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We study the problem of how to identify samples from unseen categories (open-set classification) when there are only a few samples given from the seen categories (few-shot setting). The challenge of learning a good abstraction for a class with very f ew samples makes it extremely difficult to detect samples from the unseen categories; consequently, open-set recognition has received minimal attention in the few-shot setting. Most open-set few-shot classification methods regularize the softmax score to indicate uniform probability for open class samples but we argue that this approach is often inaccurate, especially at a fine-grained level. Instead, we propose a novel exemplar reconstruction-based meta-learning strategy for jointly detecting open class samples, as well as, categorizing samples from seen classes via metric-based classification. The exemplars, which act as representatives of a class, can either be provided in the training dataset or estimated in the feature domain. Our framework, named Reconstructing Exemplar based Few-shot Open-set ClaSsifier (ReFOCS), is tested on a wide variety of datasets and the experimental results clearly highlight our method as the new state of the art.
Imitation learning seeks to circumvent the difficulty in designing proper reward functions for training agents by utilizing expert behavior. With environments modeled as Markov Decision Processes (MDP), most of the existing imitation algorithms are c ontingent on the availability of expert demonstrations in the same MDP as the one in which a new imitation policy is to be learned. In this paper, we study the problem of how to imitate tasks when there exist discrepancies between the expert and agent MDP. These discrepancies across domains could include differing dynamics, viewpoint, or morphology; we present a novel framework to learn correspondences across such domains. Importantly, in contrast to prior works, we use unpaired and unaligned trajectories containing only states in the expert domain, to learn this correspondence. We utilize a cycle-consistency constraint on both the state space and a domain agnostic latent space to do this. In addition, we enforce consistency on the temporal position of states via a normalized position estimator function, to align the trajectories across the two domains. Once this correspondence is found, we can directly transfer the demonstrations on one domain to the other and use it for imitation. Experiments across a wide variety of challenging domains demonstrate the efficacy of our approach.
Learning semantic segmentation models requires a huge amount of pixel-wise labeling. However, labeled data may only be available abundantly in a domain different from the desired target domain, which only has minimal or no annotations. In this work, we propose a novel framework for domain adaptation in semantic segmentation with image-level weak labels in the target domain. The weak labels may be obtained based on a model prediction for unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA), or from a human annotator in a new weakly-supervised domain adaptation (WDA) paradigm for semantic segmentation. Using weak labels is both practical and useful, since (i) collecting image-level target annotations is comparably cheap in WDA and incurs no cost in UDA, and (ii) it opens the opportunity for category-wise domain alignment. Our framework uses weak labels to enable the interplay between feature alignment and pseudo-labeling, improving both in the process of domain adaptation. Specifically, we develop a weak-label classification module to enforce the network to attend to certain categories, and then use such training signals to guide the proposed category-wise alignment method. In experiments, we show considerable improvements with respect to the existing state-of-the-arts in UDA and present a new benchmark in the WDA setting. Project page is at http://www.nec-labs.com/~mas/WeakSegDA.
Most person re-identification methods, being supervised techniques, suffer from the burden of massive annotation requirement. Unsupervised methods overcome this need for labeled data, but perform poorly compared to the supervised alternatives. In ord er to cope with this issue, we introduce the problem of learning person re-identification models from videos with weak supervision. The weak nature of the supervision arises from the requirement of video-level labels, i.e. person identities who appear in the video, in contrast to the more precise framelevel annotations. Towards this goal, we propose a multiple instance attention learning framework for person re-identification using such video-level labels. Specifically, we first cast the video person re-identification task into a multiple instance learning setting, in which person images in a video are collected into a bag. The relations between videos with similar labels can be utilized to identify persons, on top of that, we introduce a co-person attention mechanism which mines the similarity correlations between videos with person identities in common. The attention weights are obtained based on all person images instead of person tracklets in a video, making our learned model less affected by noisy annotations. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the related methods on two weakly labeled person re-identification datasets.

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