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Quantum Hall phases are gapped in the bulk but support chiral edge modes, both charged and neutral. Here we consider a circuit where the path from the source of electric current to the drain necessarily passes through a segment consisting solely of n eutral modes. Surprisingly, we find that upon biasing the source, a dc electric current is detected at the drain. Thus, neutral modes carry information that can be used to nonlocally reconstruct a dc charge current. Our protocol can be used to detect neutral modes, not only the edge modes of a quantum Hall system, but also those that have a non-quantum Hall origin. We conclude with a possible experimental realization of this phenomenon.
We study the ground state of a system with an interface between $ u=4$ and $ u=3$ in the quantum Hall regime. Far from the interface, for a range of interaction strengths, the $ u=3$ region is fully polarized but $ u=4$ region is locally a singlet. U pon varying the strength of the interactions and the width of the interface, the system chooses one of two distinct edge/interface phases. In phase A, stabilized for wide interfaces, spin is a good quantum number, and there are no gapless long-wavelength spin fluctuations. In phase B, stabilized for narrow interfaces, spin symmetry is spontaneously broken at the Hartree-Fock level. Going beyond Hartree-Fock, we argue that phase B is distinguished by the emergence of gapless long-wavelength spin excitations bound to the interface, which can, in principle, be detected by a measurement of the relaxation time $T_2$ in nuclear magnetic resonance.
A recently proposed curvature renormalization group scheme for topological phase transitions defines a generic `curvature function as a function of the parameters of the theory and shows that topological phase transitions are signalled by the diverge nce of this function at certain parameters values, called critical points, in analogy with usual phase transitions. A renormalization group procedure was also introduced as a way of flowing away from the critical point towards a fixed point, where an appropriately defined correlation function goes to zero and topological quantum numbers characterising the phase are easy to compute. In this paper, using two independent models - a model in the AIII symmetry class and a model in the BDI symmetry class - in one dimension as examples, we show that there are cases where the fixed point curve and the critical point curve appear to intersect, which turn out to be multi-critical points, and focus on understanding its implications.
We show that chiral co-propagating Luttinger liquids can be created and tuned by shining high frequency, circularly polarized light, normal to the layers, with different polarizations on two sections of bilayer graphene. By virtue of the broken time- reversal symmetry and the resulting mismatch of Chern number, the one-dimensional chiral modes are localized along the domain wall where the polarization changes. Single layer graphene hosts a single chiral edge mode near each Dirac node, whereas in bilayer graphene, there are two chiral modes near each of the Dirac nodes. These modes, under a high-frequency drive, essentially have a static charge distribution and form a chiral Luttinger liquid under Coulomb interaction, which can be tuned by means of the driving parameters. We also note that unlike the Luttinger liquids created by electrostatic confinement in bilayer graphene, here there is no back-scattering, and hence our wires along the node are stable to disorder.
The magnetic flux periodicity of $frac{hc}{2e}$ is a well known manifestation of Cooper pairing in typical s-wave superconductors. In this paper we theoretically show that the flux periodicity of a two-dimensional second-order topological superconduc tor, which features zero-energy Majorana modes localized at the corners of the sample, is $frac{hc}{e}$ instead. We further show that the periodicity changes back to $frac{hc}{2e}$ at the transition to a topologically trivial superconductor, where the Majorana modes hybridize with the bulk states, demonstrating that the doubling of periodicity is a manifestation of the non-trivial topology of the state.
We show how transitions between different Lifshitz phases in bilayer Dirac materials with and without spin-orbit coupling can be studied by driving the system. The periodic driving is induced by a laser and the resultant phase diagram is studied in t he high frequency limit using the Brillouin-Wigner perturbation approach to leading order. The examples of such materials include bilayer graphene and spin-orbit coupled materials such as bilayer silicene. The phase diagrams of the effective static models are analyzed to understand the interplay of topological phase transitions, with changes in the Chern number and topological Lifshitz transitions, with the ensuing changes in the Fermi surface. Both the topological transitions and the Lifshitz transitions are tuned by the amplitude of the drive.
We study the topological phase transitions induced in spin-orbit coupled materials with buckling like silicene, germanene, stanene, etc, by circularly polarised light, beyond the high frequency regime, and unearth many new topological phases. These p hases are characterised by the spin-resolved topological invariants, $C_0^uparrow$, $C_0^downarrow$, $C_pi^uparrow$ and $C_pi^downarrow$, which specify the spin-resolved edge states traversing the gaps at zero quasi-energy and the Floquet zone boundaries respectively. We show that for each phase boundary, and independently for each spin sector, the gap closure in the Brillouin zone occurs at a high symmetry point.
We study transport through a Weyl semimetal quantum dot sandwiched between an $s$-wave superconductor and a normal lead. The conductance peaks at regular intervals and exhibits double periodicity with respect to two characteristic frequencies of the system, one that originates from Klein tunneling in the system and the other coming from the chiral nature of the excitations. Using a scattering matrix approach as well as a lattice simulation, we demonstrate the universal features of the conductance through the system and discuss the feasibility of observing them in experiments.
We propose a setup for the experimental realization of unexpected and anisotropic $0$-$pi$ transitions of the Josephson current, in a junction whose link is made of irradiated Weyl semi-metal (WSM), due to the presence of chiral nodes. We show using a Greens function technique that the Josephson current through a time-reversal symmetric WSM has anisotropic periodic oscillations as a function of $k_0L$, where $k_0$ is the (relevant) separation of the chiral nodes and $L$ is the length of the sample. This is unexpected, for time-reversal symmetric systems, although it has been shown earlier for time-reversal symmetry breaking WSMs. We then show that the effective value of $k_0$ can be tuned with precision by irradiating the sample with photons resulting in $0$-$pi$ transitions of the critical current. Finally, we discuss the robustness of our setup.
We use the SU(2) slave fermion approach to study a tetrahedral spin 1/2 chain, which is a one-dimensional generalization of the two dimensional Kitaev honeycomb model. Using the mean field theory, coupled with a gauge fixing procedure to implement th e single occupancy constraint, we obtain the phase diagram of the model. We then show that it matches the exact results obtained earlier using the Majorana fermion representation. We also compute the spin-spin correlation in the gapless phase and show that it is a spin liquid. Finally, we map the one-dimensional model in terms of the slave fermions to the model of 1D p-wave superconducting model with complex parameters and show that the parameters of our model fall in the topological trivial regime and hence does not have edge Majorana modes.

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