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We describe and execute a novel approach to observationally estimate the lifetimes of giant molecular clouds (GMCs). We focus on the cloud population between the two main spiral arms in M51 (the inter-arm region) where cloud destruction via shear and star formation feedback dominates over formation processes. By monitoring the change in GMC number densities and properties from one side of the inter-arm to the other, we estimate the lifetime as a fraction of the inter-arm travel time. We find that GMC lifetimes in M51s inter-arm are finite and short, 20 to 30 Myr. Such short lifetimes suggest that cloud evolution is influenced by environment, in which processes can disrupt GMCs after a few free-fall times. Over most of the region under investigation shear appears to regulate the lifetime. As the shear timescale increases with galactocentric radius, we expect cloud destruction to switch primarily to star formation feedback at larger radii. We identify a transition from shear- to feedback-dominated disruption through a change in the behavior of the GMC number density. The signature suggests that shear is more efficient at completely dispersing clouds, whereas feedback transforms the population, e.g. by fragmenting high mass clouds into lower mass pieces. Compared to the characteristic timescale for molecular hydrogen in M51, our short lifetimes suggest that gas can remain molecular while clouds disperse and reassemble. We propose that galaxy dynamics regulates the cycling of molecular material from diffuse to bound (and ultimately star-forming) objects, contributing to long observed molecular depletion times in normal disk galaxies. We also speculate that, in more extreme environments such as elliptical galaxies and concentrated galaxy centers, star formation can be suppressed when the shear timescale becomes so short that some clouds can not survive to collapse and form stars.
We present a new approach for estimating the 3.6 micron stellar mass-to-light ratio in terms of the [3.6]-[4.5] colors of old stellar populations. Our approach avoids several of the largest sources of uncertainty in existing techniques. By focusing o n mid-IR wavelengths, we gain a virtually dust extinction-free tracer of the old stars, avoiding the need to adopt a dust model to correctly interpret optical or optical/NIR colors normally leveraged to assign M/L. By calibrating a new relation between NIR and mid-IR colors of GLIMPSE giant stars we also avoid discrepancies in model predictions for the [3.6]-[4.5] colors of old stellar populations due to uncertainties in molecular line opacities. We find that the [3.6]-[4.5] color, which is driven primarily by metallicity, provides a tight constraint on M/L_3.6, which varies intrinsically less than at optical wavelengths. The uncertainty on M/L_3.6 of ~0.07 dex due to unconstrained age variations marks a significant improvement on existing techniques for estimating the stellar M/L with shorter wavelength data. A single M/L_3.6=0.6 (assuming a Chabrier IMF), independent of [3.6]-[4.5] color, is also feasible as it can be applied simultaneously to old, metal-rich and young, metal-poor populations, and still with comparable (or better) accuracy (~0.1 dex) as alternatives. We expect our M/L_3.6 to be optimal for mapping the stellar mass distributions in S4G galaxies, for which we have developed an Independent Component Analysis technique to first isolate the old stellar light at 3.6 micron from non-stellar emission (e.g. hot dust and the 3.3 PAH feature). Our estimate can also be used to determine the fractional contribution of non-stellar emission to global (rest-frame) 3.6 micron fluxes, e.g. in WISE imaging, and establishes a reliable basis for exploring variations in the stellar IMF.
The kinematic complexity and the favorable position of M51 on the sky make this galaxy an ideal target to test different theories of spiral arm dynamics. Taking advantage of the new high resolution PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS) data, we unde rtake a detailed kinematic study of M51 to characterize and quantify the origin and nature of the non-circular motions. Using a tilted-ring analysis supported by several other archival datasets we update the estimation of M51s position angle (PA=(173 +/- 3) deg) and inclination (i=(22 +/- 5) deg). Harmonic decomposition of the high resolution (40 pc) CO velocity field shows the first kinematic evidence of an m=3 wave in the inner disk of M51 with a corotation at R(CR,m=3)=1.1 +/- 0.1 kpc and a pattern speed of Omega_p(m=3) = 140 km/(s kpc). This mode seems to be excited by the nuclear bar, while the beat frequencies generated by the coupling between the m=3 mode and the main spiral structure confirm its density-wave nature. We observe also a signature of an m=1 mode that is likely responsible for the lopsidedness of M51 at small and large radii. We provide a simple method to estimate the radial variation of the amplitude of the spiral perturbation (Vsp) attributed to the different modes. The main spiral arm structure has <Vsp>=50-70 km/s, while the streaming velocity associated with the m=1 and m=3 modes is, in general, 2 times lower. Our joint analysis of HI and CO velocity fields at low and high spatial resolution reveals that the atomic and molecular gas phases respond differently to the spiral perturbation due to their different vertical distribution and emission morphology.
