localization transition. The later feature can be investigated by looking at the expansion of the cloud after releasing the trap.

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