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We develop the Floquet-Magnus expansion for a classical equation of motion under a periodic drive that is applicable to both isolated and open systems. For classical systems, known approaches based on the Floquet theorem fail due to the nonlinearity and the stochasticity of their equations of motion (EOMs) in contrast to quantum ones. Here, employing their master equation, we successfully extend the Floquet methodology to classical EOMs to obtain their Floquet-Magnus expansions, thereby overcoming this difficulty. Our method has a wide range of application from classical to quantum as long as they are described by differential equations including the Langevin equation, the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, and the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation. By analytically evaluating the higher-order terms of the Floquet-Magnus expansion, we find that it is, at least asymptotically, convergent and well approximates the relaxation to their prethermal or non-equilibrium steady states. To support these analytical findings, we numerically analyze two examples: (i) the Kapitza pendulum with friction and (ii) laser-driven magnets described by the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. In both cases, the effective EOMs obtained from their Floquet-Magnus expansions correctly reproduce their exact time evolution for a long time up to their non-equilibrium steady states. In the example of driven magnets, we demonstrate the controlled generations of a macroscopic magnetization and a spin chirality by laser and discuss possible applications to spintronics.
We study collective modes of vortex lattices in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates subject to synthetic magnetic fields in mutually parallel or antiparallel directions. By means of the Bogoliubov theory with the lowest-Landau-level approximation , we numerically calculate the excitation spectra for a rich variety of vortex lattices that appear commonly for parallel and antiparallel synthetic fields. We find that in all of these cases, there appear two distinct modes with linear and quadratic dispersion relations at low energies, which exhibit anisotropy reflecting the symmetry of each lattice structure. Remarkably, the low-energy spectra for the two types of fields are found to be related to each other by simple rescaling when vortices in different components overlap owing to an intercomponent attraction. These results are consistent with an effective field theory analysis. However, the rescaling relations break down for interlaced vortex lattices appearing with an intercomponent repulsion, indicating a nontrivial effect of an intercomponent vortex displacement beyond the effective field theory. We also find that high-energy parts of the excitation bands exhibit line or point nodes as a consequence of a fractional translation symmetry present in some of the lattice structures.

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