We use the high spatial and spectral resolution of the PAWS CO(1-0) survey of the inner 9 kpc of the iconic spiral galaxy M51 to examine the effect of gas streaming motions on the star-forming properties of individual GMCs. We compare our view of gas flows in M51 -- which arise due to departures from axi-symmetry in the gravitational potential (i.e. the nuclear bar and spiral arms) -- with the global pattern of star formation as traced by Halpha and 24mu m emission. We find that the dynamical environment of GMCs strongly affects their ability to form stars, in the sense that GMCs situated in regions with large streaming motions can be stabilized, while similarly massive GMCs in regions without streaming go on to efficiently form stars. We argue that this is the result of reduced surface pressure felt by clouds embedded in an ambient medium undergoing large streaming motions, which prevents collapse. Indeed, the variation in gas depletion time expected based on the observed streaming motions throughout the disk of M51 quantitatively agrees with the variation in observed gas depletion time scale. The example of M51 shows that streaming motions, triggered by gravitational instabilities in the form of bars and spiral arms, can alter the star formation law; this can explain the variation in gas depletion time among galaxies with different masses and morphologies. In particular, we can explain the long gas depletion times in spiral galaxies compared to dwarf galaxies and starbursts. We suggest that adding a dynamical pressure term to the canonical free-fall time produces a single star formation law that can be applied to all star-forming regions and galaxies, across cosmic time.
61 - Eva Schinnerer 2013
The PdBI (Plateau de Bure Interferometer) Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS) has mapped the molecular gas in the central ~9kpc of M51 in its 12CO(1-0) line emission at cloud-scale resolution of ~40pc using both IRAM telescopes. We utilize this dataset to quantitatively characterize the relation of molecular gas (or CO emission) to other tracers of the interstellar medium (ISM), star formation and stellar populations of varying ages. Using 2-dimensional maps, a polar cross-correlation technique and pixel-by-pixel diagrams, we find: (a) that (as expected) the distribution of the molecular gas can be linked to different components of the gravitational potential, (b) evidence for a physical link between CO line emission and radio continuum that seems not to be caused by massive stars, but rather depend on the gas density, (c) a close spatial relation between the PAH and molecular gas emission, but no predictive power of PAH emission for the molecular gas mass,(d) that the I-H color map is an excellent predictor of the distribution (and to a lesser degree the brightness) of CO emission, and (e) that the impact of massive (UV-intense) young star-forming regions on the bulk of the molecular gas in central ~9kpc can not be significant due to a complex spatial relation between molecular gas and star-forming regions that ranges from co-spatial to spatially offset to absent. The last point, in particular, highlights the importance of galactic environment -- and thus the underlying gravitational potential -- for the distribution of molecular gas and star formation.
We use high spatial resolution maps of stellar mass and infrared flux of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) to calibrate a conversion between 3.6 and 4.5 micron fluxes and stellar mass, M_* = 10^{5.65} * F_{3.6}^{2.85} * F_{4.5}^{-1.85} * (D/0.05)^2 M_ solar, where fluxes are in Jy and D is the luminosity distance to the source in Mpc, and to provide an approximate empirical estimate of the fractional internal uncertainty in M_* of 0.3*sqrt{N/10^6}, where N is the number of stars in the region. We find evidence that young stars and hot dust contaminate the measurements, but attempts to remove this contamination using data that is far superior than what is generally available for unresolved galaxies resulted in marginal gains in accuracy. The scatter among mass estimates for regions in the LMC is comparable to that found by previous investigators when modeling composite populations, and so we conclude that our simple conversion is as precise as possible for the data and models currently available. Our results allow for a reasonably bottom-heavy initial mass function, such as Salpeter or heavier, and moderately disfavor light
We examine the effect of circumstellar dust extinction on the near-IR contribution of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in intermediate-age clusters throughout the disk of M100. For our sample of 17 AGB-dominated clusters we extract optical-to-mid- IR SEDs and find that NIR brightness is coupled to the mid-IR dust emission in such a way that a significant reduction of AGB light, of up to 1 mag in K-band, follows from extinction by the dust shell formed during this stage. Since the dust optical depth varies with AGB chemistry (C-rich or O-rich), our results suggest that the contribution of AGB stars to the flux from their host clusters will be closely linked to the metallicity and the progenitor mass of the AGB star, to which dust chemistry and mass-loss rate are sensitive. Our sample of clusters--each the analogue of a ~1 Gyr old post-starburst galaxy--has implications within the context of mass and age estimation via SED modelling at high z: we find that the average ~0.5 mag extinction estimated here may be sufficient to reduce the AGB contribution in (rest-frame) K-band from ~70%, as predicted in the latest generation of synthesis models, to ~35%. Our technique for selecting AGB-dominated clusters in nearby galaxies promises to be effective for discriminating the uncertainties associated with AGB stars in intermediate-age populations that plague age and mass estimation in high-z galaxies.
