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We study the chemical properties of the stellar populations in eight simulations of the formation of Milky-Way mass galaxies in a LCDM Universe. Our simulations include metal-dependent cooling and an explicitly multiphase treatment of the effects on the gas of cooling, enrichment and supernova feedback. We search for correlations between formation history and chemical abundance patterns. Differing contributions to spheroids and discs from in situ star formation and from accreted populations are reflected in differing chemical properties. Discs have younger stellar populations, with most stars forming in situ and with low alpha-enhancement from gas which never participated in a galactic outflow. Up to 15 per cent of disc stars can come from accreted satellites. These tend to be alpha-enhanced, older and to have larger velocity dispersions than the in situ population. Inner spheroids have old, metal-rich and alpha-enhanced stars which formed primarily in situ, more than 40 per cent from material recycled through earlier galactic winds. Few accreted stars are found in the inner spheroid unless a major merger occurred recently. Such stars are older, more metal-poor and more alpha-enhanced than the in situ population. Stellar haloes tend to have low metallicity and high alpha-enhancement. The outer haloes are made primarily of accreted stars. Their mean metallicity and alpha-enhancement reflect the masses of the disrupted satellites where they formed: more massive satellites typically have higher [Fe/H] and lower [alpha/Fe]. Surviving satellites have distinctive chemical patterns which reflect their extended, bursty star formation histories. These produce lower alpha-enhancement at given metallicity than in the main galaxy, in agreement with observed trends in the Milky Way.
We study the stellar discs and spheroids in eight simulations of galaxy formation within Milky Way-mass haloes in a Lambda Cold Dark Matter cosmology. A first paper in this series concentrated on disc properties. Here, we extend this analysis to stud y how the formation history, structure and dynamics of discs and spheroids relate to the assembly history and structure of their haloes. We find that discs are generally young, with stars spanning a wide range in stellar age: the youngest stars define thin discs and have near-circular orbits, while the oldest stars form thicker discs which rotate ~2 times slower than the thin components, and have 2-3 times larger velocity dispersions. Unlike the discs, spheroids form early and on short time-scales, and are dominated by velocity dispersion. We find great variety in their structure. The inner regions are bar- or bulge-like, while the extended outer haloes are rich in complex non-equilibrium structures such as stellar streams, shells and clumps. Our discs have very high in-situ fractions, i.e. most of their stars formed in the disc itself. Nevertheless, there is a non-negligible contribution (~15 percent) from satellites that are accreted on nearly coplanar orbits. The inner regions of spheroids also have relatively high in-situ fractions, but 65-85 percent of their outer stellar population is accreted. We analyse the circular velocities, rotation velocities and velocity dispersions of our discs and spheroids, both for gas and stars, showing that the dynamical structure is complex as a result of the non-trivial interplay between cooling and SN heating.
We carry out fully 3-dimensional simulations of evolution from self-similar, spherically symmetric linear perturbations of a Cold Dark Matter dominated Einstein-de Sitter universe. As a result of the radial orbit instability, the haloes which grow fr om such initial conditions are triaxial with major-to-minor axis ratios of order 3:1. They nevertheless grow approximately self-similarly in time. In all cases they have power-law density profiles and near-constant velocity anisotropy in their inner regions. Both the power-law index and the value of the velocity anisotropy depend on the similarity index of the initial conditions, the former as expected from simple scaling arguments. Halo structure is thus not universal but remembers the initial conditions. On larger scales the density and anisotropy profiles show two characteristic scales, corresponding to particles at first pericentre and at first apocentre after infall. They are well approximated by the NFW model only for one value of the similarity index. In contrast, at all radii within the outer caustic the pseudo phase-space density can be fit by a single power law with an index which depends only very weakly on the similarity index of the initial conditions. This behaviour is very similar to that found for haloes formed from LCDM initial conditions and so can be considered approximately universal.
134 - Mark Vogelsberger 2009
We simulate the growth of isolated dark matter haloes from self-similar and spherically symmetric initial conditions. Our N-body code integrates the geodesic deviation equation in order to track the streams and caustics associated with individual sim ulation particles. The radial orbit instability causes our haloes to develop major-to-minor axis ratios approaching 10 to 1 in their inner regions. They grow similarly in time and have similar density profiles to the spherical similarity solution, but their detailed structure is very different. The higher dimensionality of the orbits causes their stream and caustic densities to drop much more rapidly than in the similarity solution. This results in a corresponding increase in the number of streams at each point. At 1% of the turnaround radius (corresponding roughly to the Suns position in the Milky Way) we find of order 10^6 streams in our simulations, as compared to 10^2 in the similarity solution. The number of caustics in the inner halo increases by a factor of several, because a typical orbit has six turning points rather than one, but caustic densities drop by a much larger factor. This reduces the caustic contribution to the annihilation radiation. For the region between 1% and 50% of the turnaround radius, this is 4% of the total in our simulated haloes, as compared to 6.5% in the similarity solution. Caustics contribute much less at smaller radii. These numbers assume a 100 GeV c^-2 neutralino with present-day velocity dispersion 0.03 cm s^-1, but reducing the dispersion by ten orders of magnitude only doubles the caustic luminosity. We conclude that caustics will be unobservable in the inner parts of haloes. Only the outermost caustic might potentially be detectable.
