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Converting From 3.6 and 4.5 Micron Fluxes to Stellar Mass

205   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Michael Eskew
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We use high spatial resolution maps of stellar mass and infrared flux of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) to calibrate a conversion between 3.6 and 4.5 micron fluxes and stellar mass, M_* = 10^{5.65} * F_{3.6}^{2.85} * F_{4.5}^{-1.85} * (D/0.05)^2 M_solar, where fluxes are in Jy and D is the luminosity distance to the source in Mpc, and to provide an approximate empirical estimate of the fractional internal uncertainty in M_* of 0.3*sqrt{N/10^6}, where N is the number of stars in the region. We find evidence that young stars and hot dust contaminate the measurements, but attempts to remove this contamination using data that is far superior than what is generally available for unresolved galaxies resulted in marginal gains in accuracy. The scatter among mass estimates for regions in the LMC is comparable to that found by previous investigators when modeling composite populations, and so we conclude that our simple conversion is as precise as possible for the data and models currently available. Our results allow for a reasonably bottom-heavy initial mass function, such as Salpeter or heavier, and moderately disfavor light

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present a new approach for estimating the 3.6 micron stellar mass-to-light ratio in terms of the [3.6]-[4.5] colors of old stellar populations. Our approach avoids several of the largest sources of uncertainty in existing techniques. By focusing o n mid-IR wavelengths, we gain a virtually dust extinction-free tracer of the old stars, avoiding the need to adopt a dust model to correctly interpret optical or optical/NIR colors normally leveraged to assign M/L. By calibrating a new relation between NIR and mid-IR colors of GLIMPSE giant stars we also avoid discrepancies in model predictions for the [3.6]-[4.5] colors of old stellar populations due to uncertainties in molecular line opacities. We find that the [3.6]-[4.5] color, which is driven primarily by metallicity, provides a tight constraint on M/L_3.6, which varies intrinsically less than at optical wavelengths. The uncertainty on M/L_3.6 of ~0.07 dex due to unconstrained age variations marks a significant improvement on existing techniques for estimating the stellar M/L with shorter wavelength data. A single M/L_3.6=0.6 (assuming a Chabrier IMF), independent of [3.6]-[4.5] color, is also feasible as it can be applied simultaneously to old, metal-rich and young, metal-poor populations, and still with comparable (or better) accuracy (~0.1 dex) as alternatives. We expect our M/L_3.6 to be optimal for mapping the stellar mass distributions in S4G galaxies, for which we have developed an Independent Component Analysis technique to first isolate the old stellar light at 3.6 micron from non-stellar emission (e.g. hot dust and the 3.3 PAH feature). Our estimate can also be used to determine the fractional contribution of non-stellar emission to global (rest-frame) 3.6 micron fluxes, e.g. in WISE imaging, and establishes a reliable basis for exploring variations in the stellar IMF.
386 - P.F.L. Maxted 2012
We present new lightcurves of the massive hot Jupiter system WASP-18 obtained with the Spitzer spacecraft covering the entire orbit at 3.6 micron and 4.5 micron. These lightcurves are used to measure the amplitude, shape and phase of the thermal phas e effect for WASP-18b. We find that our results for the thermal phase effect are limited to an accuracy of about 0.01% by systematic noise sources of unknown origin. At this level of accuracy we find that the thermal phase effect has a peak-to-peak amplitude approximately equal to the secondary eclipse depth, has a sinusoidal shape and that the maximum brightness occurs at the same phase as mid-occultation to within about 5 degrees at 3.6 micron and to within about 10 degrees at 4.5 micron. The shape and amplitude of the thermal phase curve imply very low levels of heat redistribution within the atmosphere of the planet. We also perform a separate analysis to determine the system geometry by fitting a lightcurve model to the data covering the occultation and the transit. The secondary eclipse depths we measure at 3.6 micron and 4.5 micron are in good agreement with previous measurements and imply a very low albedo for WASP-18b. The parameters of the system (masses, radii, etc.) derived from our analysis are in also good agreement with those from previous studies, but with improved precision. We use new high-resolution imaging and published limits on the rate of change of the mean radial velocity to check for the presence of any faint companion stars that may affect our results. We find that there is unlikely to be any significant contribution to the flux at Spitzer wavelengths from a stellar companion to WASP-18. We find that there is no evidence for variations in the times of eclipse from a linear ephemeris greater than about 100 seconds over 3 years.
