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Fully occupied or unoccupied bands in a solid are often considered inert and irrelevant to a materials low-energy properties. But the discovery of enhanced superconductivity in heavily electron-doped FeSe-derived superconductors poses questions about the possible role of incipient bands (those laying close to but not crossing the Fermi level) in pairing. To answer this question, researchers have studied pairing correlations in the bilayer Hubbard model, which has an incipient band for large interlayer hopping $t_perp$, using many-body perturbation theory and variational methods. They have generally found that superconductivity is enhanced as one of the bands approaches the Liftshiz transition and even when it becomes incipient. Here, we address this question using the nonperturbative quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) dynamical cluster approximation (DCA) to study the bilayer Hubbard models pairing correlations. We find that the model has robust $s_pm$ pairing correlations in the large $t_perp$ limit, which can become stronger as one band is made incipient. While this behavior is linked to changes in the effective interaction, we further find that it is counteracted by a suppression of the intrinsic pair-field susceptibility and does not translate to an increased $T_c$. Our results demonstrate that the highest achievable transition temperatures in the bilayer Hubbard model occur when the system has two bands crossing the Fermi level.
We study the three-band Hubbard model for the copper oxide plane of the high-temperature superconducting cuprates using determinant quantum Monte Carlo and the dynamical cluster approximation (DCA) and provide a comprehensive view of the pairing corr elations in this model using these methods. Specifically, we compute the pair-field susceptibility and study its dependence on temperature, doping, interaction strength, and charge-transfer energy. Using the DCA, we also solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the two-particle Greens function in the particle-particle channel to determine the transition temperature to the superconducting phase on smaller clusters. Our calculations reproduce many aspects of the cuprate phase diagram and indicate that there is an optimal value of the charge-transfer energy for the model where $T_c$ is largest. These results have implications for our understanding of superconductivity in both the cuprates and other doped charge-transfer insulators.
Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) detects various types of high- and low-energy elementary excitations in correlated solids, and this tool will play an increasingly important role in investigations of time-dependent phenomena in photo-excite d systems. While theoretical frameworks for the computation of equilibrium RIXS spectra are well established, the development of appropriate methods for nonequilibrium simulations are an active research field. Here, we apply a recently developed nonequilibrium dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) based approach to compute the RIXS response of photo-excited two-orbital Mott insulators. The results demonstrate the feasibility of multi-orbital nonequilibrium RIXS calculations and the sensitivity of the quasi-elastic fluorescence-like features and d-d excitation peaks on the nonequilibrium population of the Hubbard bands.
Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) is used increasingly for characterizing low-energy collective excitations in materials. RIXS is a powerful probe, which often requires sophisticated theoretical descriptions to interpret the data. In particu lar, the need for accurate theories describing the influence of electron-phonon ($e$-p) coupling on RIXS spectra is becoming timely, as instrument resolution improves and this energy regime is rapidly becoming accessible. To date, only rather exploratory theoretical work has been carried out for such problems. We begin to bridge this gap by proposing a versatile variational approximation for calculating RIXS spectra in weakly doped materials, for a variety of models with diverse $e$-p couplings. Here, we illustrate some of its potential by studying the role of electron mobility, which is completely neglected in the widely used local approximation based on Lang-Firsov theory. Assuming that the electron-phonon coupling is of the simplest, Holstein type, we discuss the regimes where the local approximation fails, and demonstrate that its improper use may grossly textit{underestimate} the $e$-p coupling strength.
The nature of the effective interaction responsible for pairing in the high-temperature superconducting cuprates remains unsettled. This question has been studied extensively using the simplified single-band Hubbard model, which does not explicitly c onsider the orbital degrees of freedom of the relevant CuO$_2$ planes. Here, we use a dynamic cluster quantum Monte Carlo approximation to study the orbital structure of the pairing interaction in the three-band Hubbard model, which treats the orbital degrees of freedom explicitly. We find that the interaction predominately acts between neighboring copper orbitals, but with significant additional weight appearing on the surrounding bonding molecular oxygen orbitals. By explicitly comparing these results to those from the simpler single-band Hubbard model, our study provides strong support for the single-band framework for describing superconductivity in the cuprates.
We study a three-orbital Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model defined on a two-dimensional Lieb lattice and in the negative charge transfer regime using determinant quantum Monte Carlo. At half-filling (1 hole/unit cell), we observe a bipolaron insulating phas e, where the ligand oxygen atoms collapse and expand about alternating cation atoms to produce a bond-disproportionated state. This phase is robust against moderate hole doping but is eventually suppressed at large hole concentrations, leading to a metallic polaron-liquid-like state with fluctuating patches of local distortions. Our results suggest that the polarons are highly disordered in the metallic state and freeze into a periodic array across the metal-to-insulator transition. We also find an $s$-wave superconducting state at finite doping that primarily appears on the oxygen sublattices. Our approach provides an efficient, non-perturbative way to treat bond phonons in higher dimensions and our results have implications for many materials where coupling to bond phonons is the dominant interaction.
Interfacial phonons between iron-based superconductors (FeSCs) and perovskite substrates have received considerable attention due to the possibility of enhancing preexisting superconductivity. Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we studied the cor relation between superconductivity and e-ph interaction with interfacial-phonons in an iron-based superconductor Sr$_2$VO$_3$FeAs ($T_c approx$ 33 K) made of alternating FeSC and oxide layers. The quasiparticle interference measurement over regions with systematically different average superconducting gaps due to the e-ph coupling locally modulated by O vacancies in VO$_2$ layer, and supporting self-consistent momentum-dependent Eliashberg calculations provide a unique real-space evidence of the forward-scattering interfacial phonon contribution to the total superconducting pairing.
126 - Steven Johnston 2014
The causal set approach to quantum gravity models spacetime as a discrete structure - a causal set. Recent research has led to causal set models for the retarded propagator for the Klein-Gordon equation and the dAlembertian operator. These models can be compared to their continuum counterparts via a sprinkling process. It has been shown that the models agree exactly with the continuum quantities in the limit of an infinite sprinkling density - the continuum limit. This paper obtains the correction terms for these models for sprinkled causal sets with a finite sprinkling density. These correction terms are an important step towards testable differences between the continuum and discrete models that could provide evidence of spacetime discreteness.

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