We study the formation of galaxies in a Lambda-CDM Universe using high resolution hydrodynamical simulations with a multiphase treatment of gas, cooling and feedback, focusing on the formation of discs. Our simulations follow eight haloes similar in mass to the Milky Way and extracted from a large cosmological simulation without restriction on spin parameter or merger history. This allows us to investigate how the final properties of the simulated galaxies correlate with the formation histories of their haloes. We find that, at z = 0, none of our galaxies contain a disc with more than 20 per cent of its total stellar mass. Four of the eight galaxies nevertheless have well-formed disc components, three have dominant spheroids and very small discs, and one is a spheroidal galaxy with no disc at all. The z = 0 spheroids are made of old stars, while discs are younger and formed from the inside-out. Neither the existence of a disc at z = 0 nor the final disc-to-total mass ratio seems to depend on the spin parameter of the halo. Discs are formed in haloes with spin parameters as low as 0.01 and as high as 0.05; galaxies with little or no disc component span the same range in spin parameter. Except for one of the simulated galaxies, all have significant discs at z > ~2, regardless of their z = 0 morphologies. Major mergers and instabilities which arise when accreting cold gas is misaligned with the stellar disc trigger a transfer of mass from the discs to the spheroids. In some cases, discs are destroyed, while in others, they survive or reform. This suggests that the survival probability of discs depends on the particular formation history of each galaxy. A realistic Lambda-CDM model will clearly require weaker star formation at high redshift and later disc assembly than occurs in our models.
Based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR6 (SDSS) and Millennium Simulation (MS) we investigate the alignment between galaxies and large-scale structure. For this purpose we develop two new statistical tools, namely the alignment correlation function and the cos(2theta)-statistic. The former is a two-dimensional extension of the traditional two-point correlation function and the latter is related to the ellipticity correlation function used for cosmic shear measurements. Both are based on the cross correlation between a sample of galaxies with orientations and a reference sample which represents the large-scale structure. Applied to the SDSS galaxy catalog the alignment correlation function reveals an overabundance of reference galaxies along the major axes of red, luminous (L > L*) galaxies out to projected separations of 60 Mpc/h. No alignment signal is detected for blue galaxies. The cos(2theta)-statistic yields very similar results. Starting from a MS semi-analytic galaxy catalog we assign an orientation to each red, luminous and central galaxy, based on the central region of the host halo. Alternatively, we use the orientation of the host halo itself. We find a mean projected misalignment between a halo and its central region of ~25 deg. Agreement with the SDSS results is good if the central orientations are used. Using the halo orientations overestimates the observed alignment by more than a factor of 2. The large volume of the MS allows to generate two-dimensional maps of the alignment correlation function which show the reference galaxy distribution to be flattened parallel to the orientations of red luminous galaxies with axis ratios of ~0.5 and ~0.75 for halo and central orientations,respectively. These ratios are almost independent of scale out to 60 Mpc/h.
74 - Volker Springel 2008
Dark matter is the dominant form of matter in the universe, but its nature is unknown. It is plausibly an elementary particle, perhaps the lightest supersymmetric partner of known particle species. In this case, annihilation of dark matter in the hal o of the Milky Way should produce gamma-rays at a level which may soon be observable. Previous work has argued that the annihilation signal will be dominated by emission from very small clumps (perhaps smaller even than the Earth) which would be most easily detected where they cluster together in the dark matter halos of dwarf satellite galaxies. Here we show, using the largest ever simulation of the formation of a galactic halo, that such small-scale structure will, in fact, have a negligible impact on dark matter detectability. Rather, the dominant and likely most easily detectable signal will be produced by diffuse dark matter in the main halo of the Milky Way. If the main halo is strongly detected, then small dark matter clumps should also be visible, but may well contain no stars, thereby confirming a key prediction of the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model.
We use cosmological simulations in order to study the effects of supernova (SN) feedback on the formation of a Milky Way-type galaxy of virial mass ~10^12 M_sun/h. We analyse a set of simulations run with the code described by Scannapieco et al. (200 5, 2006), where we have tested our star formation and feedback prescription using isolated galaxy models. Here we extend this work by simulating the formation of a galaxy in its proper cosmological framework, focusing on the ability of the model to form a disk-like structure in rotational support. We find that SN feedback plays a fundamental role in the evolution of the simulated galaxy, efficiently regulating the star formation activity, pressurizing the gas and generating mass-loaded galactic winds. These processes affect several galactic properties such as final stellar mass, morphology, angular momentum, chemical properties, and final gas and baryon fractions. In particular, we find that our model is able to reproduce extended disk components with high specific angular momentum and a significant fraction of young stars. The galaxies are also found to have significant spheroids composed almost entirely of stars formed at early times. We find that most combinations of the input parameters yield disk-like components, although with different sizes and thicknesses, indicating that the code can form disks without fine-tuning the implemented physics. We also show how our model scales to smaller systems. By analysing simulations of virial masses 10^9 M_sun/h and 10^10 M_sun/h, we find that the smaller the galaxy, the stronger the SN feedback effects.

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