With the aim of constructing accurate 2D maps of the stellar mass distribution in nearby galaxies from S4G 3.6 and 4.5 micron images, we report on the separation of the light from old stars from the emission contributed by contaminants (e.g. hot dust and the 3.3 micron PAH feature). Results for a small sample of six disk galaxies (NGC 1566, NGC 2976, NGC 3031, NGC 3184, NGC 4321, and NGC 5194) with a range of morphological properties, dust contents and star formation histories are presented to demonstrate our approach. We use an Independent Component Analysis (ICA) technique designed to separate statistically independent source distributions, maximizing the distinction in the [3.6]-[4.5] colors of the sources. The technique also removes emission from intermediate-age evolved red objects with a low mass-to-light ratio, such as asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and red supergiant (RSG) stars, revealing maps of the underlying old distribution of light with [3.6]-[4.5] colors consistent with the colors of K and M giants. Contaminants are identified via comparison to the non-stellar emission imaged at 8 microns, which is dominated by the broad PAH feature. Using the measured 3.6/8 micron ratio to select the individual contaminants, we find that hot dust and PAH together contribute between ~5-15% to the integrated light at 3.6 microns, while light from regions dominated by intermediate-age stars accounts for only 1-5%. Locally, however, the contribution from either contaminant can reach much higher levels; dust contributes on average 22% to the emission in star-forming regions throughout the sample, while intermediate age-stars contribute upwards of 50% in localized knots. The removal of these contaminants with ICA leaves maps of the old stellar disk that retain a high degree of structural information and are ideally suited for tracing the stellar mass, as will be the focus in a companion paper.
The grand-design spiral galaxy M51 has long been a crucial target for theories of spiral structure. Studies of this iconic spiral can address the question of whether strong spiral structure is transient (e.g. interaction-driven) or long-lasting. As a clue to the origin of the structure in M51, we investigate evidence for radial variation in the spiral pattern speed using the radial Tremaine-Weinberg (TWR) method. We implement the method on CO observations tracing the ISM-dominant molecular component. Results from the methods numerical implementation--combined with regularization, which smooths intrinsically noisy solutions--indicate two distinct patterns speeds inside 4 kpc at our derived major axis PA=170 deg., both ending at corotation and both significantly higher than the conventionally adopted global value. Inspection of the rotation curve suggests that the pattern speed interior to 2 kpc lacks an ILR, consistent with the leading structure seen in HST near-IR observations. We also find tentative evidence for a lower pattern speed between 4 and 5.3 kpc measured by extending the regularized zone. As with the original TW method, uncertainty in major axis position angle (PA) is the largest source of error in the calculation; in this study, where delta PA=+/-5 deg. a ~20% error is introduced to the parameters of the speeds at PA=170 deg. Accessory to this standard uncertainty, solutions with PA=175 deg. (also admitted by the data) exhibit only one pattern speed inside 4 kpc, and we consider this circumstance under the semblance of a radially varying PA.
At the intersection of galactic dynamics, evolution and global structure, issues such as the relation between bars and spirals and the persistence of spiral patterns can be addressed through the characterization of the angular speeds of the patterns and their possible radial variation. The Radial Tremaine-Weinberg (TWR) Method, a generalized version of the Tremaine-Weinberg method for observationally determining a single, constant pattern speed, allows the pattern speed to vary arbitrarily with radius. Here, we perform tests of the TWR method with regularization on several simulated galaxy data sets. The regularization is employed as a means of smoothing intrinsically noisy solutions, as well as for testing model solutions of different radial dependence (e.g. constant, linear or quadratic). We test these facilities in studies of individual simulations, and demonstrate successful measurement of both bar and spiral pattern speeds in a single disk, secondary bar pattern speeds, and spiral winding (in the first application of a TW calculation to a spiral simulation). We also explore the major sources of error in the calculation and find uncertainty in the major axis position angle most dominant. In all cases, the method is able to extract pattern speed solutions where discernible patterns exist to within 20% of the known values, suggesting that the TWR method should be a valuable tool in the area of galactic dynamics. For utility, we also discuss the caveats in, and compile a prescription for, applications to real galaxies.

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