With the aim of constructing accurate 2D maps of the stellar mass distribution in nearby galaxies from S4G 3.6 and 4.5 micron images, we report on the separation of the light from old stars from the emission contributed by contaminants (e.g. hot dust and the 3.3 micron PAH feature). Results for a small sample of six disk galaxies (NGC 1566, NGC 2976, NGC 3031, NGC 3184, NGC 4321, and NGC 5194) with a range of morphological properties, dust contents and star formation histories are presented to demonstrate our approach. We use an Independent Component Analysis (ICA) technique designed to separate statistically independent source distributions, maximizing the distinction in the [3.6]-[4.5] colors of the sources. The technique also removes emission from intermediate-age evolved red objects with a low mass-to-light ratio, such as asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and red supergiant (RSG) stars, revealing maps of the underlying old distribution of light with [3.6]-[4.5] colors consistent with the colors of K and M giants. Contaminants are identified via comparison to the non-stellar emission imaged at 8 microns, which is dominated by the broad PAH feature. Using the measured 3.6/8 micron ratio to select the individual contaminants, we find that hot dust and PAH together contribute between ~5-15% to the integrated light at 3.6 microns, while light from regions dominated by intermediate-age stars accounts for only 1-5%. Locally, however, the contribution from either contaminant can reach much higher levels; dust contributes on average 22% to the emission in star-forming regions throughout the sample, while intermediate age-stars contribute upwards of 50% in localized knots. The removal of these contaminants with ICA leaves maps of the old stellar disk that retain a high degree of structural information and are ideally suited for tracing the stellar mass, as will be the focus in a companion paper.
Aims. We observe occultations of WASP-24b to measure brightness temperatures and to determine whether or not its atmosphere exhibits a thermal inversion (stratosphere). Methods. We observed occultations of WASP-24b at 3.6 and 4.5 {mu}m using the Spit zer Space Telescope. It has been suggested that there is a correlation between stellar activity and the presence of
We present new, full-orbit observations of the infrared phase variations of the canonical hot Jupiter HD 189733b obtained in the 3.6 and 4.5 micron bands using the Spitzer Space Telescope. When combined with previous phase curve observations at 8.0 a nd 24 micron, these data allow us to characterize the exoplanets emission spectrum as a function of planetary longitude. We utilize improved methods for removing the effects of intrapixel sensitivity variations and accounting for the presence of time-correlated noise in our data. We measure a phase curve amplitude of 0.1242% +/- 0.0061% in the 3.6 micron band and 0.0982% +/- 0.0089% in the 4.5 micron band. We find that the times of minimum and maximum flux occur several hours earlier than predicted for an atmosphere in radiative equilibrium, consistent with the eastward advection of gas by an equatorial super-rotating jet. The locations of the flux minima in our new data differ from our previous observations at 8 micron, and we present new evidence indicating that the flux minimum observed in the 8 micron is likely caused by an over-shooting effect in the 8 micron array. We obtain improved estimates for HD 189733bs dayside planet-star flux ratio of 0.1466% +/- 0.0040% at 3.6 micron and 0.1787% +/- 0.0038% at 4.5 micron; these are the most accurate secondary eclipse depths obtained to date for an extrasolar planet. We compare our new dayside and nightside spectra for HD 189733b to the predictions of models from Burrows et al. (2008) and Showman et al. (2009). We find that HD 189733bs 4.5 micron nightside flux is 3.3 sigma smaller than predicted by the Showman et al. models, which assume that the chemistry is in local thermal equilibrium. We conclude that this discrepancy is best-explained by vertical mixing, which should lead to an excess of CO and correspondingly enhanced 4.5 micron absorption in this region. [abridged]
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